Chapter 273
"Mr. Zhang, help me."

Hu Bayi ran to Zhang Yang's back to hide.

"Go over there and wait."

Zhang Yang directly gave Hu Bayi a look.

At this time, if he hides behind him, it may affect his normal performance.

I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for the female corpse of the other party.

However, he is not in a hurry.

Anyway, sooner or later, He and the female corpse will be defeated by her men, and there is no way to run away.

"it is good."

Hu Bayi was eager to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, and quickly ran towards Da Jinyazi who was hiding not far away.

Zhang Yang glanced at the female corpse coldly, and directly activated the psychic ability to talk to the female corpse.

"Are you related to that princess of the Southern Song Dynasty?"

The female corpse was taken aback for a moment, probably because she didn't expect Zhang Yang to know her details.

At least she has stayed here for hundreds of years, and no one has discovered her existence, and her identity is even more a mystery.

Unexpectedly, no one knew of her existence.

Subconsciously, the female corpse began to look up and down at Zhang Yang in front of her, as if she was looking for something.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Zhang Yang continued to speak:

"Although I don't know why you were buried here, I know that you were imprisoned here."

As soon as Zhang Yang's words came out, the female corpse suddenly trembled slightly, her hands were clenched into fists, and she even made a 'creaking' sound, seeming very angry.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang continued to speak:

"However, don't worry, the person who imprisoned you before has long since passed away, and I am the one who came to set you free."

When the female corpse heard this, she suddenly raised her eyes to look at Zhang Yang, with an expression of disbelief in her eyes.

Zhang Yang continued to speak:

"I came here to find the 'Dragon Bone Book of Heaven', and I don't want to get involved."

The female corpse suddenly let go of her hand slightly, and the white hair all over her body gradually faded away.

Soon, the woman's face returned to the delicate little face it was before, and it looked a bit amazing.

"I, I was actually framed by someone's design. Anyone who is forced to be here will never be reborn."

Speaking of which, the female corpse actually covered her face and wept, crying so much that it was raining like pear blossoms, I couldn't help but feel pity for it.

Zhang Yang said directly:

'Be framed by someone's design? '

The female corpse nodded, and then slowly told her story.

It turned out that this female corpse was the maid of the princess of the Southern Song Dynasty, and she grew up with the princess in the palace since she was a child.

The princess of the Southern Song Dynasty also treated her very well, and the two were always inseparable, as if they were sisters.

Moreover, the princess of the Southern Song Dynasty never regarded her as an outsider, and she had to share everything with him.

When the two of them were together, suddenly a Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes came to the palace.

It is said that they are here to pray for the emperor, and they will take it with them in the palace for a few days.

Because the Taoist priest is very young and extremely handsome, he is liked by many court ladies.

The little princess was also very curious about this foreign Taoist priest, so she couldn't help but secretly went to see it.

I didn't expect it to be okay if I didn't look at it, but a big problem happened once I looked at it.

The little princess fell in love with the Taoist priest at first sight, and the two quickly fell in love secretly.

Moreover, soon the two of them had a dark knot.

After all, this piece of paper couldn't contain the fire, and the emperor soon found out about it.

The emperor was furious, and even threatened to kill the Taoist priest to vent his anger.

But the little princess disagreed with life and death, and even said that if the emperor executed the Taoist priest, she would not live, and she followed with the child in her stomach.

The emperor loved this little princess very much, how could he have the heart to let her die.

But this matter can no longer be suppressed, many people have already started to gossip, if he does not deal with this matter, I am afraid it will affect the face of the royal family.

In the end, the emperor thought of a way, which was to find someone to replace the two of them and execute them as an example.

However, the two of them were arranged by the emperor to a remote courtyard and put them under house arrest. Except for three meals a day, they were not allowed to meet outsiders.

But as the princess's maid, the female corpse was miserable, and she was directly asked to take the place of the little princess.

And the Taoist priest randomly found a death row prisoner to replace him.

The two were directly given a glass of poisoned wine, and then went together.

After the female corpse died, because of the heavy resentment in her heart, she could not rest in peace for a long time.

Finally, on the night after his death, signs of corpses began to appear, and the night watchmen were so frightened that they even peed their pants.

The little Taoist priest was secretly invited out again by the emperor, and asked him to deal with the matter of the female corpse.

The little Taoist naturally knew from the bottom of his heart that this female corpse died in vain, that's why he couldn't get rebirth.

Then he suggested that the emperor build a mausoleum for the female corpse, and design it according to the princess's burial specifications, which can be regarded as compensation for her.

The emperor was worried that something big would happen, so he agreed.

Then, according to the request of the little Taoist priest, he found such a geomantic treasure land as a mausoleum.

However, although the little Taoist said that he was building a mausoleum for the female corpse, he actually had another purpose.

Less than half a month after the start of work here, the little Taoist suddenly had someone secretly open up a hidden tomb and transform it into the main tomb.

After that, the female corpse was buried here, and she was imprisoned here by magic so that she could never get out.

After that, the little Taoist brought the princess to the mausoleum, saying that he wanted to give the little princess a surprise.

Unexpectedly, what the little princess waited for was a huge spider spirit deliberately drawn out by the little Taoist priest.

After that, the little princess disappeared.

And that little Taoist priest seemed to have disappeared out of thin air all of a sudden, and never appeared again.

The emperor used a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, and tried every means to arrange people to come down to find the little princess.

It's a pity that after those came down, they were all gone forever.

The emperor didn't give up, and directly drove all the death row prisoners here, and said that if anyone finds the little princess, they can get eternal freedom.

Although the death row prisoners were reluctant, they were sent down one by one in the end.

However, those people naturally come and go.

For a long time, death row prisoners were sent in again and again, but no one ever got out.

Some of the death row prisoners were more capable, so they began to dig different passages in this tomb, trying to escape from here, but unfortunately they all failed.

Later, the emperor died of illness, after which this place was directly abandoned, and no one came here again.

However, many years later, someone came here again, and it seems that they also came to choose the address.

Those people didn't know that there was an ancient tomb here, but after they dug something, they realized that it was someone else's tomb.

After discovering this, they decided to give up here.

It's a pity that one leader of the team firmly disagreed, saying that if the people above knew about it, everyone would lose their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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