Chapter 255 The Almighty Treasure Bag
Unexpectedly, there are many things in this treasure bag, and there are all kinds of strange things.

The most conspicuous ones are the seven or eight unburned candles, which are the biggest treasures for the three involved.

After all, I have stayed in this tomb passage for too long, and the flashlight has almost run out of power.

If you want to get out of here, you need light.

After walking out of this tomb passage in a while, we can all count on this thing.

"Hey, there are batteries in here."

Da Jinyazi picked up the battery a little excitedly, and put it into his depleted flashlight to try, but he didn't expect it to work.

It seems that this thing is well protected, and it has not been damp.

"Mr. Zhang, look, what is this?"

At this time, Hu Bayi picked up three small red pills.

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, he didn't expect that the golden abacus would have such a thing in his hands.

This is the secret medicine formulated by Captain Mojin in the old days.

Because in the ancient tomb, usually due to insufficient air circulation and the influence of the dead body, there will be more or less corpse poison.

The former Mojin captains passed down a whole set of secret recipes from generation to generation, which were used to deal with this corpse poison.

Like this kind of pill, they specially developed Chidan pill.

Every time they enter this Tombfall, they take one pill.

In Zhang Yang's words, even if there is corpse poison in the ancient tomb, it will be neutralized directly and will not be poisoned.

Especially when in close contact with the corpses in the ancient tomb, it can effectively prevent those corpse poisons from invading the body.

Pills like this are usually only available to senior Captain Mojin.

However, the principle of this kind of medicine is to poison poison, so it also has a certain degree of toxicity.

If someone takes it for a long time, it will lead to osteoporosis and abnormal body.

Although the impact on the human body is not very large, it is also detrimental rather than beneficial.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, those captains who touch gold will try not to use it unless they have to use it.

But I always have it ready on my body, just in case.

This is also one of the secret techniques used by Captain Mojin to save his life.

"Mr. Zhang, what is this? Is it poison?"

Hu Bayi asked in a low voice.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"This red pill is called "Chidan", and it is also called "Hongyan Miaoxin Pill" by the world."


Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

This thing is said to be a magic medicine, as long as you take one, you can enter any ancient tomb, and you are not afraid of any corpse poison.

This thing is not something ordinary people can get.

"Mr. Zhang, this is a good thing."

As Hu Bayi said, he put one of the red pills in his hand, of course he wanted to keep one for himself for such a good thing.

If you really encounter some crisis, maybe you can save your life.

"Mr. Zhang, I want one too, okay?"

As Da Jinya said, he also reached out and took one of them.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"This thing, let alone put it here for more than ten years, I'm afraid it has already expired."

Hearing this, the faces of Da Jinyazi and Hu Bayi turned green immediately.

It's such a waste of such a good thing to put it here and expire.

It would be great if they could find here sooner.

Zhang Yang stopped talking about Chidan, but reached out to pick up a simple compass on the ground.

Zhang Yang picked it up, and saw that the compass was well designed.

Usually, it is mainly used for positioning.

Inside the compass, there is also a piece of saltpeter, which is also known as "Di Shuang" or "Bei Di Xuan Zhu" in Chinese medicine.

This kind of thing is generally pungent, bitter, warm, and non-toxic.

Sometimes, when entering the ancient tomb, because of the extremely poor air quality inside and the long-term closure, once the user enters, the symptoms of headache and dizziness will appear.

As in this case, if you inhale a little bit of the saltpeter foam into the nasal cavity, these symptoms can be relieved.

That's a life-saving recipe.

Da Jinyazi and Hu Bayi's attention was not on the compass in Zhang Yang's hand at all, but continued to check the things on the ground.

At this time, there was still a length of slender steel wire and a three-inch long knife on the ground.

Looking at this, I don't know what it is for, and the two of them seem very boring.

After that, there was a small bottle of Yunnan Baiyao and a bottle of tablets, which seemed useless.

Finally, the two found something they were all too familiar with—a roll of ink thread and a black donkey's hoof.

These two things are often necessary for grave robbers, and they are both used to deal with corpses.

It seems that when this golden abacus entered here, he was fully prepared and brought everything with him.

It's a pity that I still couldn't get out of here.

"Mr. Zhang, are these weird looking things worth money?"

Da Jinyazi looked at Zhang Yang who was on the side and asked.

Zhang Yang looked at those things, shook his head and said:

"There is nothing valuable, but there are a few things that are useful, but they are no longer needed."

Zhang Yang sighed helplessly.

I didn't expect this famous golden abacus to disappear like this, it's really a pity.

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi were suddenly at a loss. These things were indeed advanced more than 30 years ago.

However, now, these things seem a little out of place.

Especially that Chidan, now that people have already used a gas mask when they go to the grave, they are fully armed, so there is no need for this thing.

There are also compass and so on, which have been continuously improved and become more advanced. Not only can they predict the direction, but they can also observe the orientation of objects.

"Then how to deal with these things?"

Hu Bayi looked at Zhang Yang.

"Let's burn it together with his body, as a memory for himself."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.


Hu Bayi also nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Zhang, can I keep this gold-touching talisman?"

It was Da Jinya who had some weak openings.

Wouldn't it be a pity if such a good congratulations really burned.

"This thing is invulnerable to water and fire, and it won't melt when burned. If you like it, you can keep it for yourself."

As he said that, Zhang Yang threw the gold-touching talisman over.

Da Jinyazi immediately felt as if he had found a treasure, and hugged the golden talisman tightly and said:
"Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

After that, Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi worked together to throw the body of Jin Abacus and the treasures with him into the fire scene.

"Senior, I hope you are alive in the sky, and can bless us to get out of here smoothly."

Da Jinyazi clasped his hands together and whispered in his mouth.

Hu Bayi also bowed three times in the direction of the corpse, which could be regarded as seeing off the senior.

(End of this chapter)

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