Chapter 272

Seeing this scene, Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi were even more stunned, they never expected that Zhang Yang would do such a trick.

After the female corpse was injured, she quickly moved her palms away, and dark green blood continuously overflowed from both palms.

Immediately, there was an extremely strong rancid smell all around, a bit like the smell of dead mice, which was disgusting.

Zhang Yang stood where he was, holding the Big Dipper Knife without moving a bit.

But Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi couldn't help bowing their heads and retching.

"The smell is really bad."

Da Jinyazi retched while talking.

"Who says it's not? It feels like the smell of dead rats."

Hu Ba nodded in agreement, and just as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a gust of wind sweeping across his back, and was about to turn his head to look, but met a furry face.

At that moment, the hairs all over Hu Bayi's body stood on end.

"Damn it."

Hu Bayi screamed, turned around and ran away.

It's a pity that it was still a step late, and the right shoulder was directly pulled hard, and then dragged back.

"Old Hu."

When Da Jinyazi saw this, he was also very frightened, and subconsciously shouted out.

At this time, Hu Bayi was dragged by the female corpse and walked towards the coffin.

"Mr. Zhang, help me."

Hu Bayi pinned all his hopes on Zhang Yang not far away.

It's not that Zhang Yang doesn't want to move at this time, but he can't move.

He didn't know what happened just now, but suddenly he couldn't move his whole body, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points.

He knew in his heart that it might have something to do with the smell just now.

Right now, he could only watch helplessly as Hu Bayi was dragged into the coffin by the female corpse.

Hu Bayi became even more anxious, and shouted heart-piercingly at Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, help."

Zhang Yang blinked at Hu Bayi, indicating that he was abnormal.

At this time, Hu Bayi couldn't care so much, anyway, he just kept asking for help.

Da Jinyazi was even more confused, one was Hu Bayi who was dragged into the coffin and struggled constantly, and the other was Zhang Yang who stood motionless with a big knife in his hand.

Naturally, he didn't have the guts to step forward to help, and now he was pointing at Zhang Yang.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang didn't move, and he didn't dare to move.

Soon, Hu Bayi was directly pressed down by the female corpse, unable to move.

Hu Bayi was so anxious that tears came out, his innocence in this life was about to be destroyed on a female corpse of several hundred.

Although the heart is unwilling, but it is also powerless.

The female corpse also seemed to see Hu Bayi's reluctance, lowered her head slightly, and whispered a few breaths in Hu Bayi's ear.

In an instant, Hu Bayi stopped struggling, his eyes began to become loose, and his eyes began to lose focus.

Afterwards, the female corpse whispered in Hu Bayi's ear:

"hold me."

Hu Bayi stretched out his hand with a numb expression, and hugged the waist of the female corpse, bringing them closer.

The female corpse seemed to be very satisfied with Hu Bayi's performance, her fluffy face raised slightly, obviously smiling.

At this time, Hu Bayi didn't react at all, his eyes were still staring at the face of the female corpse.

The female corpse spoke again and gave the order.

"Take off your clothes."

As soon as Hu Ba stretched out his hand, he immediately began to untie his clothes with few pieces of fabric left.

"Bold evildoer, dare to make trouble here."

Suddenly a stern voice came from above the head.

The female corpse raised her head abruptly, only to find that Zhang Yang raised his hand boldly and looked down at her coldly.

The female corpse suddenly flew into a rage, and directly bared her teeth and made an extremely fierce expression towards Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang didn't seem to pay attention to the other party at all, he raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand and was about to slash at the female corpse.

The female corpse jumped in fright, and the person jumped out of the coffin.

At this time, Hu Bayi had already taken off all the clothes on his top.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, directly bit his finger, and flew a drop of blood to the center of Hu Bayi's eyebrow.

Soon, Hu Bayi woke up.

"Mr. Zhang, me?"

Hu Bayi found that his upper body was exposed, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly grabbed his clothes and put them on.

"Climb out of the coffin soon."

After dropping these words, Zhang Yang turned around and looked at the female corpse hanging on the top not far away.

At this moment, she looked like a bat, with her right foot stepping directly on the stone wall above her head, her hands spread out.

It seems that this female corpse's lightness kungfu is good, and she can hang upside down for such a long time.

When Hu Bayi heard this, he even crawled out of the coffin.

Zhang Yang knew that the target of the female corpse was Hu Bayi, if she couldn't get rid of her today, Hu Bayi's life would be difficult in the future.

Therefore, he must make a quick decision now, and find the other side of the 'Dragon Bone Book' as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang swung his sword directly, and flew towards the female corpse.

The female corpse seemed to have been prepared for a long time. After turning over beautifully, she fell firmly on the ground.

At this time, Hu Bayi just ran over, and was immediately strangled by the female corpse.

Hu Bayan's face turned slightly pale in an instant, and he desperately reached out to beat the hand that was pinching his neck.

It's a pity that the female corpse has a lot of strength, and it doesn't help at all.

Gradually, the female corpse lifted Hu Bayi up slowly, as if wanting to kill him completely.

"Evil animal, don't stop quickly."

Zhang Yang directly swung the Big Dipper Knife in his hand and stabbed at the female corpse.

The female corpse was not considered stupid, and immediately reacted quickly to block Hu Bayi in front of her.

Zhang Yang found out that Hu Bayi was good, so he turned around quickly, and then withdrew his sword, otherwise Hu Bayi would become his dead soul under the sword.

Zhang Yang did not expect that this female corpse was not only powerful in kung fu, but also seemed to have a mind, able to think independently, and knew how to avoid disadvantages.

This is really not easy.

The zongzi I met before were all relatively mechanical, basically no brains, and could only be made by brute force.

But this time the female corpse is different, not only smart, but also wise and self-determined.

This is really strange.

Seeing that the color of Hu Bayi's face had changed from red to blue, he knew that he could hardly hold on anymore.

Zhang Yang suddenly moved the fingers of his right hand lightly, and the three silver needles flew over, directly piercing the opponent's knee.

The female corpse knelt down on the ground with a 'gudong' sound.

The hand pinching Hu Bayi's neck was also released immediately, and Hu Bayi didn't care too much. He crawled on the ground like a dog for a few steps, then stood up, and quickly moved towards Zhang Yang's direction. run away.

(End of this chapter)

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