Chapter 56
After lunch at noon, everyone packed up their bags and set off towards the desert together.

This time I took the plane, and then took the train again.

After all, this plane can't fly to the desert.

However, the trains extend in all directions, and you can go anywhere.

When everyone got off the train, they saw Wang Kaixuan sitting at the exit waiting for everyone from a distance.

At this time, Wang Kaixuan seemed to be a completely different person, as if he was dressed like a nouveau riche.

The original curly long hair has been shortened a lot at this time, and he is wearing a set of black leather underwear and a pair of sunglasses.

There was a huge leather backpack on his back, which was bulging and seemed to contain a lot of good things.

"Fatty, good guy, it's only been a day since I've seen you, and it's changed a lot?"

Hu Bayi watched Wang Kaixuan's changes in surprise.

"Didn't I re-purchase two outfits? This is going to the desert, so I have to prepare everything."

Wang Kaixuan spoke in a rich and powerful manner.

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that this Wang Kaixuan is really a dog who can't change and eat shit. Such a fanfare of cross-dressing is not afraid of arousing the suspicion of Shirley Yang and the others.

Although I got a windfall by accident just now, it wasn't made like this.

Shirley Yang glanced at Wang Kaixuan coldly, but said nothing.

Wang Kaixuan walked quickly towards Zhang Yang, and said very respectfully:

"Mr. Zhang, this is for you."

As he spoke, he took out a revolver from his bag with an extremely flattering expression on his face.

And deliberately lowered his voice:
"I spent a lot of money to buy this place from that guy, Big Gold Tooth, and I'm here to honor you.

Keeping it by your side is also good for self-defense. "

Zhang Yang smiled lightly, threw the things back to Wang Kaixuan and said:

"I don't need this thing."

After speaking, Zhang Yang turned around and left quickly.

He really doesn't pay attention to this kind of robbery.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, this is just a little bit of my heart."

Wang Kaixuan exclaimed towards Zhang Yang.

"Fatty, you are so stupid. Does a man like Mr. Zhang still need to use such a vulgar thing as a pistol?"

Hu Bayi on the side stretched out his hand and hit Wang Kaixuan hard on the back of the head, which was an absolute insult to Zhang Yang's ability.

Does this Wang Kaixuan really go out without a brain?

"Hey, Hu, don't tell me, I really forgot about it."

As he said that, he slapped himself directly.

"Come on, just give me this thing, I think it's quite practical."

Hu Bayi snatched the revolver while talking.

"Okay, I'll take it easy on you."

Wang Kaixuan spoke with a proud face.


Hu Bayi reached out and grabbed Wang Kaixuan's shoulder, deliberately lowered his voice and said:

"You fat man, I'm afraid that others won't see that you've made a fortune this time? Miss you to death?"

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, Wang Kaixuan also found that he seemed to be a little high-profile.

"Hey hey, pay attention next time, notice that I was drifting all of a sudden, and I didn't restrain myself well."

"Hey, if you are discovered, what will you do?"

Hu Bayi deliberately whitewashed Wang Kaixuan.

"Don't worry, keep a low profile."

Wang Kaixuan made an 'OK' gesture.

Soon, the group was settled in a village closest to the desert.

In this backward mountain village, a group of professors from BJ are considered high officials.

The village head received everyone very warmly and arranged the best guest house in the village.

Where could Xue Liyang be free, she asked directly about An Liman.

When the village chief heard An Liman, he praised him inside.

It is said that he is a celebrity in the whole village, but anyone who wants to enter the desert must find An Liman.

There are only three things you need to bring before entering the desert:

Water, food and Anliman will do.

Shirley Yang hurriedly asked where An Liman was?
The village head said that An Liman was now facing a death lawsuit and was staying at the police station.

"Oh, this old guy, could it be that he killed someone?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke half-jokingly.

On the way, he had already heard from Hu Bayi that Zhang Yang asked them to deal with this man named An Liman.

Since it was Zhang Yang's order, it was natural to live up to expectations.

The village chief shook his head helplessly and said:
"We don't know about this. We have to ask the police station to find out about it. Anyway, the people and camels are being detained there now. It's still a few days away."

At last.

Wang Kaixuan, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang went to the police station together.

I found out when I asked at the police station.

It turned out that An Liman led a group of foreigners into the desert not long ago, and he came back by himself in a few days, with a lot of money on him.

And the group of foreigners has disappeared until now, so the police station detained him and the camel team for investigation.

The three of them chatted with each other for a long time, but in the end Wang Kaixuan had a trick and solved the problem directly with his fists.

An Liman immediately agreed.

After that, he carefully selected twenty camels.

Wang Kaixuan asked them only 10 people, what to do with so many camels?
An Liman said.

"Some of these camels are used to carry equipment, and some are used for people to ride, and they are replaced later, which can give the camels a buffer and rest time."

While everyone was preparing, Wang Kaixuan sneaked up to Zhang Yang and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Zhang, what kind of tomb of the Jingjue ancient country are you looking for this time, there must be many treasures in it?"


Zhang Yang nodded calmly.

"There are many treasures, but the danger is not small. After you go, you must not move around without my instructions."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, if you tell me to go east, I absolutely dare not go west."

Wang Kaixuan patted his chest and promised.

As long as you follow Zhang Yang, you will definitely get a lot of benefits.

This trip to the glacier alone made a lot of money.

If he went to the ancient tomb again this time, wouldn't he be making a fortune again.

"Mr. Zhang."

At this time Shirley Yang came over, and Wang Kaixuan hurriedly retreated to the side.

"Are you all ready?"

Zhang Yang looked up at An Liman who was loading the equipment on the camel not far away, this old man is restless.

"Everything has been arranged, and we can leave immediately."

Shirley Yang Meng nodded.

After that, everyone set off with the camel team and formally entered the desert.

At the beginning, the environment of the desert was not bad, with green plants and oases, and many animals and plants.

Everyone is relatively relaxed and in a good mood.

However, as the team continued to enter, the situation in the desert gradually changed.

Especially the geological environment, at a glance, it is all sand, and there is nothing left.

An Liman started clamoring for everyone to go back, saying that it was too dangerous, the black desert was ahead, and they couldn't go any further.

Zhang Yang knew that An Liman's petty thinking was just an old guy cheating money.

However, his ability is really not small.

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid everyone would have lost their way in this vast desert.

Although Zhang Yang's ability is not small, but in this desert, he still has to be restricted.

(End of this chapter)

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