Chapter 55
"Mr. Zhang, can you tell me if my father is still alive now?"

Shirley Yang felt that someone as powerful as Zhang Yang must know something.

Rather than making random guesses like this, it is better to ask Zhang Yang directly to clarify.

Zhang Yang paused, and then said:

"The secret cannot be leaked."

After saying this, Zhang Yang turned around and left in a big stride.

Right now, he doesn't know if Shirley Yang's father is still alive.

So I can only use this sentence to prevaricate it.

Anyway, this is just an excuse, it can not only stop Shirley Yang's mouth, but also save a lot of trouble.

Of course he is happy.

Everyone didn't wake up until after eight o'clock in the morning of the next day.

When everyone got up to have breakfast in the yard, they found that Wang Kaixuan had disappeared.

"Old Hu, fat man?"

Sa Dipeng couldn't help asking Wang Kaixuan's whereabouts.

During this period of getting along, they have changed their view of Hu Bayi from "Mr. Hu" at the beginning to "Old Hu" now.

And Wang Kaixuan naturally became a 'fat man'.

"Fatty has some urgent business at home, so he went back alone today, saying he will be here soon."

Hu Bayi opened his eyes solemnly and spoke nonsense.

Of course Zhang Yang knew what was going on.

Last night, Wang Kaixuan hurried out with that backpack of treasures on his back.

It seems that this is planning to hide those treasures now, and then come back.

But thinking about it, how can a guy like Wang Kaixuan who regards money as his life wait until the next day to find a way to hide those treasures.

"Isn't it?"

"Could it be that the fat man was scared to pee by the glacier incident, so he ran away by himself."

Chu Jian was half joking.

The others also showed serious expressions.

This trip to the glacier was really dangerous.

If Zhang Yang wasn't there, I'm afraid they would have confessed to being there even if they had nine lives.

"Hey, Fatty is not that kind of person."

Hu Bayi hurriedly spoke for Wang Kaixuan.

"Since he promised Miss Yang, he will definitely come."

Hu Bayi still knows Wang Kaixuan.

He is definitely the kind of person who dares to act, but occasionally there will be some small money fans.

This time it's hard to get so many treasures, it's normal to find a place to hide them.

And this trip to the desert, it is said that there is still an ancient city, I am afraid that there are many treasures in it.

How can a person like Wang Kaixuan easily miss this great opportunity to make money.

Therefore, Wang Kaixuan will definitely return to the team this time.

"It's good if you can come."

Professor Chen nodded heavily.

Xue Liyang didn't say anything, because she knew in her heart that the jade eye pendant on Wang Kaixuan had already fallen into Zhang Yang's hands.

Therefore, his use value is almost nothing.

Whether you come or not is actually not that important.

After the group had breakfast, they went back to their rooms and began to pack up, preparing to set off for the desert in the afternoon.

Zhang Yang was meditating and resting in the room, but Ye Yixin's voice came from outside the door unexpectedly.

"Mr. Zhang, are you there?"

"what's up?"

Zhang Yang stood up and opened the door.

"Mr. Zhang, Ms. Yang and Professor Chen invited you to come and say that they have something important to discuss with you."

Ye Yixin blushed and spoke.

She had already heard about Zhang Yang's heroic deeds under the glacier, which made the little girl worship Zhang Yang even more.

It is rare to see such a handsome and capable man.

Originally, Ye Yixin was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and it happened to be the period when she was in love again, so she naturally fell in love with Zhang Yang even more.

"it is good."

Zhang Yang nodded, and then walked out quickly.

Ye Yixin followed Zhang Yang all the way, her immature little face was flushed, and she looked extraordinarily good-looking.

Of course, Zhang Yang could see Ye Yixin's thoughts.

However, he didn't have time to fall in love with this little girl.

To put it bluntly, he has outgrown the other party for several rounds, and he can be her ancestor.

When Zhang Yang entered Shirley Yang's bedroom, both Professor Chen and Hu Bayi were there.

Seeing Zhang Yang enter the room, the three of them stood up in a tacit understanding and shouted with great respect.

"Mr. Zhang."


Zhang Yang nodded, and then sat down on the vacant chair beside him.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm here to discuss with you about entering the desert."

Shirley Yang spoke first.


Zhang Yang nodded.

Presumably they had already discussed it roughly, so it was up to him to make a decision.

Shirley Yang paused, glanced at Professor Chen and Hu Bayi, and then continued:

"We are discussing here, we will set off as soon as we arrive at our destination."

"It's the same as what you said in the notes. You can only find the ancient city during the wind season. Now the wind season has arrived. I'm afraid it will delay time, so it can be delayed."

Only nodded lightly and said:

Seeing Zhang Yang agreeing, Shirley Yang had a smile on her face, and said again:

"This is the route we just planned, most of which are borrowed from the road map in my dad's notebook.

Since the former Walter's explorer could find that place, I think we must be able to, too. "

Speaking of which, Shirley Yang handed over the road map drawn by a hand in her hand.

Zhang Yang glanced coldly, and said calmly:

"Have you found your guide yet?"

Zhang Yang didn't care too much about the route Shirley Yang gave.

After all, this route is dead, but people are alive.

Once you enter the vast and boundless desert, let alone the route, even the direction is difficult to distinguish clearly.

Shirley Yang saw that Zhang Yang's focus was not on the road map in his hands, so he had to give up. As a result, Zhang Yang's topic said:
"In accordance with your request, we asked someone to find a local person through our relationship, and said that it was a living map in the desert to guide us."


Zhang Yang nodded again.

"Yes, but we have encountered a little trouble."

Shirley Yang had some awkward openings.

"The other party refused to agree to take us into the desert."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

The three of them looked at Zhang Yang in surprise. They only found out about this matter just after making a phone call. How did Zhang Yang already know about it?

"Mr. Zhang, how do you know?"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but speak.

"The other party said that the wind season is coming soon, if we go into the desert now, I'm afraid something will happen, so we don't want to lead the way no matter how much we pay."

Zhang Yang looked at Hu Bayi and smiled lightly, but didn't say anything.

Shirley Yang on the side spoke again:

"It is said that the old man is the only person who is familiar with the desert in these ten miles and eight villages, and he has brought many people into the desert before, and he can come out alive every time.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be dead. "

Zhang Yang glanced at Shirley Yang, and then said:

"An Liman is a tough guy but not a softie. Let Lao Hu and Fatty go, and make sure he's submissive."

"Mr. Zhang, how do you know about An Liman?"

Professor Chen looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, and the others were also stunned.

Just now everyone didn't mention the guide's name at all. I didn't expect Zhang Yang to know it. It's amazing.

"You just arrange it."

Zhang Yang just smiled and didn't want to explain too much.

What should I say about this thing, I can't say that he understands the whole plot.

Presumably even if he said it, these people would not believe it.

Instead of this, it is better not to say.

(End of this chapter)

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