Chapter 52 Mutated Salamander
"It's a salamander."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"What the hell is a salamander? It's so big? It's about the size of a car."

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.

Just now he was really afraid of being swallowed alive by that thing.

Zhang Yang looked at the glacier cave, and then explained:

"This salamander lives underground all year round and lives on insects and mayflies. It is generally harmless."

"No harm?"

Wang Kaixuan had a frightened expression on his face.

"Then I was almost swallowed alive by it just now."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid this thing is very dangerous."

Hu Bayi also nodded.

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes. Logically speaking, the salamander at the gate of the nine-story demon tower is harmless.

Only the overlord salamander in the dark river outside is very aggressive.

Could it be that it has mutated?
Judging from the size of the salamander just now, it was only three or four meters long, so it wouldn't hurt anyone.

At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing behind him.

Turning around abruptly, I saw the salamander that had broken its tongue just now sticking out its tongue and attacking this way.

"Be careful."

Zhang Yang pushed away Hu Bayi who was carrying Shirley Yang on his back, and quickly raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand to slash at the severed tongue.

This time the newt became smarter, and quickly retracted its tongue.

The big knife in Zhang Yang's hand was empty, and he jumped to the side of the glacier. With the help of external force, he slashed at the salamander's back.

Although the salamander was huge, its reaction was not bad at all. With a quick dodge, it submerged into the glacier cave on the side again.

Zhang Yang stood on the spot and quickly checked the glacier caves around him.

There are at least four or five glacier caves here, and looking at the scene, I'm afraid they are all connected to each other.

Otherwise, the salamander just now wouldn't have sneaked up from behind.

It seems that this is the old nest of the salamander.

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

At this time Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi walked over quickly.

But Shirley Yang was being carried by Wang Kaixuan at this time.

Zhang Yang noticed that Hu Bayi's feet were limping, and it seemed that he had accidentally injured his feet because he had exerted too much force just now.


Zhang Yang looked at Hu Bayi.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury."

Hu Bayi had an indifferent expression.

Zhang Yang looked at Hu Bayi's limping leg, paused, and then said:

"Sit down."


Hu Bayi looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

Zhang Yang went directly to sit on the stone beside him.

"Old Hu, why are you still standing there, Mr. Zhang told you to come over."

Wang Kaixuan gestured to Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi came to his senses immediately, and quickly followed him.

Sitting neatly beside Zhang Yang.

"Be patient."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang lowered his head and grabbed Hu Bayi's ankle with both hands, and then exerted all his strength.


Hu Bayi cried out in pain.

"All right."

Zhang Yang stood up after speaking.

"Okay, okay?"

Hu Bayi looked at Zhang Yang in confusion.

"Get up and walk around."

Zhang Yang gestured.


Hu Bayi stood up slowly from the ground, unexpectedly his feet were no longer hurting, and he could walk normally.

"My feet are healed?"

Hu Bay was overjoyed.

"Mr. Zhang, you are the best."

Wang Kaixuan looked at Zhang Yang with adoring eyes.


Suddenly Zhang Yang's face became serious, and his sharp eyes quickly swept to the five glacier caves in front of him.

He knew that the salamander would come out soon.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan shut up instantly, not daring to say anything.

Suddenly, a shadow flew out from the entrance of the glacier cave on the right.

Zhang Yang turned his head fiercely, and slashed down heavily with one knife.

With the knife raised and lowered, the blood-red sticky substance was sprayed all over the ground in an instant.

The big salamander just now was cut in half by the Big Dipper Knife in Zhang Yang's hand.

It was bloody and bloody, and it looked a bit permeable.

At this time, the system voice in Zhang Yang's mind sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the mutated salamander, gain +10 physical strength, +10 strength, and +10 speed. 】

Sure enough, it was a mutated salamander.

It seems that there are still many variables.

Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi were also terrified, Zhang Yang's arm strength was really extraordinary.

Such a big salamander was split open by him with a single knife.

At this time, the explosion sounded outside again, and the ground shook twice again.

"Go, get out quickly."

Zhang Yang didn't dare to waste any more time, so he turned around and left.

If it's late, I'm afraid Professor Chen and the others will go to the Palace of Hell to report.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan glanced at each other, then turned around and quickly followed behind Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang, who killed the giant monster with his bare hands, is definitely responsible for their ability here, and he must follow him to the death.

The three of them quickly walked out of the cave.

From a distance, Professor Chen and his party were seen fighting against a huge creature in the dark river.

"I am grass."

"Isn't this thing too big?"

Wang Kaixuan was frightened and dumbfounded.

Hu Bayi was also stunned, he didn't expect the salamanders here to be several times bigger than the ones in the cave just now.

With a 'gudong' sound, he swallowed subconsciously.

I'm afraid that if this monster bites the group of them one by one, it won't be enough to stuff the gap between its teeth.

This size is even bigger than a giant train.

Zhang Yang took a look at the salamander in front of him. It was more than ten meters long, with colorful scales shining on its body.

Its head was huge, staring at two strange eyes that looked like red lights, and its mouth was wide open, revealing three rows of sharp fangs shining golden light.

"This is the overlord salamander in ancient times. Compared with the one in our cave just now, one is bronze and the other is king.

This thing is extremely aggressive and likes to eat living things. "

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to introduce.

Suddenly, the overlord newt stretched out its red tongue about two meters away, and wrapped it around Chu Jian's trouser leg.

Then with a sudden force, Chu Jian was thrown to the ground and dragged into the water.

At this time, Professor Chen and others who were constantly defending against the attack with pistols and explosives on the shore were dumbfounded.

This monster can stick out such a long tongue.

"not good."

Zhang Yang fiercely ran towards the dark river.

The speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the bank of the dark river, and with a leap of his life, he jumped into the water, causing a huge splash.

"Mr. Zhang?"

Hu Ba didn't regain his composure for a while, and Zhang Yang's speed was too fast, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Old Hu, isn't Mr. Zhang really a god, this speed is almost against the sky."

Wang Kaixuan also spoke sullenly.

"It's Mr. Zhang."

At this moment, Professor Chen and others also spotted Zhang Yang.

Although the speed was very fast, they still saw the scene of the vigorous figure jumping into the water.

This scene is almost as exciting as watching a martial arts movie.

The appearance of Zhang Yang this time undoubtedly gave everyone present a reassurance.

Seeing that Professor Chen and others were still stupidly standing still, Hu Bayi couldn't help shouting at the crowd:
"Professor Chen, hurry up, come here quickly."

At this moment, the crowd came to their senses, and ran over in a panic.

Only halfway through the run, I heard the sound of huge splashes coming from the dark river behind me.

I saw that most of the overlord newt's body was out of the water, and it even rolled up waves of water.

When everyone saw this scene, their legs went limp, they couldn't even run.

(End of this chapter)

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