Chapter 31

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

Wu Xie was the first to take two steps forward, and spoke with a concerned face.

"Mr. Zhang, you are really awesome."

Fatty Wang couldn't help but stepped forward to compliment him.

"Go over there and get a few barrels of gasoline, and burn this place clean."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and gestured.

The hydra cypress and corpse weeters here cannot be kept, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

So Zhang Yang planned to burn this place completely, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

At this time, everyone discovered that this place is not very far from the place where the people who went to the grave had camped.

The tents can be seen from here.

"I go."

Pan Zi was the first to stand up.

Fatty Wang and Wu Xie also followed.

Aning stood still, looking at Zhang Yang with flickering eyes, for fear that he would betray him.

Although these people are also fighting against each other, they really hate foreigners.

If her identity is known, I'm afraid she won't be able to get away today.

Soon, several barrels of gasoline were resisted by Wu Xie and the others.

"Mr. Zhang, gasoline is here."

"They all fell down and burned here."

Zhang Yang gestured.

"Burn, is it burnt?"

Wu Xie also felt a little pity, after all, this is an ancient tomb, and there are many good things in it.

"The Hydra cypress inside cannot stay."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.


Wu Xie instantly understood Zhang Yang's intentions.

Then several people worked together to pour all the barrels of gasoline down, and Zhang Yang pointed with two fingers.

Suddenly seeing the flames rushing, a burst of tangy scorched stench came oncoming.

As the heat wave approached, everyone subconsciously took two steps back.

Zhang Yang looked at the crowd, then looked at Zhang Qiling aside and said:

"I should go back too."

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked away quickly.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiling followed quickly.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang."

Aning wanted to catch up, but there was no trace of Zhang Yang, who disappeared in the dense forest long ago.

how come?
Ah Ning chased him for a long distance without giving up, but there was still no one.

"How could this be?"

Ah Ning was so tired that he sat down on the ground and panted slightly. The speed was too fast, and he couldn't even keep up with his heels.

Aning looked down at the time on her wrist, she had lost contact with her for a week now.

So now she has to find a way to contact there.

Without the slightest hesitation, Aning quickly got up from the ground and walked quickly towards the previous camp.

Worried that Wu Xie and the others would see them, they simply took some communication equipment and a few belongings, and hurried down the mountain.

She must leave here before Wu Xie and the others.

At this time, everyone on Wu Xie's side packed up and prepared to leave.

"Da Kui, how are you doing?"

Wu Xie looked at Dakui who was slumped on the ground, his face was pale, which was obviously caused by excessive blood loss.

"I, I'm fine."

Da Kui spoke weakly.

"I'll carry you down the mountain, and I'll find you a doctor in a while."

As soon as Pan Zi said that, he carried Dakui on his back.

"Pan Zi?"

Wu Xie immediately opened her eyes wide and looked at Pan Zi.

"What's the matter, young master?"

Pan Zi subconsciously spoke.

"Aren't you injured? How can you still have strength?"

Not to mention the injured Pan Zi, even he, who was not seriously injured, was panting from exhaustion.

"Yes. I'm in good spirits."

As he spoke, he probably moved the abdominal muscles on his arms.

"How is this possible, aren't you injured?"

Wu Xie subconsciously looked at Pan Zi's abdomen, where a big hole had been opened, and now he seemed to be fine.

This is a little weird.

Fatty Wang also looked over curiously, remembering that this kid could even see his intestines, and it does feel a little abnormal to suddenly have such strength now.


Pan Zi also subconsciously looked at his abdomen.

There was still some pain before, but after that, it seemed that there was no pain at all. After the twist just now, he had completely forgotten about his injury.

"Could it be?"

Pan Zi suddenly placed Dakui on the ground again, then quickly stretched out his hand and gently pressed on the wound.

There was no pain at all.

Immediately, Pan Zi hurriedly pulled off the gauze wrapped around his waist, and immediately froze on the spot, without making a sound for a while.

"How can this be?"

Wu Xie also stepped forward quickly, and reached out to touch Pan Zi's intact abdomen.

A big hole was obviously opened here, but now there is nothing.

The wound cannot heal so quickly.


"What about the wound?"

Fatty Wang also reached out his hand in surprise, and fumbled around Pan Zi's abdomen.

"Don't be blind."

Pan Zi hastily pulled off his clothes to cover it up. Being touched by a man like this made him feel a little awkward no matter what.

How can this be?

"What's wrong with you? This ghostly look."

Wu Sansheng was also surprised, and looked at the three people who were looking at each other.

"Third Uncle, you may not believe me, just now Pan Zi was burrowed into his stomach by the corpse inside, and it was Mr. Zhang who opened his stomach and took out the thing.

But now his body is intact, even the scars are gone. "

Wu Xie said with a look of terror on his face.

"I can testify that this happened."

Fatty Wang on the side also raised his hand to say it was true.

"Is there such a thing?"

Wu Sanxing also looked at Pan Zi with scrutiny.

"Master, yes, it's true."

Pan Zi was also shocked.

Is it possible that this wound can heal automatically?

Wu Xie also tilted her head and really couldn't figure out what the reason was.


"Could it be because of the pill Mr. Zhang gave you?"

Wu Xie exclaimed.

"No way, is it really the elixir?"

Fatty Wang also had a dubious expression.

"What, you took the pill that Mr. Zhang gave you?"

Wu Sansheng on the side suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Yes, yes."

Pan Zi nodded.

"Then, what did Mr. Zhang say?"

Wu Sansheng suddenly became a little excited.

"Mr. Zhang said, let me remember, I owe him my life."

Pan Zi spoke.

"Oh, you kid, you're really lucky."

Wu Sanxing patted Pan Zi's forehead vigorously.

"What's the matter? Third master?"

Pan Zi didn't understand, so he looked at Wu Sansheng.

"You, the ancestral grave is really full of smoke. You have encountered such a good thing."

Wu Sansheng glanced at him with envy.

"Third Uncle, what do you say?"

Wu Xie and Fatty Wang also looked over curiously.

"You guys don't know that Mr. Zhang's elixir is a priceless treasure.

It is said that eating it can drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters, and it can even prolong your life. Your kid's trip is considered to be a big profit. "

"Is it really that good?"

Fatty Wang said with a look of apprehension.

"That's not true. It is said that how many people with gold, silver, jewellery, silk satin, and antique jade wanted to ask Mr. Zhang for pills, and none of them came back disappointed."

Hearing this, Fatty Wang immediately sat down on the ground and said:
"I am grass."

"I knew it earlier, I should have let those corpses bite me in the first place."

"Come on, get up, let's go back first, it's almost dawn."

Wu Xie gestured with his hand.

But in his heart, he became more and more curious about Zhang Yang.

Since it was such a good pill, why would Zhang Yang be willing to take it for Pan Zi? Is it because he couldn't bear to see him die?

"Everyone go down the mountain, we can't stay here for long."

Wu Sansheng also opened his mouth to signal.

In this way, a group of people walked down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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