Chapter 76 Strong Magnetic Field


Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal An Liman not to make trouble.

He knew in his heart that these camels had spirituality and sensed the danger ahead, so they dared not go forward.

And he also knew that there were many black-eyed snakes ahead.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Wang Kaixuan approached Zhang Yang subconsciously.

Right now, he still feels that it is safest to stay by Zhang Yang's side.

No matter any troubles encountered, Zhang Yang can easily resolve them.

Therefore, he must follow Zhang Yang at all times to ensure his personal safety.

"There is danger ahead, everyone, don't act rashly for now."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth indifferently, but looked at the two magnetic mountains not far away.

Because of his ghost eyes, even in the dark night, Zhang Yang can still see clearly the appearance of the two huge magnetic mountains not far away.

Both are composed of large black stones with a whole body, and there is a crack in the middle, which separates the two mountains.

This black stone contains magnet components, which generate magnetic force between each other and affect the magnetic field that responds to hundreds of miles.

Under the bright moonlight, the two magnetic mountains are somewhat dark and reflective, especially eye-catching and unusual in the dark night.

The location of the entrance is pitch-black, and the reflection makes it even more eerie and gloomy.

This is the entrance to the Jingjue Ancient Kingdom. The two mountain gates occupy the entire situation, swallowing everything. The black mountain is more like two black dragons guarding the gate, which is very shocking.

As expected of the Queen of Essence, even the entrance of the ancient city is so majestic.

I'm afraid there's nothing to say here.


For some reason, he always felt a faintly powerful aura pervading the entire valley.

Although the breath was very weak, he still sensed a hint of danger from it.

This is definitely not what the black-eyed snake in there is emitting.

After all, he wasn't afraid of a few small black-eyed snakes.

There seems to be a powerful mysterious atmosphere hovering around here.

Perhaps because of the influence of this magnetic mountain, the breath was restrained.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Shirley Yang spoke in a low voice.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"There are some weird things here. I'll go ahead to explore the way first. You all rest where you are, and don't go forward privately."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang."

Shirley Yang Meng nodded.

Right now, Zhang Yang is the backbone of their team.

Everything was naturally arranged by Zhang Yang.

And they also sensed that the front was very dangerous, so naturally they did not dare to move forward rashly.

"Mr. Zhang, take Lao Hu and me with you."

Wang Kaixuan hurriedly winked at Hu Bayi who was beside him.

Now that Zhang Yang is going, I'm afraid there must be something good ahead.

If you miss it, I'm afraid you will regret it.

So, no matter what, you have to go with it.

With Zhang Yang around, he can make his small fortune with peace of mind.

Otherwise, if he entered this exquisite ancient city with Professor Chen and the others, he might not even be allowed to take a steel coin.

So, get rich early.

Hu Bayi nodded in an instant and said:
"Yes, Mr. Zhang, if something happens, we can take care of him."

After finishing speaking, Hu Bayi realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Some embarrassed smiles said:
"Mr. Zhang, don't get me wrong, I mean we'll go with you. If you need someone to do physical work, Fatty and I promise we can do it."

As he said that, Hu Bayi raised the military shovel in his hand.

Zhang Yang didn't know what was going on in the minds of these two people, but if he took the two of them with him, he could arrange for them to do the hard work.

Anyway, he only took what he needed, so he nodded and said:

After getting Zhang Yang's approval, Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi were overjoyed for a while.

Soon, Zhang Yang led Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan towards the Cishan Mountain.

"Be gentle and don't touch anything around you."

Zhang Yang reminded in a low voice.

Especially Wang Kaixuan, whose hands and feet are always frizzy.

Seeing some rare treasures, I even forgot my last name.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, what you say is what you say."

Wang Kaixuan patted his chest and promised.

In order to avoid being attacked by those black-eyed snakes, Zhang Yang directly opened the bronze armored unicorn arm.

Let those things hiding in the dark dare not come out.

This also saves him a lot of trouble.

"Mr. Zhang, why do I feel that you seem to have a strong sense of oppression."

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.

Because he was worried that he would encounter danger, Wang Kaixuan stayed very close to Zhang Yang.

But he always felt that there was a very strong momentum to push him away, which made him feel very flustered in his heart.

Zhang Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Wang Kaixuan's words, and quickly looked up and down the two magnetic mountains.

He also wanted to figure out what was so powerful about it.


"Mr. Zhang, there seems to be someone dead."

Suddenly Wang Kaixuan exclaimed.

Hu Bayi was also taken aback.

Zhang Yang looked at the corpse on the ground and said:
"This is from the previous group of tomb robbers. Don't worry about them, they are already dead."

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Wang Kaixuan immediately felt relieved.

"It's good to die."

On the other hand, Hu Bayi's expression turned serious.

The dead man on the ground still held a latest sniper rifle in his hand, and the gun was still loaded, with his fingers still on the trigger.

Why did he die suddenly?

What made the other party get killed without even a chance to pull the trigger?
"Mr. Zhang, how did that person die just now?"

Hu Bayi couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"I am grass."

"Two more bodies."

Wang Kaixuan exclaimed again.

"These were all attacked by the black-eyed snake. As long as you stay with me, nothing will happen."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Hu Bayi's heart fell to the ground.

It seems that they were able to pass without hindrance this time, thanks to Zhang Yang's blessing.


Hu Ba nodded.

Then he gave Wang Kaixuan a glance and said:

"Fatty, don't be surprised, just follow Mr. Zhang."

Wang Kaixuan was hinted by his eyes, nodded and said:


Soon, the three of them reached the bottom of the magnetic mountain.

Zhang Yang looked up, and saw that there seemed to be a strong aura surrounding the magnetic mountain, and it was constantly circulating around the two huge magnetic mountains.

Is this the aura emanating from Cishan?
It is also what we commonly call a magnetic field.

"Mr. Zhang, is this dark one Cishan?"

As Wang Kaixuan spoke, he subconsciously reached out and touched the mountain of Cishan.

"Don't touch."

Zhang Yang stopped in a low voice.

It's a pity that it was still a step too late, Wang Kaixuan was directly ejected by a very strong force.

He fell heavily like a dog eating shit.

"Fat man."

Hu Bayi hurried forward and helped Wang Kaixuan who was on the ground up.

"How? Are you okay?"

At this time, Wang Kaixuan said with a mournful face:

"It's okay, you have a try, my face is almost smashed into a big cake face, even my mother can hardly recognize me."

(End of this chapter)

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