Chapter 288 The Gate of Life and Death

Zhang Yang didn't dare to be careless, and signaled everyone to wait for him, and he would try the water first before speaking.

Everyone also held their breath, not daring to move a bit.

After all, this is a deadly thing, and it is the first time for everyone to enter the tomb of the Xixia people, so there is no joke.

Zhang Yang held his breath for a while, and raised his head for a general observation.

Zhang Yang took a rough visual inspection. The length of the entire tomb passage is about 23 feet, and there is another gate at the end.

In the end, Zhang Yang still lifted his feet and walked towards the gravestone on the ground, at an extremely slow speed, thinking about something every step of the week.

A layout like this is actually a simple seven-star ranking.

Once a wrong step is taken, the target will trigger the mechanism on both sides of the stone wall and fall into this trap.

Therefore, every step he took, Zhang Yang was extremely careful, and he did not dare to count a wrong step.

At this time, everyone was also concerned, staring straight at Zhang Yang.

Chen Yulou wanted to go with Zhang Yang several times, but because there was no sign from Zhang Yang, he didn't dare to act rashly.

And he knew in his heart that with Zhang Yang's current skills, even if he made a mistake and triggered the trap, he would be protected immediately without hurting himself.

He is different, after all, his body is already weak, and he should take it easy.

Soon, Zhang Yang had gone through that difficult journey and arrived in front of the huge jade gate.

Zhang Yang looked up and found that there was something unusual about this jade gate.

This stone gate is tall and wide, and has some unique shapes. It is a circular arched gate like a city gate.

Moreover, the stone gate is very large, directly occupying the side of the entire tomb passage, and it feels like the entire wall is a gate.

This stone gate looks very exquisite, it is carved with fine white jade.

And there are no impurities or patterns on it, just carved with many seemingly cumbersome Xixia characters.

Zhang Yang glanced roughly, and found that these words did not have any special meaning, they were just some simple Buddhist scriptures and etiquette, and had no reference value.

But on the huge jade door, there is a copper beam horizontally, and a huge door lock hangs in the middle at this time.

There is no key on it, it seems that the key has been hidden.

However, since the setting here is so unique, there must be no doubt that behind the jade gate is the tomb as a treasure cave.

On the left and right sides of Yushi Gate, there is a deep arched round hole, which looks bottomless and pitch-black.

These two arched round holes are obviously integrated with the jade gate, which looks a bit aesthetically pleasing.

However, Zhang Yang understood from the bottom of his heart that these two arched round holes were not only built for aesthetics, but more importantly, they were probably set up with mechanisms.

It is not too difficult to unlock the copper lock on the jade gate, especially for a top expert like Zhang Yang.

However, once the copper lock is unlocked, I'm afraid that the mechanism inside the arched hole will be triggered directly.

I've heard the term "Lianxinsuo" before.

Right now, this thing is probably enough.

After all, this is the first time Zhang Yang has heard of it, and it is said that this 'Lianxin Lock' only existed during the Northern Song Dynasty.

The copper lock and the jade gate are connected together, any movement of the copper lock will trigger the mechanism hidden inside the jade gate in an instant.

Once the organ is touched, I'm afraid there will be something like poison.

Zhang Yang jumped lightly, and he stood above the jade gate.

First of all, he carefully inspected the heart lock, and it really is the same as the jade gate.

Let alone unlocking the lock, once any external force touches the lock, it will instantly trigger some kind of mechanism and shoot to the door.

When the time comes, the person who opens the lock will undoubtedly die.

Immediately, Zhang Yang also realized that the Yushi Gate was just a cover, luckily he wasn't fooled.

In fact, this jade gate is a fake gate, and the two arched gates on both sides of it are real.

It's just that one is the gate of life, and the other is the gate of death.

Those who enter the gate of life live, those who enter the gate of death die.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that this Xixia ancient tomb was small in scale, but it was very exquisitely arranged.

If someone wanted to enter this tomb, they had to go through this tomb passage, and then walked in. There was no other way to find it.

It seems that this Xixia person is also very smart.

Soon, Zhang Yang retreated quickly, and naturally he couldn't enter the Yushi Gate.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

At this moment, everyone looked at Zhang Yang in puzzlement.

After all, according to Zhang Yang's personality, it is impossible to just go back home like this.

However, he just took a look at it just now, and then retreated.

Everyone started to beat the drums in their hearts, not knowing what Zhang Yang meant.

Zhang Yang looked at the crowd, and quietly said:
"The jade gate cannot be entered, it is a fake gate, it is just a trick to lure people into a trap."

"What? False door?"

Immediately, Da Jinyazi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Originally, he was still happy that he found Yushimen just now, but he didn't expect that his happiness was in vain.

"Mr. Zhang, then, the arched doors on both sides are always real, right?"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but speak.

"A gate of life and a gate of death."

Zhang Yang said calmly.


Hu Bayi's complexion also changed slightly.

"It seems that this is a gate of life and death."

Chen Yulou sighed helplessly.

It is said that this door of life and death is a gamble of life. Once you enter the door of death, you will die for sure.

If one is lucky, one chooses the right one, one enters life, one can escape from death naturally, but it is unavoidable to suffer some flesh and blood.

Others don't know the power of the Gate of Life and Death, but he, Chen Yulou, knows it all.

Back then, one of his senior brothers had to choose between the door of life and death. Although he was lucky enough to choose the door of life, he also lost most of his life before returning.

It's a pity that heaven is jealous of talents, and in less than three years, he still went like this.

Zhang Yang nodded and said:
"That's right, it's the Gate of Life and Death."

Zhang Yang is naturally clear about Chen Yulou's matter in his heart, and he doesn't point it out here.

What Chen Yulou has experienced is still vivid in his mind until now, this is a master with a story.

"Then, what does that Mr. Zhang mean, that the gate of life and death cannot be passed?"

Shirley Yang couldn't help but speak.

This time it was hard to come here, if she just turned back like this, she really felt a little panicked in her heart.

If you can't go in and take a look, I'm afraid you won't be able to let go of it for the rest of your life.

(End of this chapter)

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