Chapter 75 Black Magnetic Mountain
Zhang Yang turned his head and looked at Ye Yixin, who was already weak, pale and weak at this time.

Now after such a toss, Ye Yixin has become more and more ill.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang took out a white bottle from the box, poured out a red pill from it and handed it to Shirley Yang, saying:

"Give it to her."

"Mr. Zhang, this is?"

Shirley Yang took the red pill carefully.

"For life-saving."

Shirley Yang immediately understood, looked at Zhang Yang gratefully and said:

"Mr. Zhang, thank you."

After speaking, Shirley Yang quickly turned around and walked towards Ye Yixin.

Wang Kaixuan stared straight at the small white medicine bottle in Zhang Yang's hand.

I remember that before Hu Bayi took such a small red pill, he became sober in an instant, and even the wound on his hand was stitched up miraculously.

Therefore, this is definitely a magical elixir.

It would be even better if you could get one.

"Mr. Zhang, can you..."

Before Wang Kaixuan could finish speaking, Zhang Yang said directly:


After finishing speaking, he directly stuffed the small medicine bottle into his arms, and turned to look at Hu Bayao who was beside him:
"what time is it now?"

Wang Kaixuan smiled awkwardly, it really is a very precious thing.

It seems that he also has to look for opportunities to hurt himself, otherwise he wouldn't have almost eaten that thing.

Hu Bayi hurriedly looked down at the watch on his wrist and said:


"What's the matter, it's only ten o'clock in the morning?"

Wang Kaixuan also walked over quickly, looked down, and was immediately stunned.

"Old Hu, what a broken watch you are, it's already afternoon, and it's still morning."

Speaking of Wang Kaixuan, he laughed extremely unkindly.

"It seems that you will have to buy a brand new one when you go back this time."

While speaking, Wang Kaixuan winked at Hu Bayi.

I bought so many treasures this time, and a few of them can be sold for several million.

It is not a matter of minutes to change a watch.

"It's weird, wasn't it all good before? Why did it stop?"

Hu Bayi is also puzzled, it can be seen that he is very reluctant to part with this watch.

After all, it has been more than ten years since he traveled all over the world with him.

"It's not about your watch, it's because we've arrived at our destination."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.


Wang Kaixuan was shocked for a moment, and looked around in surprise.

There is still sand all over the ground, where is there any exquisite ancient city?

"Mr. Zhang, did you make a mistake, there is nothing but sand here."

Wang Kaixuan spread his hands helplessly.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, but looked up and looked around.

I remember that at the entrance of the Jingjue ancient city, there are two huge black magnetic mountains that tower into the sky and stand opposite each other.

The arms and compass they wore at the beginning also stopped working due to the influence of this magnetic mountain.

So, it's around here, you can't go wrong.

At this moment, Shirley Yang also trotted over quickly, and whispered anxiously:

"Mr. Zhang, it's not good. There are problems with the compass and watch we carry with us. I'm afraid something will happen."

"It's okay, it's just affected by the magnetic force of the nearby Magnetic Mountain."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

"Magnetic Mountain?"

Shirley Yang suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhang Yang.

"Is there a magnetic mountain near here?"

"Miss Yang, do you see in the notebook in your hand, has it mentioned that there are two huge black magnetic mountains standing opposite each other, which is the entrance to the ancient city of Jingjue?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Shirley Yang hurriedly lowered her head to check the notebook in her hand, then opened her eyes wide and looked straight at Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, there is really something about the two magnetic mountains."

Shirley Yang was very surprised, what was said in this note was exactly the same as what Zhang Yang said.

It seems that he has really been here before.

"Everyone, look for it carefully, the entrance to this Jingjue ancient city should be nearby."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

When everyone heard it, they immediately became energetic.

After all, it was so hard before, and it was hard to find this place, and the exhaustion disappeared instantly.

It seems that the ten days of hard work are worth it.

"Comrades, we are about to step into the door of success, everyone should look for it."

At this time, Professor Chen was also full of energy, with a smile on his face.


Everyone quickly dispersed, looking for the so-called two huge magnets.

And Zhang Yang looked up at the positions of the stars in the mid-air, quickly pinched his fingers twice, and walked quickly to one of the small sand dunes.

From a distance, two huge black mountains towering into the clouds echoed each other, leaving a gap in the middle of the mountains.

Presumably that is the entrance to the Jingjue Ancient Country.

It really is majestic and majestic.

"found it."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

"did you find it?"

At this time, Wang Kaixuan was the first to jump to Zhang Yang's side, and immediately shouted in horror.

"My God, there are really two huge black magnetic mountains."

Others also ran over one after another, and when they saw the two magnetic mountains, they all cheered and jumped for joy.


"We finally found it."

"Yes, it really pays off for those who wait and see."

At this time, several members of the archaeological team had tears in their eyes. This was the place they had worked so hard to find.

"Qi, it really is miraculous."

At this moment, Professor Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"I didn't expect that this ancient country really existed. It seems that my research these years has not been in vain after all."

As he spoke, Professor Chen burst into tears.

"Professor Chen."

Several other students also choked up a little.

Everyone knows how much Professor Chen has paid for this ancient country.

Right now, we are going to really arrive here and go in to find out.

It would be a lie to say I wasn't excited.

Especially Professor Chen, who is definitely the one who wants to see this scene the most among all of them.

"Let's go and have a look."

As Zhang Yang said, he lifted his feet and walked towards the two huge magnetic mountains.

The others hurriedly followed along.

Because Ye Yixin took the elixir given by Zhang Yang, she was able to walk the rest of the way by herself.

"Xiaoye, if you feel uncomfortable, you'd better sit on the back of a camel."

Professor Chen on the side spoke worriedly.

Ye Yixin smiled and shook her head, saying:

"Professor Chen, don't worry, I feel much better after taking the pills given by Mr. Zhang."

Speaking of which, Ye Yixin looked at the tall figure walking in the front with a feeling on her face, and a strange emotion flashed across her eyes.

"That's good."

Professor Chen also nodded.

Just now he was worried that Ye Yixin would not be able to hold on, but now he can finally rest assured.

Although the magnetic mountain looked very close, the group of people still walked for about an hour before reaching the bottom of the magnetic mountain.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and he could not see his fingers, and the surrounding area was terribly quiet.

"Everyone take the flashlights in your hands, don't fall behind."

Shirley Yang opened her mouth to remind everyone.

The more it is at this time, the more cautious it is.

At this moment, after a sudden 'ang' sound from the camels, the camels immediately started to circle around in place and stopped moving forward.

The camels' breathing suddenly became more and more heavy, and their emotions were obviously very restless.

An Liman tried his best to continue driving the camels away.

But they seemed to have encountered something extremely frightening, and they still refused to take a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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