Chapter 318 Half Human Half Beast?

The old itchy shut up in an instant, not daring to say anything.

Old Wu on the side even raised his voice, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Zhang Yang directly opened his mouth and gave an order:

"Turn on the flashlight in your hand immediately, and see if there is a way down below?"

The old itchy, who had already changed his complexion greatly in fright, got up his courage at this time, turned on the wrapped flashlight in his hand, and looked at the surrounding stone walls.

But unexpectedly found that there is really a way down the stone wall. It is just some stones that spit out of the stone wall slightly, but they can use external force to climb down.

"Mr. Zhang, there seems to be something that can be stepped on here."

The old itchy raised his head and shouted loudly.


Zhang Yang nodded in satisfaction.

Then with a strong force, he directly pulled Lao You up, very fast, until he was lifted up, Lao You's legs were trembling, it seemed that he was quite frightened.

After all, I have never experienced this before, so I naturally have some fear in my heart.

"Mr. Zhang, do we really want to go down?"

Old itching still has some meaning of repulsion.

"Of course I'm going down."

Zhang Yang nodded.

The entrance to this ancient tomb is just around the corner. Wouldn't it be a pity if we didn't go down.

Besides, the tomb passage he came here was for that thing, if he went in, why would he come here for so long.

However, right now they can only climb down along those points.

However, this old Wu's physical ability is probably not enough.

It would be unrealistic to leave him here alone.

When they left, something appeared, I'm afraid he couldn't handle it at all.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, then directly took out the Dinghaishen needle from his ear, and let it go directly under the mass grave.

He began to say a few spells in his mouth.

I saw that the Dinghaishen needle was growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn't stop until it was as thick as an adult's calf.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, this, what is this?"

Old Wu and Old Itching were stunned for an instant.

It's really incredible that this thing can change so much in a short period of time.

It's like watching a sci-fi movie, and it's the kind of live broadcast.

The old itchy was completely speechless, as far as Zhang Yang's ability, I'm afraid no one in this world can match it.

Without waiting for everyone to react, Zhang Yang directly took a bag, wrapped it around the Dinghaishen needle pillar, and then slid down directly.

The speed is very fast, and the movements are extremely swift and swift.

Aolong followed suit and slid all the way down.

Old Wu and Old Itching glanced at each other, only then did they realize that there was nothing in the hands of the two of them to wrap around the Dinghaishen needle.

"How to do?"

Lao Xi looked at Lao Wu helplessly.

Old Wu shrugged helplessly and said:
"What can be done, the road has been paved, so naturally we have to go down."

"Then how do we get down?"

The old itch continues to throw questions.

"It seems that it can only be used."

As he said that, Old Wu lowered his head and pulled up his clothes, saying:

"That's it."

"Huh? A belt?"

The old itchy face showed an ugly look.

"Otherwise, this guy is the most useful."

Old Wu also had no choice.

"But my belt is a bargain from a small market and I'm not sure if it will hold my weight."

The old itchy said with some helplessness.

"I'm sick of you."

Old Wu gave Old Itchy a blank look, then handed his belt to Old Itchy and said:
"You are fatter than me, so you should use this. It was given to me by my second uncle on my birthday last year. It is a brand, and it is made of real cowhide. It should be able to hold up."

"Old Wu, thank you."

Lao Xie immediately took it with both hands, stretched out his hand and said:

"Don't tell me, this brand is different. It looks like real leather, and it's comfortable to touch."

Seeing Lao Tickle's loving expression, Lao Wu directly stretched out his hand and said:
"Don't be inked, give me your belt quickly. Mr. Zhang and the others will leave in a while."

After Lao Wu reminded him like this, Lao Xi hurriedly stretched out his hand to untie his belt and handed it to Lao Wu:
"Old Wu, be careful, otherwise it will be embarrassing if your pants fall off."

"Understood, long-winded."

Soon, the two of them slid down the Dinghaishen needle pillar.

"Fuck me."

As soon as the old itchy landed, he heard a clicking sound coming from under his feet.

"Why are there so many bones here? Isn't the smell too smoky?"

Said the old itch couldn't help retching twice.

It seems that these human bones have been here for a while, and they are already brittle, the kind that crunch when stepped on.

This was the first time I heard the sound of human bones, and it made people feel panicked from the bottom of their hearts.

Old Wu was also stunned. This was the first time he stood on top of human bones, and there were so many of them.

Those skeleton hands have already worked hard, and it is impossible to distinguish a complete person at all.

However, the death of those bones is very painful.

Everyone's mouth is open, and the eyes are full of horror and frightening.

It felt as if these people were in great pain before they died, and it seemed that this way of death was also extremely miserable.

After all, it is a mass grave, and those who died here were forced to do so.

Zhang Yang was looking carefully at the bones on the ground in the coffin.

There is a slight difference between seeing it from a height and seeing it on the ground, and there is an unspeakable feeling of terror in my heart.

It can be seen that these corpses should all be buried slaves or prisoners of war.

Because these corpses have been in the cold and damp caves where the sun cannot be exposed to the sun for many years, the bones of the dead people are all showing a moldy black color.

There are even some corpses piled up together, and there is still meat that has not completely rotted inside, which is even more nauseating.

At this time, the air was filled with a very strong musty smell, which made people feel nauseous in their hearts.

Moreover, many of these corpses seem to have been dismembered, which is enough to show how tragic the death was at that time.

But looking at the ferocious expressions of these corpses, Zhang Yang even began to suspect that many of the corpses inside seemed to have fangs.

Because among these broken bones, there are quite a few sharp white fangs, which look like animals.

But according to Zhang Yang's observation, there are basically human bones here, no animal bones, so it is not impossible for people to grow fangs.

Zhang Yang is also very curious, what kind of people are there?

Or what kind of species is half human and half beast?
Because it is already history, so naturally it is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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