Chapter 53 Battle against the Ancient Overlord Salamander
"Professor Chen, run quickly."

At this time, Hu Bayi shouted vigorously.

at this time.

Apart from running, there is really no other way to save your life.

Professor Chen just woke up like a dream, and ran towards Hu Bayi desperately.

At this time, Chu Jian, who was caught in the water, was suddenly pushed to the shore by a force.

The whole body was soaked, lying on the bank in a mess, panting heavily.

His complexion was a little pale, and he seemed to be frightened.

"Chu Jian?"

When Hu Bayi saw it, he didn't care too much. He gritted his teeth and ran towards the dark river.

This is the person Zhang Yang rescued with all his might, and his efforts should not be in vain.

"Old Hu, what are you doing? Don't die?"

Wang Kaixuan turned pale with shock.

Unexpectedly, Hu Bayi would rush out desperately.

Professor Chen and others were also stunned by Hu Bayi's actions, and stood there blankly looking over.

"What are you still doing stupidly? Go and help."

At this time, Wang Kaixuan was so anxious that he could only jump his feet, put Shirley Yang on his back on the ground, and ran over.

Suddenly, the water splash on the bank of the dark river was hit harder.

At this time, Hu Bayi, who had just helped Chu Jian up on the ground and was about to leave, suddenly felt a tightness in his ankle.

Looking down, it turned out that a red tongue as thick as a thumb was wrapped around the ankle.


Hu Bayi yelled.

Suddenly, he staggered and was dragged directly to the ground.

Hu Bayi fell heavily to the ground, grinning in pain.

"Old Hu."

Wang Kaixuan also ran over and grabbed Hu Bayi's hand.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang emerged from the water, holding the Big Dipper Knife in his hand.

With a flash of the knife, the red tongue of the Overlord Salamander was cut off in the middle.


The Overlord Salamander suffered from pain and fell back into the water heavily, causing huge water waves.

"Old Hu, run quickly."

At this time, Wang Kaixuan didn't care too much. He picked up Hu Bayi who was on the ground, stretched out his hand to support Chu Jian who was on the ground, and ran towards the cave like a jerk.

At this time, Wang Kaixuan felt as if he had taken a powerful pill, resisting the two running wildly on the ice alone.

When Professor Chen and others saw this, they rushed up quickly.

Everyone worked together and quickly retreated to a safe zone.

At this time, the Overlord Salamander was completely enraged by Zhang Yang, and even attacked Zhang Yang fiercely.

With a leap, Zhang Yang jumped directly onto the glacier beside him.

This guy can't help him in the water, and he can't believe it when he gets to the shore.

This is his strategy. Today, no matter what, he must win this thing. I'm afraid it can improve a lot of physical attributes.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang heard Hu Bayi's shout.

"Mr. Zhang, be careful."

Zhang Yang turned his head fiercely, only to see that Overlord Salamander had followed him up the glacier, and was about to attack it with its blood-red tongue sticking out.


"It's actually really able to fly over the wall."

Zhang Yang couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

Besides, after leaping for life, he was transferred to the glacier on the other side.

The Overlord Salamander also quickly crawled over, even raised its huge front paws and swooped towards Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang avoided the opponent's attack with an exquisite dodge, but the position where he was standing just now had been punched out with a huge hole.

It seems that the strength of this Overlord Salamander is astonishing.

Before Zhang Yang could recover, the overlord salamander suddenly swung its tail, and the huge tail swung towards this direction.

With the loud bang, wherever the tail swept, many glacial blocks suddenly fell down.

Zhang Yang knew that he could never sit still and wait for death.

I just got entangled with the Overlord Salamander, just wanting to test the real strength of the other party.

Now I know that it likes to use its front paws and tail, and these two places are extremely powerful.

Even if he has the powerful bronze armored unicorn arm at this moment, he might not be its opponent.

Moreover, this guy has rough skin and thick flesh, and he is not afraid of fire and water.

That being the case, then avoid its strengths and attack its weaknesses.

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, and jumped directly onto the back of the Overlord Salamander.

There were some bulges on this guy's body, Zhang Yang grabbed it to prevent himself from falling.

The overlord newt suddenly shook its body frantically, trying to throw Zhang Yang off.

Zhang Yang quickly took out the short knife of the Big Dipper, aimed at the middle of the Overlord Salamander's head, and stabbed it directly.


The Overlord Salamander let out a miserable roar, and the mountains shook suddenly, and the landslides and the ground cracked.

Suddenly it leaped, and jumped back into the water again, causing huge blood-red waves on the surface of the water.

"Mr. Zhang?"

At this time, everyone watching this scene not far away couldn't help but gasp.

The overlord salamander just entered the water with a lot of force, and I was afraid that Zhang Yang would be thrown out due to the force.

Even if it is not dead, it has to peel off its skin.

Soon, the waves in the water fell silent.

There was nothing left but blood-red blood floating on the water.

Everyone was also stunned.

Immediately, everyone tried to hold their breath again, and quietly looked at the water surface of the dark river.

"Old Hu, something really happened to Mr. Zhang, right?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.

In fact, he still admires Zhang Yang. At a young age, he is not only capable of writing and martial arts, but also understands himself most importantly.

Such a person is hard to find in a lifetime.

It was so hard to meet one. If something really happened, it would be a pity.

In the future, when he robbed the tomb, he was still pointing at him to make a fortune.

"Fatty, shut your crow's mouth."

Hu Bayi glared at Wang Kaixuan angrily, and continued:

"How can such a powerful strange person like Mr. Zhang be defeated by a small monster."

Hu Bayi felt that Zhang Yang was a god-like figure.

So this monster is probably not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"Yes, yes, the old nonsense is very true."

"My mouth is cheap, I'm talking nonsense."

"Papa, papa, it doesn't count."

As Wang Kaixuan spoke, he stretched out his hand and slapped himself a few times.

At this moment, suddenly a huge golden shadow rushed out of the water, leaping directly into the midair.

Everyone looked up, but they didn't expect it to be the Overlord Salamander.

But at this time, it was Zhang Yang or someone who was riding on its back.

Zhang Yang took out a rope from nowhere, and put it directly in the bloody mouth of the Overlord Salamander.

Then he rode the Overlord Salamander towards the glacier wall mountain not far away.

With a loud bang of 'touch', most of the overlord salamander's head had already been stuffed into the half wall of the glacier.

After the overlord salamander's tail moved slightly, it remained silent for a while.

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in Zhang Yang's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the Overlord Salamander and getting a Blood Pill of the Overlord Salamander. 】

[Overlord Salamander Blood Pill: It is formed by condensing the essence of the Overlord Salamander for tens of thousands of years. It has gathered a large amount of energy, which can continuously replenish the strength consumed by the host in the battle. 】

Overlord Salamander Blood Pill?
This thing sounds like a big baby.

He can constantly replenish his energy, so he won't be afraid of the negative impact of physical energy consumption when he fights in the future.

It was worth the trip.

(End of this chapter)

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