Chapter 284 Conquering the Giant Python
Sure enough, after the three of them ran for less than 30 seconds, the little python suddenly ran straight towards the three of them.

It's so fast, it's almost like flying.

"not good."

Zhang Yang gave a loud shout, and then directly and swiftly flicked the long whip in his hand.

The long whip flew straight away, wrapping around the neck of the little boa constrictor, preventing it from moving.

The little boa constrictor was slightly startled, looked up and found Zhang Yang on the beam, and began to struggle violently.

While struggling, he showed a fierce expression towards Zhang Yang.

This little boa constrictor was originally born with a ferocious nature, and in addition to being restricted from birth, it became more and more violent.

Zhang Yang firmly controlled the long whip in his hand to prevent the little python from breaking free.

And Aolong below also found Zhang Yang's help, and soon took Shirley Yang and Professor Sun to hide in a distant place.

At this time, the eyeballs of the little boa constrictor have completely turned blood red, it seems that it has been completely enraged.

Zhang Yang exerted all his strength, and directly threw the little boa constrictor onto the stone wall beside him.

After all, it was a baby boa constrictor who had just been born, so its combat effectiveness and ability to resist beatings were naturally not high.

Being thrown by Zhang Yang like this, he was directly smashed to the ground.

The little boa constrictor seemed to have fainted from the fall, lying on the ground for a long time without any intention of getting up.

"Sir, is this thing dead?"

Aolong asked in a low voice.

Zhang Yang shook his head, saying no.

Because he knew in his heart that the vitality of this thing was very tenacious, but it would not die so easily.

At this moment, suddenly the shell of another giant python egg began to shake a few times again, it seemed that a baby python was about to be born.

"Sir, here's another one."

Looking coldly at the little giant python that was about to break out of its shell yesterday, I began to think in my heart.

These things look very pleasing, if he can take one or two back, maybe he can keep them as pets.

At that time, if it can grow to the size of the giant python before, it will be good.

Soon, the little giant python also broke out of its shell.

It seemed that it had already sensed the dangerous atmosphere from the outside world, so it just poked its head slightly, but didn't stick its head out of the eggshell.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the newborn little giant python, and they didn't notice the abnormal movement behind them at all.

However, Zhang Yang noticed something strange, and when he turned his head abruptly, he saw the giant python rushing towards this side with its bloody mouth open.

The speed is very fast, and it is already in front of you in the blink of an eye.

With a fierce wave of Zhang Yang's hand, he pushed all the people behind him down into the nest of the giant python.

I also followed the trend and jumped down.

The giant python flew straight into the air, and its plump body directly occupied most of the tomb.

Especially that head that was as big as the mouth of a well stared viciously at Zhang Yang and the others who were lying in the python's nest at this time.

The newly born little python was even more frightened by the scene in front of him and shrank back.

Zhang Yang directly gave Aolong a look, and Aolong swung his tail, showing his real body, and then surrounded those giant python eggs.

Seeing this, the giant python didn't dare to get any closer.

Obviously, it was afraid that Zhang Yang and others would hurt its child.

Although Zhang Yang had already wounded one, there were still several giant python eggs here, so naturally he didn't dare to move around.

The giant python directly lowered its head, hung the injured little python on the ground in its mouth, and placed it on the beam beside it.

The little giant python seemed to be seriously injured and didn't respond for a while.

The giant python's eyes were full of hostility towards Zhang Yang, and he wished he could poach his flesh and drink his blood.

Zhang Yang didn't seem to care at all, with Aolong's real body protecting him, he wouldn't be afraid of the giant python.

Anyway, this proud dragon is also a real dragon, and this giant python is just a crawling snake on the ground.

The two sides confronted each other like this, and neither of them had the intention of moving first.

Zhang Yang's gaze was unusually cold, this giant python looked like it was old, if he could take out its inner alchemy, wouldn't it be possible for his physical attributes to go up to a higher level.

"As long as you let my poor children go, I will let you go."

The python suddenly spoke.

Aolong sneered directly and said:

"That depends on whether our husband agrees."

Speaking of Aolong, those Zhang Yang standing beside him.

Zhang Yang smiled lightly and said:

"If you want me to let these little guys go, you have to pay a price."

When the giant python heard it, his face sank, and then he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"what do you want?"

"Give me your inner alchemy, and I'll let them go."

Zhang Yang told the python his purpose without any concealment.

Anyway, no matter whether the giant python gives it or not, he can get it, but the process is a little cruel.

"You're just dreaming."

The giant python stared at Zhang Yang viciously.

"Then let's see."

As he said that, Zhang Yang turned his head and stretched out his hand to grab the little giant python that just broke through, twisting its neck and pulling it up.

"This little guy has just been born. It's really thin skin*flesh. I just don't know how it tastes. Do you think it's a good stew? Or is it delicious just stir-fried?"

Zhang Yang laughed as he spoke.

The giant python was so angry that its eyeballs were almost congested.

Who can stand talking about how to eat each other's child in front of one's own mother.

Fortunately, the three of them, Shirley and Yang, didn't understand what Zhang Yang was talking about at all, but they also knew what Zhang Yang meant by using the newly born little python on the opponent's giant python.

So they all stood quietly and waited patiently.

Chen Yulou probably also guessed that Zhang Yang has psychic ability and can communicate with the giant python.

Although he couldn't understand these words, he knew that Zhang Yang definitely had the upper hand.

"Can it be changed to other conditions?"

Python finally compromised.

Zhang Yang shook his head mercilessly and said, no.

The giant python was furious immediately, and bared its teeth, revealing its ferocious teeth.

Seeing the giant python get angry, Aolong is not a vegetarian, he opened his mouth and roared at the giant python.

Immediately, the two sides started a tug-of-war, but neither of them was going to die.

Zhang Yang exerted all his strength directly, and the little giant python in his hand screamed in pain.

Seeing this, the giant python restrained itself a lot in an instant.

Looking helplessly at Zhang Yang, he prayed sincerely:
"If you don't want my inner alchemy, I can take you into the reclining Buddha, how about it?"

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't expect this giant python to understand the ways of the world, and would make conditions.

It seems that this thing is really going to be an adult.

Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't speak, the giant python hurriedly continued to speak:

"I know that my husband is different from others, and I don't care about those treasures at all, but there is one thing in it, I think my husband must like it."

(End of this chapter)

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