Chapter 367
When Zhang Yang looked down again, he saw that Aolong was already in the upper hand.

As expected of being the son of the Dragon King, Zhang Yang still has this ability, Zhang Yang is very pleased.

I saw Aolong's claws go down, directly grabbed the tail of the turbid Jiuyin, and then slammed it vigorously, and threw the opponent out heavily.

Zhuo Jiuyin's huge head slammed into the cliff like this, and immediately the broken stones splashed everywhere, falling everywhere.

It seems that the ability of this proud dragon has not been affected by this bronze tree at all.

Soon, Zhuo Jiuyin was knocked unconscious, and his bulky body fell heavily.

In an instant, the water in the pool splashed in all directions, and the splash reached a distance of three feet.

Aolong possessed himself and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but Zhang Yang stopped him and said:

"Aolong, wait a minute."

Hearing Zhang Yang's call, Aolong immediately turned his head to look at Zhang Yang not far away.

"Take me down first and then talk."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

Aolong nodded, flew towards Zhang Yang, and soon flew with Zhang Yang and landed on the edge of the pool.

At this time, the giant black python in the pool had already been devoured by those Gu worms, leaving only a thin layer of black skin floating on the pool.

After Zhuo Jiuyin fell down, it directly shattered the layer of black skin to pieces.

Strange to say, after Zhuo Jiuyin fell into the water, those Gu worms quickly avoided it, and retreated one after another.

At this time, there is only turbidity and nine shades left in the whole pool.

He was bumped by Aolong just now, he should have been bumped hard, he didn't recover after a while, and lay weakly in the pool.

After Zhang Yang landed, he was about to walk towards the water pool, and Aolong who had already transformed into a human form stepped forward in fright and said:
"Sir, be careful."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"It's okay, it can't do anything to me now."

Only then did Aolong slowly put down his hand, but he still followed behind Zhang Yang with a worried expression on his face.

Soon, Zhang Yang walked to the edge of the pool, looked down at the dying Zhuo Jiuyin, and stretched out his hand above his head for luck.

In an instant, the shadow of a woman reappeared in Zhang Yang's mind.

The woman knelt down to Zhang Yang directly, and Li Hua begged Zhang Yang to let her poor child go.

Zhang Yang naturally knew that this woman was the one who was trapped in the cocoon before, but this time she was wearing a set of strange clothes, her belly was no longer bulging, and she looked only seventeen or eighteen years old.

It seems that this is the real body of this turbid nine-yin mother.

"Why do you have such an ancient thing as the turbid nine yin in your stomach?"

Zhang Yang asked directly.

The woman choked with sobs and recounted her past encounters.

It turned out that this woman was a young woman in the Yao and Shun period. She was originally the daughter of a peasant family. She rescued a young son when she went to the back mountain to collect medicine again.

Originally, the father of the woman's family was a famous doctor, and he healed the young man's wounds very quickly.

The son is handsome and extraordinary, the woman fell in love with him at first sight, and the son also developed feelings for him in the process of getting along with the woman.

After that, the two got married smoothly under the arrangement of the family.

On the night of the wedding, the two performed the ceremony of husband and wife. Unexpectedly, when they woke up the next morning, the woman's belly grew bigger, and she felt as if she was pregnant for four or five months.

The family was terrified, thinking that the woman had some strange disease, her father hurriedly asked for a diagnosis and treatment, and after confirming that she was pregnant, her father's face turned green.

After all, he was a doctor who had traveled extensively, so he naturally knew something about this situation.

His father pressed him to ask who the young master was, and why did his daughter behave like this?

The young master couldn't bear to deceive the woman, so he could only tell the truth, saying that he was a filthy man who had just cultivated to become a human being, but unexpectedly he was attacked by the army.

His companions were all arrested, and he was the only one who managed to escape the arrest, but he was also seriously injured.

Fortunately, he was rescued by a woman, and he wanted to settle down here.

Hearing this, the woman's father was extremely angry.

This turbid nine yin was extremely poisonous in their era, and everyone kept it at a respectful distance.

Although the woman was angry, she really liked the young man, and she was pregnant with the other's child, begging her father to let her go.

The woman's father couldn't bear his daughter's sadness, and he also considered that his daughter had just got married. If this matter was brought up now, it would definitely be detrimental to the family, so he agreed to this matter and agreed that the two would continue to be husband and wife, but Restrict the young master's freedom, he can only stay in the house, he can't go anywhere.

After all, the reputation of the turbid Jiuyin is not very good. If he goes out and hurts someone, he is afraid that it will bring disaster to his family.

I thought it was over at this time.

Unexpectedly, there is actually no impenetrable wall here, and soon everyone found out that the woman was pregnant, and her belly was huge after a few days of marriage.

Gossip began to spread in the village, which caused dissatisfaction among many villagers.

A fortune teller in the village said that the woman was carrying stolen goods in her stomach, and she needed to get rid of it, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

When the villagers heard this, they quit more and more, and they were about to arrest the woman and deal with the stolen goods in her belly.

There are so many people in the village that they surround the woman's house tightly, and there is no way to get out.

This action just happened to angered Zhuo Jiuyin, who had been holding back for a long time, and directly transformed into his original form, hurting many people.

Soon, this incident alarmed the people above, and they came down directly to arrest Zhuo Jiuyin.

After everyone discovered that the woman was pregnant with the offspring of the turbid Jiuyin, they also took it away.

However, after the woman was taken away, she was not executed, but was directly sealed in the cocoon.

Moreover, a giant black python was arranged to guard the place, preventing outsiders from approaching.

After that, the woman has been trapped here for thousands of years.

It wasn't until three years ago that tomb robbers entered here and broke the formation here that the woman slowly came to life.

At that time, there was no way for a woman to break out of the cocoon, so she could only try to find someone to help.

It's a pity that those tomb robbers were too timid to come down at all.

It wasn't until meeting Zhang Yang and the others this time that they absorbed enough Yang Qi to completely break free from the shackles of the corpse cocoon.

The woman originally planned to find a human skin for the turbidity in her belly. After all, if she went out like this, she would definitely be in trouble.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang's spiritual power is so strong that she has no way to succeed.

The turbidity in this stomach has long been unbearable, and when he sees a chance to come out, he just bursts out.

But in order to protect the heart veins of the turbid nine yin, the woman willingly gave it her qi.

It's just that this turbid nine yin has just come out, and his mind has not yet settled down. Naturally, there is arrogance in his bones, so he started to attack Zhang Yang and the others frantically.

Hearing this, Zhang Yang couldn't help being filled with emotion, he didn't expect this woman to have such an experience.

"Sir, can you
I beg you, help my poor child. "

The woman knelt down to Zhang Yang with a 'gudong' sound.

(End of this chapter)

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