Chapter 41 Encountered Firebat Attack
The tinder of the underworld fire?
It was the first time Zhang Yang heard of this, but he was very interested.

It seems that this trip is not in vain.

"Come on, come in."

As Zhang Yang said, he was about to walk towards the wooden pagoda.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, there are monsters in this Tarim, are you sure we still have to go in?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.

He didn't want to go straight in and die.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"The ones locked in this nine-story demon tower are not monsters, but the successive monarchs who lived in the ancient demon city.

After they die, they will all be buried here in one place. With the protection of the glacier, it is natural that the tomb can be kept intact. "

"I'm going, are the people in these demon kingdoms so smart?"

Wang Kaixuan was a little impressed.

"Then, how could it be the ninth floor? Not the eighth floor, the tenth floor or something?"

Joking and curious, he spoke again.

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and explained:

"Because according to the customs of the Demon Kingdom, every time a king dies in their past, they will add a wooden tower.

And just after their ninth generation king died, the whole country suddenly disappeared.

Therefore, people of later generations named it according to the nine-story building of the wooden pagoda. "

"So that's where the name came from. I was really scared to death just now. I really thought there were monsters in it."

Wang Kaixuan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, let's go to Tarim first."

After speaking, Zhang Yang prepared to lead everyone into the wooden pagoda.

Suddenly Wang Kaixuan exclaimed.

"Look, there are a lot of corpses."

Everyone looked in the direction of Wang Kaixuan's finger. They were a little far away from the wooden tower just now, and they hadn't seen clearly yet.

Now that they are getting closer, and with the bats glowing red on the wooden tower, they can see it more clearly.

The entire body of the tower is made of thousand-year-old cypress (also known as Kunlun Shenmu), and the periphery of each floor is filled with dried up remains wearing strange clothes.

When I looked at it before, I thought it was a piece of rag hanging, but I didn't expect it to be the clothes of those remains.

And those bats with red light all over their bodies seemed to have sensed something, and they all started to move around.

It even made a 'squeak' sound.

This made the entire wooden tower filled with a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

People can't help but shiver when they look at it.

"Why are these bats red?"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but speak.

I remember when I came here before, I didn't see this thing.

Why is it different this time?
"This is a firebat."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to introduce.

"What the hell is a fire bat?"

At this moment, Wang Kaixuan was about to burst into tears. Is it easy to come out this trip?

Maybe it's very possible to catch a little life, it's really not worth it.

"The firebat is the guardian specially trained by the king of the Demon Kingdom to protect their corpses, and it is also the guardian of the nine-story demon tower.

But anyone who approaches this demon tower will be attacked by fire bats. "

"No, it's another thing that eats people without spitting out bones?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly, and subconsciously took two steps back.

Suddenly, accidentally stepping backwards, he stepped on a bone in a human arm.

With a sound of 'click', the bone was directly crushed and broken.

With the sound of the sound, the originally silent surroundings suddenly heard the loud sound of fire bats.

'chirp chirp chirp... '

With the sound of the fire bats, the red light on their bodies became brighter and brighter, and at this time the entire demon tower was illuminated even brighter.

Looking at the demon tower from this distance, I felt a strong oppressive force coming over me, making me feel like I was breathing heavily.

"It's over."

Wang Kaixuan was so frightened that his legs limp for a while, he didn't expect that he would get into trouble.

"The firebat has awakened."

Hu Bayi quickly took out the gun he was wearing with him.

Although I know it's useless, I should resist when it's time to resist.

Xue Liyang also took out the saber she was carrying with her, and looked at the densely packed fire bats with her eyes like torches.

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes. This fire bat is similar to the fire ladybug before, it corrodes the flesh by touching human skin.

That being the case, it would be more effective to continue using fire attacks.

at this time.

Zhang Yang has already started luck with both palms, each holding a ball of red balls between his palms.

Those fire bats seemed to sense the dangerous aura from Zhang Yang, and they all gathered together to form a huge fiery red ball.

It is five meters in diameter.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang."

Shirley Yang leaned towards Zhang Yang subconsciously.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan were also terrified, this was the first time they saw such a horrifying scene.

It's a blessing not to pee your pants.

"move back."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and gave the order directly.

When the three of them heard this, they all stepped back a few steps obediently.

I saw Zhang Yang activated the bronze armored unicorn arm again, and suddenly a powerful momentum directly pressed towards the fireball.

Those fire bats were instantly scattered away.

Zhang Yang directly hit the two palms with two fires.

There was only a 'whoosh', and those fire bats were instantly swallowed by the red tongues of fire.

Maybe it was because those fire bats were not reconciled, and wanted to give it a go, flapping their fiery red wings, they rushed towards Zhang Yangmeng.

"Mr. Zhang, run quickly."

Hu Bayi let out a shout, then dragged Shirley Yang and ran outside.

Wang Kaixuan also reacted instantly, and ran away.

Zhang Yang stood there calmly. Before the fire bats got close to Zhang Yang, they instantly turned into ashes and scattered all over the place.

The three fleeing people seemed to have discovered something, they all listened and looked in Zhang Yang's direction.

I saw those firebats were like fallen planets, and they fell all over the ground with a 'pop'.

The three people on the side were even more terrified.

Just this battle, I'm afraid it's more ominous than good.

But seeing that Zhang Yang was not injured at all, he was relieved.

Perhaps it was because the commotion was too loud, those fire bats died in pieces, but they woke up the fire ladybugs around them.

In an instant, the entire midair was illuminated by the light blue flame.

A strange light blue flame danced on everyone's face.

Shirley Yang was terrified, this thing is a formidable thief, one is scary enough, let alone thousands of them.

"My God, this is God wanting to destroy me."

Wang Kaixuan was so frightened that he peed on his pants.

Hu Bayi also didn't expect to see such a shocking scene. The fire ladybug is almost like the stars in the sky, and they are too numerous to count.

The scene was extremely shocking and spectacular.

With the awakening of those fire ladybugs, figures with blue light all over their bodies began to stand on the ground.

Although the facial features of those people can't be seen clearly, the gender of men and women can be vaguely distinguished.


"What's the situation? Are these people or ghosts?"

Wang Kaixuan cursed in a low voice.

These people densely filled the entire space, and the number continued to increase.

"Come to the altar quickly."

Zhang Yang suddenly opened his mouth to signal.

Only then did the three of them come to their senses, and rushed towards Zhang Yang with a vigorous step.

Right now, life-saving is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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