Chapter 404 The Origin of the Mysterious Zhang Family (3)

"Your name is Zhang Sheng, and I'm Zhang Qing. You merged the two of us and wrote it as Zhang Shengqing. Doesn't that mean you want to advance and retreat with me?"

Zhang Qing explained excitedly.

What the hell?

Doesn't the Zhang family's first patriarch 'Zhang Shengqing' represent a person?

It's been a long time.

I always thought it was a person's name before, but I didn't expect it to be a combination of two people's names.

And it's a combination of a man and a woman.

Zhang Yang suddenly realized that it was extremely possible that he was brought to the initial establishment of the Zhang family by that group of shadows.

And what he is experiencing now has all happened before.

As for the little girl in front of him——Zhang Qing is also the real initiator of the Zhang family.

Today, she brought these people together and changed them all to Zhang's surname. I'm afraid this is the mysterious Zhang family that really exists in the world.

No wonder everyone didn't know the origin of this family before. It turned out that they were all anonymous people here. Who would have thought of this.

Being elected as the first patriarch of the Zhang family, everyone asked Zhang Yang to prepare a token so that he could pass on the family position in the future.

At this time, Zhang Yang happened to be holding the hexagonal copper bell in his hand, and everyone directly acquiesced that it was the token of the Patriarch of the Zhang family.

In front of everyone, Zhang Qing directly took Zhang Yang's hand and said:

"Zhang Sheng and I appeared on the family tree of the Zhang family. From now on, we will be the first Patriarch of the Zhang family. You must absolutely obey any instructions of the Patriarch, and you must not disobey them, otherwise you will be punished severely.

In the future, our Zhang family must remain isolated from the outside world, so we can only choose intermarriage within the clan. People in the clan are not allowed to intermarry with outsiders. Once found out, they will be directly expelled from the clan and never come back. "

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect this family rule to be born at this moment.

It's really fatal.

Zhang Yang wanted to say something, but found that he opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

Although he didn't know the reason, Zhang Yang knew in his heart that this was similar to the name he wrote. No matter how he wanted to change it, in the end these affairs would still happen according to the stipulated time.

Therefore, no matter how hard he tried, it was in vain.

Of course, at night, Zhang Yang was arranged to live in the same room as Zhang Qing.

Zhang Yang felt embarrassed, but Zhang Qing was very calm, saying that they were husband and wife and should live in the same room.

Zhang Yang felt it was funny and helpless, he had never even touched a woman's hand, and he had a beautiful wife somewhere.

However, Zhang Yang also knew that this was the personal experience of the original Zhang Sheng.

After that, Zhang Qing took Zhang Yang into a virtual space, which was a world that Zhang Yang had never seen before.

According to Zhang Qing's explanation, it is a mysterious door to longevity. Once people enter it, they can achieve longevity.

Zhang Yang looked at the bronze door, and still had the answer in his heart.

It seems that this is the secret that the rumored mysterious Zhang family has been guarding——the Bronze Gate.

Zhang Qing held Zhang Yang's hand, ready to take him into the back of the bronze door to see the world inside.

Zhang Yang was excited, curious, and even more nervous.

In fact, he also really wanted to see what secrets were hidden in the bronze door. Could there really be a secret that could make people live forever?

Just when the two were about to step into the bronze gate, someone suddenly reported that there was an enemy attack.

Zhang Yang and Zhang Qing rushed over in a hurry, Zhang Yang was stunned at the time.

This enemy army is really awesome, it turned out to be a bloody corpse covered in blood all over its body.

In this era, they don't know that this is called a blood corpse, but they know it is an enemy army.

The blood corpse was called by everyone later.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that in this era, there would be blood corpses, and they would attack humans.

Zhang Qing swung the ancient black gold knife in her hand and flew over to fight the blood corpse.

The other clansmen did not show any weakness, and flew over to help together.

The skills of this family member are really not small, everyone is considered a master, but this blood corpse is even more powerful.

Not only the strength is astonishing, but also the speed is astonishing, and the fighting power is even more overwhelming.

Soon, all the people led by Zhang Qing were defeated.

Zhang Yang wanted to help, but Zhang Qing stretched out her hand to stop him unexpectedly, telling him not to go there.

Then I saw Zhang Qing suddenly meditating on the spot, and started chanting some mantras, and the other members of the Zhang family quickly meditated and chanted the mantras together.

Soon, a hexagonal copper bell formation appeared from the ground, and the blood corpse was trapped behind the copper bell formation, unable to find a way out, and began to frantically try to escape.

It's a pity that this formation is very domineering, and the blood corpse can't escape from the formation no matter what, let alone hurt others.

Zhang Yang watched it with great interest, but he didn't expect that the hexagonal copper bell formation was originally used to fight against the enemy.

Soon, the blood corpse hugged its head and began to roll on the ground in pain, and then with a loud 'bang', the blood corpse exploded all over its body.

The blood-red sticky substance spilled all over everyone.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang was a little farther away at that time, so Chi Yu was not harmed.

However, after seeing the power of this formation, Zhang Yang felt a little terrified.

This formation is far more powerful than he imagined.

After that, several batches of different kinds of rice dumplings, blood corpses and so on came in a row.

Anyway, they were all wiped out by Zhang Qing and the Zhang family.

This made Zhang Yang feel that Zhang Qing seemed to be an Ultraman, leading a group of young Ultramans to fight monsters together.

However, on the way to the mission again, Zhang Qing was accidentally bitten by the monster and was infected with germs.

Zhang Yang went to help detoxify, but unfortunately he was also recruited.

The whole body of the two of them began to be covered with black things, and the blood on their bodies gradually became ossified.

Knowing that the two people's qi and life are connected, Zhang Qing asked someone to build a rosewood coffin, which can accommodate the two of them.

Then the new family was selected from the clan, and she took Zhang Yang to lie down in the coffin, and then was placed in the drum tower specially built for them.

It was originally the place where they lived, but in the end it directly became their coffin.

According to Zhang Qing, they will live and die there.

When lying in the coffin, Zhang Yang only felt that his eyes went dark, and then fell into the abyss again.

When he woke up again, he found that he was still standing on the last floor of the Drum Tower.

But the black shadow in front of him slowly drifted towards the direction of the coffin. Zhang Yang wanted to call out to the other party, but finally held back.

"First, sir, are you all right?"

Aolong looked at Zhang Yang with some worries.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:


(End of this chapter)

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