Chapter 301 Human Head Figurines

Although the origin of this stone figure is unclear, the only thing Zhang Yang can be sure of is that this is definitely a stone figurine buried with him.

It is probably exactly the same as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang.

Therefore, there must be a cemetery here, and the scale is definitely not small.

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang raised his head to look at the position above his head, and sure enough, he found that there were signs of collapse.

Obviously, the stone figurines fell from above.

So, there must be something on it.

Following Zhang Yang's line of sight, the others naturally discovered the hole in the top of their head, and they also guessed seven or eight points from the bottom of their hearts.

The old itchy was even more excited and said:

"Here, is there something on it?"

Talking about the old itch, before Zhang Yang could speak, he hurriedly walked towards the top.

Because of the long time, most of the above has collapsed, and the ground has piled up a lot of gravel and the like.

So it is easy to go up.

"Old itchy, what are you doing?"

Wu Xie suddenly became anxious.

Before Zhang Yang even opened his mouth, this old itch started acting on his own. If something happened, who would be responsible?

"Wu Xie, come up and take a look, there is really something here."

At this moment, Old Itching was already standing at the collapsed hole, stretching his neck to look inside.

"Mr. Zhang?"

Wu Xie was not in a hurry to step forward, but turned to look at Zhang Yang who was on the side.

Zhang Yang said calmly:
"Go up and have a look."

As he spoke, he walked up with a brisk walk.

Wu Xie let out an "hey" and followed quickly.

"Look, there are a lot of that stone man here, it seems that they all look the same."

Lao Tickle excitedly pointed at the pile of stone men inside.

Zhang Yang glanced indifferently, and found that these stone figurines were indeed similar to the ones he saw just now, even the clothes on their bodies were exactly the same.

Therefore, it is obvious that these are the same batch of stone figurines.

These stone figurines are the same as the stone figurines below. They have all four limbs, but they have no head.

Originally, Zhang Yang thought it would be a tomb or something, but he didn't expect it to be just a shallow pit dug along the mountain wall.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think these stone figurines were discarded here because they were not carved successfully?"

Wu Xie made a bold guess.


Zhang Yang shook his head.

These stone figurines are exquisite in workmanship and exquisite in carving technology, and it is absolutely impossible to be a failure.

However, none of these stone figurines had heads, which made Zhang Yang think of another possibility.

It's just that he needs to ask for proof now.

Zhang Yang directly ordered Aolong to say:
"Go in and look around, see what you find?"

"Yes, sir."

Aolong nodded fiercely, and then he jumped in.

Zhang Yang's eyes quickly searched in the shallow pit, and suddenly he heard the old tickle jumping up and shouting loudly.

"Yes, there are dead bones, there are dead bones."

"What dead bones?"

Wu Xie was also taken aback.

"There, right there, is a head."

Old Itch turned his face away, not daring to look at it at all.

Wu Xie raised the flashlight in his hand to shine it in that direction, and he saw the protruding head as expected.

The skeleton had already left a pile of white bones, and the black eye sockets looked particularly creepy.

Obviously, it was a human head.

"Mr. Zhang, there are indeed dead people."

Wu Xie was still a little scared in his heart.

Zhang Yang suddenly smiled lightly and said:

"It seems that these rumored 'human figurines' are gone."

"Human figurines?"

Both Wu Xie and Lao Tiao looked at Zhang Yang curiously, it seemed that Zhang Yang knew this aspect very well.

Zhang Yang continued to speak:

"This figurine was actually handed down from ancient times. At that time, if you won a battle, if you wanted to claim credit, you had to bring the opponent's body back. This is the most powerful proof.

But later, those people thought it was troublesome to drag a corpse, so they directly chopped off the other person's head, and then went to claim credit.

In order to reflect his incomparable bravery, he will prepare the stone body in advance, just put the head on it, and bury it as a living person.

In this way, everyone will call this kind of 'human head figurines'.It was quite popular in ancient times. "

Everyone was slightly surprised when they heard Zhang Yang's explanation.

In comparison, this is the first time I have heard of such an operation.

"Sir, there's something in there"

At this time Aolong also turned back and spoke in a low voice.


Zhang Yang nodded, and then jumped into the shallow pit.

Sure enough, Zhang Yang found a lot of carvings on the inner stone wall.

Although it has almost lost its original color because of its age, it is not difficult to see that if this mural was placed in that era, it would be absolutely unique.

Especially the craftsmanship of this sculptor is definitely a first-class master level.

However, on the right side of the mural, there is a trace of being blasted.

Zhang Yang reached out his hand to touch the low-pitched soil, took it into his nose and sniffed it, it was the smell of gunpowder.

Obviously, someone came here first and blasted the place with gunpowder.

It seems that someone has already discovered that this is a burial tomb, so knowing that it is not far from the main tomb, they chose to blow up the tomb here.

Generally speaking, those who are able to build mausoleums in such high mountains and dangerous locations are definitely famous and powerful people.

It seems that the identity of the owner of this ancient tomb is absolutely extraordinary.

Even the burials here are human-head figurines, and the identity and status of the owner of the tomb is obvious.

However, this tomb robber is also an extremely capable person.

After all, the person who can come to this kind of place to fight against each other must be the best of the best.

Generally, ordinary tomb robbers would never dare to come to such a weird place.

And it will not be found that there will be another universe on the stone wall.

"There is a ready-made robbery hole here?"

The old itch was even more excited.

This means that he can directly enter the robbery hole without any effort.

After all, this is a whole mountain, if you want to dig a hole, I'm afraid it will take some effort.

But Wu Xie couldn't be happy at all. After all, the robbery hole has been dug, which means that someone has already come here first.

If they come again, they will at most just pick up the leaks. The really good things, I'm afraid they have already been taken away.

"Go ahead and take a look."

Zhang Yang said this to Aolong who was beside him.

"Yes, sir."

Without another word, Aolong turned around and walked towards the robbery cave.

Zhang Yang was not in a hurry, and stood there waiting for news.

Wu Xie and Lao Tiao also stood still, waiting patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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