Chapter 283
"Let's wait here first, Mr. Zhang naturally has his plans."

Hu Bayi signaled everyone not to exclaim, but to stand still.


Several people nodded in agreement.

Everyone found a place to sit down and rest, waiting for Zhang Yang's return.

At this time, Zhang Yang walked along the beams for a long time, only then did he realize that the beams of the entire main hall, side halls, and apse are interconnected.

Moreover, there is enough space above the beams for people to move freely.

However, these passages are full of snakeskin that retreated from the giant python. It seems that the giant python has been living here for a while.

However, it does not rule out that the space of this beam is specially prepared for this giant python.

After all, in ancient times, many people liked to raise giant pythons to guard temples.

Especially in places like this sacred and inviolable, things will be raised to protect them.

It's like if the family has a lot of money, they will raise dogs in the yard to guard the house. The reason is the same.

This giant python has been trained and will guard it all its life until it dies of old age.

This is called 'loyalty'.

When confronting the giant python just now, Zhang Yang had already checked it with his own eyes. At least that thing had lived here for no less than 500 years.

If it is calculated in this way, I am afraid that the time of the reclining Buddha will not be shorter than this time.

Soon, Zhang Yang found that Aolong stopped behind a beam, as if he was deliberately avoiding something.

Zhang Yang walked over quickly and calmly, and when he took a closer look, he couldn't help but gasped.

Right now in front of him was a side hall, and there was nothing in the entire hall, except for a huge snake nest in the middle of the hall.

The snake nest was made of a mixture of grass and soil, and it looked like it took a lot of time.

At the center of the snake's nest, there are five huge python eggs neatly placed together.

Zhang Yang immediately understood that this side hall was specially designed for this giant python.

The giant python egg seems to have been around for some years, and it looks like it has been petrified, motionless.

It is even covered with several layers of snake skin, it seems that it has just shed from the giant python.

At this time, a slight cry for help came again.

"Help, help."

Zhang Yang looked along the sound, but he didn't expect that there were a few slightly raised places beside the giant python egg.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be several people.

Because the body is covered by the giant python skin, if you don't look carefully, you really can't tell it's a human.

Zhang Yang realized that those people might be Shirley Yang and the others, his complexion changed slightly.

No wonder they couldn't be found before, it turned out that they were brought here by this giant python.

It seems that the cubs of this giant python are about to come out, so the giant python is preparing food for these cubs now.

Newly born pythons usually eat a live animal the size of an adult in order to ensure a normal life.

That's why this giant python is acting so recklessly, and it's ready to be prepared.

However, this giant python is really unlucky, because after meeting him, there will be no good life to live.

"Sir, I'll go down first and rescue the person."

Aolong volunteered.


Zhang Yang nodded, signaling Aolong to be careful.

Aolong nodded, and then quickly jumped off the beam.

The bottom is all the snakeskin sloughed off by the giant python, which has covered the entire floor of the hall at this time.

When Aolong just stepped on it, he really had a feeling that he was not used to, it was soft, as if he was stepping on cotton.

Aolong cautiously approached the giant python egg, for fear of disturbing the things inside.

Zhang Yang looked around quickly, since this is the old nest of the giant python, he must be nearby, not too far away.

Because it wants to protect these cubs, and it already knows that someone has broken in, so it must be very careful.

Therefore, he must now guard against Aolong.

At this time, Aolong has already walked near the giant python egg, and his speed is very slow, slowly approaching the place where it came out.

Sure enough, Chen Yulou was found.

Aolong quickly pulled Chen Yulou out of the thick python skin.

At this time, Chen Yulou's complexion had already turned purple, and it seemed that he was suffocated.

Aolong threw Chen Yulou in Zhang Yang's direction, Zhang Yang flicked the long whip in his hand, and dragged Chen Yulou up.

After that, Aolong rescued Shirley Yang not far away again.

Shirley Yang had already passed out.

Aolong pinched Shirley Yang's middle position vigorously, and Shirley Yang woke up instantly.

Discovering that it was Aolong, Shirley Yang was even more burdened. Finally, Zhang Yang and the others found it.

Otherwise, she would really be here.

"Where is Mr. Zhang?"

Shirley Yang subconsciously looked at the position behind Aolong.

Aolong signaled Shirley Yang to look towards the beam.

After Shirley Yang saw Zhang Yang, she was even more surprised and delighted, and today she was saved from a desperate situation.

"Sun, Professor Sun is still inside."

Shirley Yang seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and suddenly turned her head to look at a position not far from her.

At this time, Aolong has dragged Professor Sun out.

His complexion was pale, his thin lips were purple, and he seemed to be poisoned.

"Professor Sun?"

Shirley Yang was terrified, and quickly helped Professor Sun who had fainted.

"Let's go up and talk."

Aolong signaled Shirley Yang to take Professor Sun and leave here temporarily.

After all, this is the territory of the giant python, if it came back and bumped into it, it would be bloody again.


Shirley Yang nodded, and the two helped Professor Sun up and were about to leave when they suddenly heard a sound coming from behind.

The two looked back at the same time, only to find that one of the python's eggs began to tremble slightly.


Aolong exclaimed.

"what happened?"

Shirley Yang had some puzzled openings.

"This giant python's cub is probably about to hatch."

As soon as Aolong's words fell, suddenly the huge eggshell cracked a small hole.

Then the opening became bigger and bigger, and the whole eggshell was about to be completely opened.


Aolong reached out and grabbed Professor Sun and ran away.

Shirley Yang didn't dare to delay for a moment, and ran after her.

Just hearing a 'click', the eggshell split apart in an instant, and a small boa constrictor slowly drilled out of the eggshell.

The little boa constrictor was only about the size of an adult woman, and she was still a little strange to this world. She looked curiously at the three people who kept running.

At this time, Zhang Yang, who was standing on the beam of the house, was a little worried. Once the little python felt hungry, it would subconsciously start attacking living things.

The three people running below happened to be its target.

(End of this chapter)

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