Chapter 32
After Zhang Yang came out of the ancient tomb, he was ready to go back to the mountain to rest. After all, he had been tossing around all night, so he should have a good rest.

Zhang Qiling also quickly followed behind Zhang Yang without saying a word.

"What are you doing with me?"

Zhang Yang stopped suddenly and frowned slightly, obviously he didn't like being followed.

"Sir, I would like one to follow you around."

Zhang Qiling clasped his fists with both hands, looking loyal.

"Why follow me?"

Zhang Yang said calmly.

This piece of spirit ability is not small, and he is also well-known in the world of tomb robbers.

Wouldn't it be overkill to follow him like this?

Besides, he is used to being alone, and he doesn't like being followed.

"Sir, you are the head of our family, I should follow you."

Speaking of which, Zhang Qiling directly knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not the head of the Zhang family."

Zhang Yang waved his hand.

He doesn't like being the head of the house.

"Sir, please take me in."

Zhang Qiling spoke again.

Zhang Yang looked at Zhang Qiling, and then said:

"You took the ghost seal?"

Zhang Qiling was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Zhang Yang to know this.

But he realized it in an instant, how could a person as powerful as Zhang Yang fail to guess that King Lu Shang's coffin was tampered with in advance?

He nodded sharply and said:


"You put that piece of fake gold-inlaid silk in it, is it to lure them on purpose?"

Zhang Yang spoke again.

Zhang Qiling nodded and said:

"There are some things they'd better not know about."

Zhang Yang nodded, quite agreeing with Zhang Qiling's idea.

After all, there are some things, if you know more, it will be bad.

Especially people like Wu Xie and Wu Sansheng who are extremely curious, if they don't get the matter thoroughly, they will never let it go.

"Sir, this is for you."

As he said that, Zhang Qiling took the ghost seal out of his arms and offered it with both hands.

Zhang Yang discovered that Zhang Qiling was holding a piece of jade with a faint green halo in his hand.

The shape above is a bit unique, it is a unicorn stepping on the heads of three little ghosts.

If you look closely, the unicorn is made up of little ghosts gathered together.And those little ghosts have scales on their bodies, which look like snakes are entwined.

Anyway, the vividly carved appearance has a gloomy and weird feeling.

Zhang Yang looked at Guixi, then reached out and picked it up.

At this time, the voice of the system rang in his head.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ghost seal. 】

[The ghost seal is a vessel that can summon Yin soldiers at will. It is a sacred object in the underworld, and it is extremely dark. 】

[After use, it can increase physical strength by +50, strength by +50, and speed by +50.Gain the ability to summon Yin soldiers. 】

I didn't expect this to be a ghost seal.

Moreover, so many attribute points have been added at once, it seems that this thing is indeed a treasure.

This is the first time to increase 50 attribute points at once.

"I've accepted this thing, you will go back first."

As Zhang Yang spoke, he unceremoniously put Guixi away.

For him, it is useful to keep this thing, so naturally he should not do it for nothing.

And he also knew what Zhang Qiling was using the ghost seal for.

When he goes there, he will naturally follow.

Before he has completed the evolution to immortality, he needs to keep going out to improve his physical attributes.

After all, longevity is his ultimate goal.


Zhang Qiling didn't expect that Zhang Yang still wanted to drive him away.

Zhang Yang is the head of their Zhang family, he has to swear allegiance to the death.

Zhang Yang naturally saw this spirited mind.

He is not the head of the Zhang family, and besides, he is not interested in the head of the family.

After all, the affairs of the Zhang family are too cumbersome, and he doesn't want to bother him.

Therefore, it is more comfortable to sit in the clouds and wild cranes.

Zhang Yang looked at Zhang Qiling who was kneeling on the ground, and then said lightly:

"The snake-browed copper fish was taken away by Wu Xie. You go to him, and after he opens the purple-gold box, bring it to me."

Zhang Yang felt that since there were errand runners, there was no need to do so in vain.

Just enough to distract Zhang Qiling for a while.

"Yes, sir."

Zhang Qiling hurriedly nodded in response.

As long as the head of the Zhang family ordered him, as the Zhang family, he would naturally obey unconditionally.

After Zhang Qiling left, Zhang Yang quickly walked towards the mountain.

It has been several days since I came out, but I really miss the life in the mountains.

Back in the house, Zhang Yang took a comfortable hot bath, changed into fresh clothes, and sat on a rocking chair in the yard basking in the sun.

Sure enough, the air and environment here are good, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, don't be too cool.

At this time, Wu Xie, Wu Sansheng and others had also arrived in the village. Dakui had a fever due to serious injury and inflammation of the wound.

In the end, he could only be sent to the hospital for treatment, and Pan Zi followed him to take care of him.

at the moment.

Only Wu Sansheng, Wu Xie and Fatty Wang were left in the village.

"I'm so pissed off that I've been slapped together."

At this time, Wu Sansheng came into the room from outside with a livid complexion, still cursing and pinching.

Because Wu Xie and Fatty Wang were bitten a lot by the corpse weeter, they just took anti-inflammatory drugs, applied ointment on their bodies, and lay on the bed to rest.

"Third uncle, you are such a shrewd old fox, who would dare to lie to you?"

Wu Xie said with a grin.

As for his third uncle, he is smarter than a monkey and will be deceived by others. I am afraid that there will not be many people in the entire tomb robbery world.

"Hmph, Jingzhou was really careless..."

As Wu Sanxing said that, he threw the gold-inlaid silk and silk in his hand heavily on the table.

"Third Uncle, take it easy, this thing is an antique, and we still make a fortune from it."

Fatty Wang said with a distressed expression.

Coming here this time, it can be regarded as getting some valuable stuff.

"Fuck off."

As he said that, Wu Sansheng spat on Xingzi directly.

"Third Uncle, what do you mean?"

Wu Xie also noticed something was wrong.

"Antiques are fucking farts. I've already found someone to look at them. This is a fucking fake. How could there be gold with such a high purity in the time of King Lu Shang?"

Hearing this, Wu Xie and Fatty Wang immediately looked at each other.

"Then, isn't mine also a fake?"

As he spoke, Wu Xie took out the purple gold box from his bosom.

"When did you get this thing?"

Wu Sansheng took the box over.

"It was held in the hands of the blue-eyed fox corpse. It looked pretty good at the time."

Wu Xie explained.

"is it?"

Wu Sansheng raised his head and began to study the box seriously.

It's just how to open this thing?
(End of this chapter)

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