Chapter 254 The Missing Golden Abacus
Thinking of this, Hu Bayi directly took the two gold-touching talismans and returned to the position next to Zhang Yang, respectfully placing the two

Handed a gold touch talisman to Zhang Yang and said:

"Mr. Zhang, it seems that this gold-touching talisman is very similar to the one you gave us before."

Zhang Yang glanced at the golden talisman coldly, and snorted softly:

"This book was written by me."

Hearing Zhang Yang's understatement, Hu Bayi was stunned.

"Mr. Zhang, are you saying that you made this gold-touching talisman?"

It is said that it took a lot of time to make this authentic gold-touching talisman. I didn't expect Zhang Yang to even have this ability.

This gold-touching talisman is the sharpest claw of the pangolin, which needs to be soaked in wax for seven to seven days for 49 days.

Afterwards, it will be buried in the ground at a depth of [-] meters in the Dragon Tower, and the aura of the earth veins will be borrowed for [-] days before it can be made into the authentic Mojin talisman.

Something like this is definitely one in a million.

In the minds of all Captain Mojin, this is a qualification certification.

"How difficult is it to create a gold-touching talisman?"

For Zhang Yang, this is simply a piece of cake.

"Sure enough, Mr. Zhang is the best."

Hu Bayi couldn't help admiring Zhang Yang.

For a powerful person like Zhang Yang, what is regarded as a treasure in the eyes of everyone is so simple.

"Then, Mr. Zhang, do you know the identity of this person?"

Originally, Hu Bayi had no hope for this mummy, but Zhang Yang didn't expect to know about it, and suddenly became a little excited.


Zhang Yang nodded.

Just now, he only took one look at the gold-touching talisman to confirm the identity of this person.

Isn't this the golden abacus of Master Chen's younger brother?

In order to get Zhang Yang's gold-touching talisman, he even knelt in front of Zhang Yang's mountain gate for seven days and nights without sleep.

Originally, he wanted to be a teacher, but Zhang Yang didn't intend to accept any apprentices, so naturally he would not agree.

However, for the sake of his sincerity, Zhang Yang finally gave him a newly made Mojin Talisman, and then sent it away.

I didn't expect this guy to die here, what a pity.

In fact, when it comes to this golden abacus, the ability is really not small.

Proficient in Qimen gossip, extremely shrewd and tactful, with a golden abacus in hand, which is used to calculate five elements and measure eighty thousand directions, and never leaves his body.

It's just that this person is a bit lofty, and ordinary people really can't catch his eyes, so he has never had many friends and is always alone.

Although Zhang Yang didn't know why the golden abacus came here, he knew that before he came here, the golden abacus suddenly broke apart for no reason.

In fact, he knew in his heart that all of this was God's will.

But because he has always been proud of his talents, and he was originally from a businessman, and his family did not lack spare money, so it is not impossible for him to insist on bringing a group of people here to rob the tomb.

Besides, he was still full of confidence in his abilities, so it was extremely possible that he broke into the Longling Misty Cave alone.

It is said that he collected the scattered golden abacus in the black gate, and it also included his unique skills and experience.

He then handed it over to a blacksmith for his safekeeping, saying that if he returned safely, it would be returned to its original owner.

If he can't come back, he will give the things to an old friend.

As for what happened afterwards, Zhang Yang didn't bother to care about it.

However, Zhang Yang did not expect that he would fall here and be sucked dry by a group of giant human-faced spiders.

This method of death is a bit cruel to a formidable Captain Touching Gold.

"That Mr. Zhang, who is he?"

Hu Bayi was very curious about who this legendary Captain Mojin was.

Zhang Yang straightened his body, and then quietly said:

"Golden abacus."

"Golden Abacus, is that extremely powerful Master Chen's younger brother, Jin Abacus?"

Hu Bayi was so frightened that his face twisted a little.


Zhang Yang nodded.

"My God, I didn't expect that the final destination of this historic figure would be to feed this group of human-faced spiders."

Hu Bayi suddenly felt a little regretful.

Although he had never met this extremely powerful man, he still heard a lot about his deeds.

It is said that this golden abacus is extremely powerful in dividing the golden acupoints, especially the golden abacus in his hand, which can calculate astronomy on the top and geography on the bottom.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"Man's fate is predestined, and you cannot change it."

Hu Bayi probably understood the meaning of Zhang Yang's words, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Mr. Zhang, Lao Hu, look quickly, what treasure did I just find?"

At this time, Da Jinyazi walked over excitedly holding a treasure bag in his hand.

He just felt that since the man was once Captain Mojin, he naturally had a lot of treasures on him.

Especially for Captain Mojin, who is also carrying a real Mojin talisman, his worth is even more different.

There are some captains who touch gold, and when they find a good product, most of them will sell it for a good price.

But there are some goods that are priceless, and Captain Mojin will keep some of them properly, and take them with him as souvenirs or something.

It is said that some things brought out from the ancient tomb can really exorcise evil spirits and avoid harm.

Otherwise, those rich people would not spend a lot of money to buy those treasures on the black market.

Although it is said that they are all dead things, there are some bad luck.

But if you find an extremely powerful laundry master to deal with it, you can still use it.

"Jin Ye, what are you doing?"

Hu Bayi suddenly became a little unhappy.

This Jin Abacus died a miserable death, but he didn't expect to be groped after his death.

This is an extremely disrespectful behavior towards the dead.

"Of course it's a good thing to touch. Anyway, that person is dead. It's useless for him to hold these things. It's better to give them to us directly."

Da Jinyazi took it for granted.

"Big Gold Tooth, what nonsense are you talking about?"

At this time, Hu Bayi became a little angry.

"Master Hu, why are you so excited? Isn't it just to take something? As for?"

Da Jinyazi said puzzledly.

"What do you know, this is our predecessor, you have to respect the dead, understand?"

Hu Bayi spoke angrily.

"Our predecessor, who is it?"

Da Jinyazi was also very curious.

"Senior Golden Abacus."

Hu Bayi said it directly.

"What? He, he, he is a golden abacus?"

Da Jinyazi was also slightly taken aback.

The name of this golden abacus is quite a big name in the industry, and it has disappeared for many years now.

Some people say that he has long since washed his hands and retired.

Some say he was killed.

Some people even say that he has converted to Buddhism like his big brother, Master Chen.

It's just that I didn't expect it to be the second type.

"Mr. Zhang said just now that this gold-touching talisman was obtained from Mr. Zhang by Senior Jin Abacus back then, so is it fake?"

Hu Bayi opened his mouth to explain.

"What? Mr. Zhang gave this golden talisman to Senior Jin Suan?"

Da Jinyazi was surprised again.

It never occurred to him that Zhang Yang had friendship with Na Jin Suan.

This really startled him.

"Look at what's in this treasure bag?"

Zhang Yang suddenly reached out his hand to gesture to Da Jinyazi.


Da Jinyazi nodded hurriedly, and then dumped all the contents of the treasure bag in his hand on the ground.

Suddenly there was a 'crash', and all the contents of the treasure bag were poured out.

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi stared straight at the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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