Chapter 317
However, the cliff is still more than ten battles away from here, even the long whip in his hand can't reach that long, how can we go on?
Want Aolong to show his original body and send him down?

Just as Zhang Yang was thinking, he suddenly heard hopeful movements behind him.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang dodged directly, and the person had already reached the place where the movement was made, and he stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed the opponent's neck.

The other party groaned in pain.

Only then did Zhang Yang realize that it was Old Wu. When did this kid start to learn how to be sneaky?

"why you?"

Zhang Yang let go of his hand instantly.

Old Wu was panting heavily. If he had made a sound just now, Zhang Yang would have directly strangled his neck.

It seems that in the future, you really can't play tricks behind Zhang Yang's back, otherwise you will die miserably.

"Mr. Zhang, I saw you coming down just now. I originally wanted to scare you, but I didn't expect you to scare me."

Old Wu said while wiping the sweat from his forehead with his hand, he was really scared just now.

At this time, Aolong and Lao Tiao also turned back. After seeing that it was Lao Wu, Lao Tiao rushed forward and gave each other a big hug.

"Old Wu, you kid, but this scared me to death. I thought something happened to you."

Speaking of Old Itch, he stretched out his hand and hammered Lao Wu's chest hard.

Immediately, Old Wu coughed violently twice, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

The old tickle on the side was so frightened that he was stunned. He didn't expect that he had so much strength, and even the blood came out with just such a blow.

"Old Wu, I, I didn't do it on purpose."

Old Itchy speaks a little tremblingly.

"I don't blame you, I just fell when I got down, I guess it's internal bleeding."

Old Wu had some weak openings.

Zhang Yang stepped forward quickly, grabbed Old Wu's right wrist, and directly pinched the pulse. He frowned slightly, looked up at Old Wu and said:
"How did you get down?"

"I, I am..."

Only then did Old Wu recount what had just happened.

It turned out that Lao Wu was directly involved in the stone room just now along the water flow. He waited in it for a long time but no one followed him, so he was about to return to the same place.

Unexpectedly, his feet suddenly softened, and he fell directly to the ground heavily, causing nosebleeds to flow out.

Old Wu didn't care too much, and continued to climb back, but for some reason, the water level began to drop slowly.

At that time, he was terrified, so he could only hug the stone pillar tightly. Unexpectedly, the blood on his nose seemed to be sucked by something, and it flowed out crazily.

He was so frightened that he managed to break free and fell heavily on the ground, only to find that he was completely cut off from the water.

At that time, when he was wondering what happened, the stone pillar suddenly opened, revealing a gap inside, and there was a red light shining out.

He didn't dare to go in at first, but he found that he had no choice but to retreat, because there was no other route to go except for that door.

There was no other way, he could only stiffen his hair and walk into the stone pillar.

Unexpectedly, he found a lot of stone steps. He didn't know what they were, so he walked in directly, and then he just circled inside, unable to get out no matter what.

Until the end, he was so tired that he fell down the steps and passed out.

Later, Zhang Yang and the others came. At that time, he was in a daze. Although he had senses, he couldn't move his whole body.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he wanted to shout but found that he couldn't make any sound at all.

At that time, he was also sweating profusely from anxiety, but he still couldn't make a sound.

Knowing that the situation had improved a little later, he got up, but Zhang Yang and the others had long since disappeared.

However, he accidentally heard the sound of the signal flare, and then followed the sound to find it.

Zhang Yang's complexion was a bit ugly, but fortunately, Old Wu had taken one of his pills back then, otherwise, if he fell from such a high place, he would have died long ago.

It was the elixir that protected his heart and kept him safe.

However, his internal organs have been ripped apart, and he needs to recuperate and recuperate, otherwise it will only get worse.

The vomiting of blood right now is really the congestion in the internal organs, and it is considered a good thing to spit out.

"Mr. Zhang, he, is he all right?"

The old itchy mouth opened weakly.

Still silent, Zhang Yang took out a red pill from his bosom and asked Lao Wu to swallow it.

This is a reassurance pill, it can temporarily maintain Lao Wu's normal physical needs, but after returning, he still needs to cultivate for ten days and a half months.

"Mr. Zhang, am I okay?"

Old Wu was still a little worried.

After all, the fall just now was not light.

"It's fine for the time being. After this time is over, you follow me back to the mountain for a while."


Old Wu nodded fiercely to express his understanding.

Anyway, he just wanted to follow Zhang Yang. Since Zhang Yang took the initiative to speak this time, he was naturally happy.

"Mr. Zhang, there is a cliff ahead, so there is no way out?"

After Lao Wu swallowed the pill, he soon recovered, and his spirit was also good.

"No, there are mass graves below."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said.

"A mass grave?"

Old Wu swallowed subconsciously, which was a bit shocking to him.

After all, I met once before, and now I met again, which is really unbelievable.

"It seems that we have to find a way to go down and have a look."

Zhang Yang gave his own meaning directly.

The old itchy was taken aback immediately, subconsciously stepped back two steps and said:

"I, I don't think I'll go down anymore, I'll just wait for you up there."

The old itchy is really a little cowardly, it's too scary to panic down here, he really doesn't want to go down and touch that bad luck.

It's very cloudy down here, maybe there are some things like zongzi haunting, and I'm afraid that even my life will be lost.

Said the old itchy and took two steps back again.

"Old itch, be careful."

As soon as Lao Wu's voice fell, the old tickle followed him and fell directly under the cliff.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Zhang Yang directly threw out the long whip in his hand, grabbing the old itchy.

"Help, Mr. Zhang, help me quickly."

At this moment, Lao Xie was suspended in mid-air, and he was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

This level of horror is no less than having nightmares at night and meeting ghosts.

No, it should be said that it was even scarier than that.

"To shut up."

Zhang Yang said coldly.

He hates noisy people the most, it's really annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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