Chapter 403 The Origin of the Mysterious Zhang Family (2)

After eating, the woman dragged Zhang Yang to lie down on the big bed to rest, saying that he needs to rest now and not be too tired.

Zhang Yang felt that there must be something wrong here.

But how can not find the problem.

That woman really existed, and she was dangling in front of her eyes.

Every scene and thing here was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

The woman kept guarding beside his bed, watching him rest, which made Zhang Yang very depressed.

Just when he was very helpless in his heart, suddenly the woman handed a bell and said:

"Do you like this?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback, quickly got up from the bed, took the bell and said:

"This, isn't this a hexagonal copper bell?"

"Hexagonal Copper Bell, that's a good name, it sounds nice, so let's call it Hexagonal Copper Bell from now on."

The woman opened her mouth with a smile.


Zhang Yang was slightly surprised.

"I said this bell, I will listen to you in the future, let's call it a hexagonal copper bell."

The woman laughed and said:

"I was thinking about what to name it before, but I didn't expect you to solve it for me all at once."

Zhang Yang seemed to realize something, and hurriedly said:

"Where did this bell come from?"

The woman smiled and said:

"I prepared this specially for you. I plan that if you need it, just shake the bell. When I hear the sound of the bell, I will appear by your side."


Zhang Yang almost burst out laughing.

This hexagonal copper bell, which is the most important keepsake of the Patriarch of the Zhang family, will be reduced to this use one day. Isn't this an overkill?

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it, we can change it to something else."

The woman looked at Zhang Yang with a smile, her eyes were full of love.

Zhang Yang hurriedly shook his head and said:
"No, I think this is pretty good."

The woman nodded in satisfaction and said:
"That's good."

Suddenly, a man's voice came from outside.

"Patriarch, it's not good, something happened."

The woman's complexion changed slightly in an instant, and her voice was extremely cold.

"Come in."


As the voice fell, a black figure walked in, and saw that the other party was covered with a black cloth from top to bottom, only showing a pair of sharp eyes.

When the man in black saw the woman, he didn't dare to raise his head to look directly at her. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and knelt on the ground.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The woman spoke again, her voice still cold.

"Patriarch, it's not good. Some people outside are unwilling to change their surname to Zhang, and they have already started arguing."


The woman stood up abruptly, her expression extremely gloomy.

"Go, go out and have a look."

As she spoke, the woman hurriedly walked outside. After taking two steps, she suddenly stopped, turned her head to look at Zhang Yang and said:

"Wait for me, I'll be right back."

Zhang Yang nodded.

After the woman left, Zhang Yang quickly jumped off the bed, and followed closely behind.

Just kidding, he's not a sick person.

There is absolutely no problem getting out of bed and jumping.

After following the woman through several doors in a row, she soon arrived at a temple like an ancestral hall.

As soon as the woman appeared, the noisy scene fell silent instantly.

The woman glanced at everyone coldly, then sat domineeringly on the seat in the main hall and said:

"What? Someone wants to go against my will?"

As soon as the woman's words came out, everyone felt insecure and bowed their heads in silence.

Zhang Yang felt that this woman was too domineering, and her aura was simply the modern version of a female bully.

"What? Don't talk anymore?"

The woman spoke coldly again.

Everyone glanced at each other, all intending to shirk, and they didn't dare to take the lead.

In the end, the middle-aged man standing at the front said:

"Patriarch, we have been following for many years. We were originally brothers from all corners of the country, and even had hundreds of surnames. Now we suddenly want to change all of us to 'Zhang'. Isn't it inappropriate?"

"Yes, Patriarch, we can't forget all the things our ancestors gave us."

The other nodded in agreement.

The woman gave the man a cold look and said:

"Since you don't want to change your surname, then get out of here, I won't force you."

"Patriarch, this..."

The man's tone lost all confidence in an instant.

"If you don't want to change your surname, the gate is over there, please feel free; if you want to stay, you have to abide by the rules of this family."

The woman's words were so domineering that even Zhang Yang, who was eavesdropping, admired her.

This is the aura a patriarch should have.

At this time the woman spoke again:

"But anyone who is willing to change their surname can come here and write down their name, and then enter it into the genealogy of the Zhang family. They can be regarded as a part of our Zhang family. In the future, everyone needs to support and help each other."

After everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they all stepped forward and filled in the red book with their changed names.

Zhang Yang remembered the appearance of that book, isn't this the family tree of the Zhang family?
Zhang Yang found it incredible that he had entered into the initial establishment of the mysterious Zhang family.

I also met the first head of the Zhang family, and she was also an extremely beautiful woman.

While Zhang Yang was contemplating, a voice suddenly came.

"Why did you come out? Didn't you not be allowed to follow?"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone's attention was directly shifted to Zhang Yang.

Knowing that he had been discovered, Zhang Yang came out of the corner in embarrassment and said:

"Just want to come out and get some air."

"Since it's all here, you can write it too."

After speaking, the woman came over, took Zhang Yang's hand behind her and walked into the ancestral hall.

Zhang Yang was pulled by a woman in front of so many people, his face was reddish.

"This is the place specially reserved for you."

The woman pointed to the blank space at the top of the Zhang family tree.


Zhang Yang's mind went blank at the time, what does this mean?
What does it mean to let him be the first Patriarch of the mysterious Zhang family?
"Of course it's you, and it can only be you."

The woman spoke with an extremely serious face.

"Hurry up and write your name, this house will be yours from now on."

The woman took the pen and handed it to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, but still lowered his head and dropped his name.

However, what made Zhang Yang feel strange was that he clearly wrote the word "Zhang Yang", but Zhang Shengqing's name was displayed on it.

This made Zhang Yang puzzled, and he didn't understand what was going on.

The woman suddenly hugged Zhang Yang directly, and said excitedly:

"I knew you would always have me side by side in your heart."


Zhang Yang was stunned, wondering what was going on?
(End of this chapter)

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