Chapter 289 Bloodsucking Bee

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"No, you can go in."

Everyone looked at Zhang Yang with wide eyes, full of anticipation.

"Mr. Zhang, how do we get in?"

Wang Kaixuan was even more anxious, and he couldn't wait to ask.

Zhang Yang continued to speak:

"Although it is said that the Xixia people are very eccentric, they are even better at using spells to design mechanisms.

But no matter how you say it, if you want to lay out this ancient tomb mechanism, you can't get rid of the influence of theories related to feng shui, five elements, yin and yang.

The theory of this tomb passage is actually very simple, it just uses the principle of the four gates and four phases, according to the cat painting. "

Chen Yulou nodded in understanding instantly, as if he already knew what Zhang Yang meant.

But the others were not so enlightened, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they couldn't understand the meaning of Zhang Yang's words.

"Mr. Zhang, can you speak more plainly?"

Hu Bayi spoke.

Zhang Yang directly stomped the stone slab under his feet vigorously, and said:

"Actually, the stone slabs under our feet are actually movable, and we can enter the tomb from below. If it is as expected, it should be the only entrance."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

There is a door in this tomb passage, but why go underground? Is this design a little unreasonable?

However, Zhang Yang quietly walked to the bottom of a stone slab not far away, and with a sudden force under his feet, the stone slab was directly crushed.

Sure enough, there was a big hole suddenly exposed, and it seemed to lead directly to the back of the jade gate.

"Mr. Zhang, you are still the best, there is indeed an entrance here."

Hu Bayi couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang didn't say a word, but looked at the hole under his feet indifferently.

How can such a trivial skill like the Xixia people escape his discernment.

Soon, a group of people followed into the cave.

It was still Aolong who took the lead, walking in the front, followed by Zhang Yang.

The tunnel below is wide enough to accommodate three adults walking side by side.

It seems that these Xixia people have already made full preparations.

Especially in the aspect of moving treasure, there is room for it.

We had just walked for about 2 minutes when we saw a huge black stone hanging in the tunnel ahead.

Aolong was so scared that he stopped instantly.

"Sir, there seems to be something strange in front."

Aolong reminded in a low voice.

Zhang Yang naturally saw it, and didn't say anything.

He just looked at the huge black stone indifferently. To be more precise, it was not a stone, but a black beehive.

"Mr. Zhang, this, is this a stone? Why is it hanging in the middle of the road? Isn't this in the way?"

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

"Fatty, shut up."

Hu Bayi directly gave Wang Kaixuan a wink, signaling him to keep silent.

In fact, Zhang Yang didn't know what it was, and subconsciously raised the flashlight in his hand to shine on the hive.

I didn't expect that thing to reflect light, which made people's eyes hurt.

Everyone subconsciously stretched out their hands to cover their eyelids to prevent their eyes from being seriously injured.

Zhang Yang didn't care because he had ghostly eyes.

However, looking at things like stone and jade, I really don't know what it is.

To be on the safe side, it's better not to mess around.

After all, everything happens for a reason, and there must be a demon.

"Everyone walk along the stone wall, don't get too close to that thing."

Zhang Yang motioned to everyone.

Everyone nodded violently, expressing their understanding.

In this way, under the leadership of Zhang Yang, everyone approached the black hive cautiously.

At the beginning, everyone was fine.

It's just that Da Jinyazi was at the end, and he had been talking about it for a long time, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

Just hit an extremely loud fart.

Unexpectedly, at the sound of the fart, suddenly the black hive began to vibrate slightly.

Zhang Yang was shocked from the bottom of his heart, secretly thinking that it was not good.

Suddenly, a bee whose whole body was pitch-black slowly emerged from the black hive.

More precisely, insects like bees.

The front corner of the mouth is pointed, as big as an embroidery needle, extremely sharp.

"Is this a bee?"

Da Jinyazi was also shocked, just now he thought something scary would come out, but unexpectedly it was just a small bee.

The bee quickly flew to the side of Da Jinyazi's face, stopped, and began to crawl slowly.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, help me."

Da Jinyazi didn't dare to move, so he could only stand stiffly on the spot and wait for orders.

"Don't move."

Zhang Yang spoke in a low voice.

The rest of the people were too frightened to even breathe out.

Everyone is also baffled by the current situation, and they don't know what happened at all.

I saw that the bee groped left and right on Da Jinyazi's face for a while, and finally crawled directly to the neck.

Everyone's eyes followed the bee's trajectory, wanting to know what it was trying to do.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the bee mercilessly stabbed the sharp corner of its mouth towards the artery in Da Jinya's neck.

"Oh my god."

"it hurts."

Da Jinyazi stretched out his hand, and subconsciously slapped the bee to death.

"not good."

Zhang Yang's heart tightened, he was afraid that something bad would happen to this big golden tooth.

Sure enough, after An Bee was slapped to death by the palm of the big gold tooth, the black hive that had been stationary began to shake from a distance, and at the same time there was a 'buzzing' sound from inside.

"Get down."

Zhang Yang shouted loudly.

When everyone heard this, they immediately got down on the ground.

Only Da Jinyazi reacted a little slower, and before he had time to lie down, he saw a group of dark things swarming out of the hive, and rushed towards Da Jinyazi's face.

"Ah, help."

The big golden tooth rolled around on the ground in pain, but it still didn't help.

Those bees felt as if they were going crazy, they kept attacking the bees that were writhing in pain on the ground.

At this time, Da Jinyazi's whole body was directly covered by the black honey, and he felt like he had become a bee man.

Everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to look directly at it, and they didn't dare to step forward to help. After all, there are so many bees, who would dare to go up.

Zhang Yang looked at those bees coldly, as if they were the rumored 'blood-sucking bees'.

Mainly rely on the blood of living animals to feed.

Occasionally, however, they will also consume other species as nutrients.

At this time, Da Jinyazi was already in miserable pain, and he could not stop crying.

Zhang Yang didn't dare to take too much risk, after all, this thing is fatal.

He had to come up with a perfect plan.

(End of this chapter)

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