Chapter 300 The Mysterious Stone Man
Thinking of this, the old itchy grabbed Wu Xie and took two steps back:

"Wu Xie, are these two people traveling together? Could it be that they are here to steal our way of life?"

Wu Xie rolled his eyes again speechlessly and said:

"You think too much. If we follow Mr. Zhang this time, I'm afraid we will be able to find what we want successfully."

"What do you mean?"

The old itchy still shook his head incomprehension.

"You'll see soon enough."

As Wu Xie said, he stretched out his hand and patted the old itchy shoulder heavily.

Anyway, Zhang Yang's ability is obvious to all, presumably the old itchy will soon cast all his eyes on Zhang Yang.

Soon, a group of four walked into the 'One Line of Sky' together.

The road inside is not too narrow, and it is not a problem for two people to walk side by side.

However, the only strange thing is that no one has walked here for many years, but the ground is not even a weed, and it is so flat that it seems that people walk every day.

It is said that since this crack was formed, very few people have been here, almost no one has walked through it.

However, it feels as if it is trampled by horseshoes every day, which is very unusual.

It was also said before that some people from the government planned to turn this place into a tourist attraction.

But it's strange to say that every time it's time to start work, there will be a downpour here.

This happened ten times in a row.

The local villagers said it was God's will and they were unwilling to let it develop here.

Originally, people in the government did not believe this, but after a dozen times in a row, they gave up.

As the four of them moved forward, the light inside became increasingly dimmer, almost blurry.

The further you go inside, not only is the light dim, but the temperature also drops a lot.

Originally, Wu Xie and Lao Xie didn't wear much clothes. After all, it was summer, so they only wore unlined clothing.

Right now, it feels a bit cold.

"Why does it feel so cold in here?"

As the old itchy spoke, he stretched out his arms to hug his body.

Wu Xie was so cold that his teeth began to chatter, he shook his head and said:

"Who knows."

Zhang Yang walked in calmly, and his expression became more and more solemn.

It seemed that there was a pair of eyes staring at him all the time, but Zhang Yang was very sure that there was no aura of strangers here.

But these eyes are unusually weird, making people feel like they are trembling with chills.

Zhang Yang naturally knew very well in his heart that in this kind of place, any kind of weird things could happen.

He now needs to be fully prepared at all times to prevent being caught off guard by the opponent.

At this time, there was the whistling sound of the strong wind and other strange sounds that could not be described.

It sounded like a human being but not a human being, and an eerie feeling quickly permeated the dark cave.

It was also the first time for Zhang Yang to feel this kind of feeling, and there was some uncertainty in his heart.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes."

Suddenly the old itchy screamed, and everyone was inexplicably startled.

"Old itchy, what are you doing?"

Wu Xie spoke speechlessly.

The old itchy stretched out his fingers to point not far away, and said tremblingly:

"Before, there seems to be someone in front?"

The eyes of everyone followed suit.

Upon hearing this, Wu Xie raised his eyes and looked up. After seeing a figure not far away, he suddenly felt his mind go blank, his mouth moved slightly in fright, and he didn't make any sound for a long time.

It turned out that in the shadow of the mountain crevice in front, it seemed that there was really a "person"-shaped thing standing there.

Because it was pitch black all around here, that face was completely hidden in the black shadow, so it was not clear at all.

But what is certain is that the other party is standing facing the crowd.

Faced with this motionless scene, it made people feel more and more uneasy.

Because of excitement, Wu Xie accidentally knocked his heel, and sat on the ground directly.

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, what "person" was he thinking about?
After all, a place like this is at least 40 kilometers away from the nearest village, so how could anyone be there.

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang looked towards the direction not far away.

Sure enough, he saw a figure standing in the middle of the road, looking at the four of them blankly.

However, this is not a real person, but a stone man.

It's just carved to the size of a human being, so it looks like a real person.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, this, this can't be zongzi or something?"

Wu Xie got up from the ground, and spoke weakly in a low voice.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"No, it's just a stone man."

"Stone man?"

Wu Xie was greatly surprised.

The heart was still beating wildly just now, but the old itching that was extremely stiff all over the body suddenly eased a little.

"So, does that mean that the thing can't move?"

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, because he wasn't sure whether the stone man could move or not?

"Wu Xie, do you think we met the Yin soldiers that the old man mentioned before?"

Lao Xie whispered in Wu Xie's ear.

Wu Xie shook his head and said:

"This is a stone man, what does it have to do with Yin soldiers?"

Hearing this, Lao Tch immediately felt that what he said was extremely reasonable.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already walked towards the stone man quickly, and Aolong followed closely behind.

Soon, Zhang Yang was in front of the stone man.

Aolong on the side raised the flashlight in his hand to shine on the stone man, but found that the other party had no opponent.

Zhang Yang carefully observed the stone man by the light of the flashlight.

It was found that the other party was wearing strange ancient costumes, and the exposed arms were gray and white, but the head on the head was missing.

Because of the exquisite carving technique, if you don't look carefully, you will really mistake it for a real person.

Perhaps because of the age, the stone man's body was already covered with green moss.

It looks fluffy, but it looks like a green-haired man.

"Mr. Zhang, this, what dynasty's costume is this, it looks very strange?"

At this time, Wu Xie had also walked over, looking curiously at the clothes on the stone.

It was the first time I saw such a style of clothing, so I was naturally curious.

Zhang Yang looked coldly at the costume on the stone man. It was engraved with the pattern of a double-bodied snake, and the style of the clothes was also unique.

Zhang Yang really couldn't remember which dynasty's costume this was for a while.

But the only thing that is certain is that this is definitely a minority costume.

After all, from ancient times to the present, he is generally clear about the costumes of all dynasties, at least there are obvious differences and recognizable degrees.

(End of this chapter)

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