Chapter 366 Aolong Appears
Wu Xie's face turned pale with fright. If it was a second later, they would all become the dishes of this filthy mess.

Zhuo Jiuyin realized that he was biting the air, and suddenly he was furious. He turned over suddenly and flew up from the water pool, and attacked Zhang Yang again.

Zhang Yang was so busy protecting Wu Xie and Fatty Wang that he had no time to react.

Seeing that Zhuo Jiuyin was about to bite Zhang Yang's back, suddenly an ancient black gold knife fell from the sky and directly cut through Zhuo Jiuyin's eyelids.


Zhuojiu let out a long roar, and the earth trembled suddenly, with the tendency of landslides and ground cracks.

Zhang Yang found that Zhang Qiling had already flew down at some point.

"How did you get down?"

There was a trace of displeasure on Zhang Yang's face.

Zhang Qiling was seriously injured just now, if he doesn't cultivate well, he might be at the root of his illness.

"Mr. Zhang, I, I'm worried about you."

Zhang Qiling opened his mouth a little weakly, the knife just now used up all his strength.

The moment he saw Zhang Yang was in danger, he had already put his own life and death aside.

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, then threw the already weak Zhang Qiling to Wu Xie and Fatty Wang who were beside him and said:
"You take him to hide in the gap just now, no one is allowed to come out without my permission."

As Zhang Yang spoke, he smeared the remaining blood on the Big Dipper Knife in his hand.

The Big Dipper was originally used to kill evil things, and with his omnipotent blood, it was even more effective.

This turbid nine yin was originally something from the ancient times, so it would take some effort to deal with it.

Moreover, his physical attributes are now affected by the bronze tree, so he can't fully exert its power at all.

Right now, he can only rely on some external force.

"Brother, let's go quickly."

Wu Xie and Fatty Wang supported the pale-faced Zhang Qiling, while quickly running towards the gap.

Before leaving, Fatty Wang did not forget to pick up the black gold ancient knife for Zhang Qiling. This is Zhang Qiling's life-blood, so he must keep it.

At this time, Zhang Yang had gathered all his energy, ready to fight against this turbid nine yin.

Zhuo Jiuyin was completely enraged, he arched his neck directly, and attacked Zhang Yang fiercely.

Zhang Yang flew to avoid it quickly, and the huge dragon head directly hit the bronze tree beside it, and even bent it directly, which shows how powerful it is.

After the first attack failed, Na Zhuo Jiuyin was even more unwilling to give up and hit him several times in a row.

Zhang Yang cleverly avoided it every time, but the bronze tree was knocked to the ground.

Zhang Yang still has some doubts in his heart. After all, he can only use [-]% of his spiritual power, so he is no match for this turbid nine-yin.

Now that Zhang Qiling was injured, he couldn't help him at all.

Don't count on Wu Xie and Fatty Wang, they can't help at all.

Zhang Yang suddenly looked up at the distorted bronze tree, and with an idea, he climbed up along the bronze tree.

Seeing this, Zhuo Jiuyin entangled the bronze tree and flew towards it quickly.

Zhang Yang, who has only five successes left, obviously needs to be slower in speed.

The turbid nine yin directly opened its bloody mouth, which meant that it was about to swallow Zhang Yang into its belly.

At this time, Zhang Yangneng could clearly feel the strong smell of blood, and his breath was filled with a disgusting sour smell.

Zhang Yang knew that he had already entered the category of the turbid nine-yin blood basin, and he was afraid that he would really capsize in the gutter this time.

Just when Zhang Yang was about to be swallowed by that Zhuo Jiuyin, suddenly a black shadow flashed, Zhuo Jiuyin bit the air directly, and the huge head hit the cliff heavily, making a 'bang' a sound.

Soon, Zhang Yang realized that he was rescued by Aolong.

Just at the critical moment, Aolong's tail curled up forcefully, directly wrapping his whole body into his body.

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

Aolong looked at Zhang Yang worriedly.

After following Zhang Yang for so long, when did I see him in such a mess.

This made Aolong very worried.


Zhang Yang shook his head.

Soon, Aolong jumped onto the branch of the bronze tree with Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, leave the rest to me."

After Aolong finished speaking, he transformed into a giant dragon again, and then swooped down directly along the bronze tree.

Zhuo Jiuyin, who was dizzy from the huge impact just now, also woke up. After seeing Aolong, he also opened his bloody mouth and rushed up quickly.

In this way, the two giant dragons were entwined on the bronze tree, and a [-]-round battle mode was started.

And Zhang Yang also took advantage of this gap, quickly jumped to the top of the cliff, and then returned to the gap below.

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

Seeing Zhang Yang coming down, Wu Xie ran up quickly.

"I'm fine, everyone go up first, it's not safe here anymore."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and gestured.


Everyone didn't dare to delay, and followed Zhang Yang to climb up the cliff.

Because Aolong and Zhuojiuyin made a lot of noise, everyone should not only pay attention to the safety of their feet and not step on the air, but also be on guard against the possibility of being affected.

Fortunately, under Zhang Yang's protection, everyone reached the plank road above smoothly.

"You go up and wait for me first, I will go up in a while."

Zhang Yang signaled for the three to leave first.

He couldn't give up on an ancient beast like Zhuo Jiuyin, if he could domesticate it, it would be a good thing.

"Mr. Zhang, you, won't you go up with us?"

Zhang Qiling seemed a little bit reluctant.

"This thing must be dealt with today, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Zhang Yang spoke uprightly.

"But, Mr. Zhang..."

Zhang Qiling wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Yang directly waving:
"Okay, let's go up first."

"Brother, listen to Mr. Zhang, let's go up first and then talk."

Wu Xie naturally saw that something was wrong with Zhang Yang's face, so he hurriedly dragged Zhang Qiling and climbed up.

Fatty Wang looked back at Zhang Yang with some reluctance, then turned and left.

Seeing that the three of them had successfully climbed up the safe plank road, Zhang Yang turned his head to look at Aolong and Zhuo Jiuyin who were still fighting, with a sinister smile flashing across his eyes.

Then it was time for him to act.

If the development of the original plot is followed, this turbid Jiuyin will undoubtedly die today.

But unfortunately, I met him today. Of course, I want to give this thing another way to live.

It's just that he still likes this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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