Chapter 40 Nine-story Demon Tower
"Hey, Mr. Zhang, you haven't said anything yet?"

Wang Kaixuan became anxious.

"Fatty, shut up, you'll know when you get to your destination."

Hu Bayi covered Wang Kaixuan's mouth.

There are still a lot of fire ladybugs hidden here, so we should be careful and subtle.


The group stopped at the bank of a huge natural underground river.

"My God, why is there such a big river here?"

Wang Kaixuan suddenly felt incredible.

It feels like another world here, with continuous icebergs all around, and the scene is extremely majestic and majestic.

It's just that the river here is a trickle.

This is really out of place with the surrounding scenery.

"This, is this the glacier underground river that Professor Yang mentioned earlier?"

Professor Chen suddenly became incoherent with excitement.

"Yes, this is the dark river my father mentioned. I thought it was a fake before, but I didn't expect it to actually exist."

Shirley Yang also nodded.

"Look, everyone, there is a huge footprint on the river bank."

Suddenly Hao Aiguo yelled.

"Let's go and have a look."

Both Professor Chen and Shirley Yang quickly walked over to check, and the others followed.

Only Zhang Yang stood where he was and didn't move a bit, just looked up at a mountain not far away in a daze.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

At this time, Hu Bayi, who had watched the excitement in the past, turned back and asked in a low voice.

He only believes in Zhang Yang now, he can't trust others at all.

"The front is where we are looking for."

Zhang Yang stretched out his finger and pointed to the faint opening in the mountains not far away.

"Then, what are we waiting for, let's go now."

Hu Bayi was also a little excited.

"Well, it's time to go and have a look."

Zhang Yang looked at Professor Chen and the others not far away, and then shouted towards the other side:
"Professor Chen, I'll take two people to explore the way ahead, and you can rest here for a while."

At this time, it is naturally impossible for Zhang Yang to take so many to the Nine-story Demon Tower.

"it is good."

Professor Chen has long been attracted by the huge footprint on the ground, and directed several students to take out a ruler to measure and record.

This is the good and bad of scholars. When they see any novelty, they are always eager to study it thoroughly before they are finished.

However, this also happened to give Zhang Yang a perfect opportunity to get rid of so many people.

Zhang Yang winked at Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan and Shirley Yang who were on the side.

The three of them understood immediately, and they all followed Zhang Yang and left in a tacit understanding.

Zhang Yang led the three of them, and they found the specific location very well.

Even Hu Bayi had some doubts whether Zhang Yang had been here before.

After all, his familiarity with this place is almost as good as at home.

"It's here."

Zhang Yang stopped slightly, and everyone subconsciously looked towards a towering ancient pagoda not far away.

The moment they saw the ancient pagoda, both Wang Kaixuan and Shirley Yang couldn't help but gasped.

Unexpectedly, there is such a huge tower standing under this glacier.

I saw that the body of the tower was in the shape of the word "gold", and the outside was wrapped in a layer of wood.

At the moment, there are countless red rays of light glowing on the body of the wooden tower, twinkling and twinkling, especially dazzling.

It seems that there are some rotten cloth strips on the tower, because of the long distance and dim light, it is not very clear.

Looking up at the nearly 200-meter-wide nine-story demon tower, Zhang Yang was shocked from the bottom of his heart.

It is conceivable that with the civilization of the Ghost Cave Clan, it is really not easy to build such a towering wooden tower.

Zhang Yang knew in his heart that many secrets of the Ghost Cave Clan were sealed inside the nine-story demon tower.

If you want to know more, you have to go in to find out.

"My God, what kind of tower is this? It's actually hidden under the glacier."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Nine-story demon tower."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"What? Is it the tower that locks youkai?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke in horror.

Zhang Yang didn't continue to speak, and walked slowly towards the tower.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, didn't you say there are monsters?
Why do you want to go there?

Are you not afraid of being eaten by monsters? "

Wang Kaixuan was a little scared immediately.

Although he went to the ancient tomb to be a Tufuzi for money, but it was also under the precondition of saving his life.

Shirley Yang was the first to follow Zhang Yang.

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense, just keep up."

Hu Bayi glared at Wang Kaixuan angrily, and then quickly followed behind Zhang Yang.

It seems that this time, it is indeed possible to enter the nine-story demon tower smoothly.

As a group of people approached the wooden pagoda, there were piles of dead people's bones on the ground.

There are old and young, all of which are spread all over the floor.

Zhang Yang knew that these were innocent priests, including the artisans who built this wooden pagoda.

In order to let the secret of the nine-story demon pagoda be buried here forever, all the people who participated in the construction of this wooden pagoda were eventually left here.

"My grandma, why are there so many bones here?"

Wang Kaixuan looked terrified.

I feel that there must have been a mass grave here, otherwise how could there be so many bones.

"Fatty, shut up,"

"Those bones are attached to fire ladybugs, don't disturb them, or we will be finished."

Hu Bayi reminded in a low voice.

Wang Kaixuan didn't dare to say anything immediately, after all, the group of fire ladybugs before had a certain deterrent effect.

Shirley Yang followed behind Zhang Yang and kept looking around, hoping to see something or someone she wanted to see.

Sure enough, I quickly glanced at the backpacks of several familiar archaeological teams appearing on the side of the road.

"It belongs to my dad's archaeological team."

As Shirley Yang said that, she jogged over.

Turning over, those people had familiar name tags hanging on their chests.

Shirley Yang's heart tightened. It seemed that her father had indeed brought the archaeological team to this place.

Judging by this posture, I'm afraid it's more ominous than ominous.

"Miss Yang, you have to mourn."

Hu Bayi made some unbearable openings.


Shirley Yang Meng nodded.

As long as he knows that his father has finally realized his dream, it can be regarded as the fulfillment of one of his wishes.

No matter what the final result will be, she will choose to accept it.

But at this time Zhang Yang looked up at the nine-story demon tower close at hand, as if he was thinking about something.

The voice of the system rang in my head.

[Ding, the host is paying attention, the system has automatically detected the fire of the underworld. 】

[The fire seed of the underworld comes from the underworld, and can destroy all things in the underworld, no matter it is evil spirits or ghosts. 】

(End of this chapter)

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