Chapter 81 Jade Snake Egg
Soon, Zhang Yang led everyone into the six-story black tower.

The first floor is empty, except for an altar in the middle, on which is a statue of a black stone sheep.

In addition, the walls of the tower are densely covered with many strange ghost cave characters.

Professor Chen and others started to study on the stone sheep statue with instruments and cameras.

Zhang Yang looked at the ghost cave texts around him, recording things about the black tower.

"Mr. Zhang, what is written on it?"

Wang Kaixuan asked curiously.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also followed.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"It says that the six-story black tower is used to show the status of the ghost cave clan, and the stone statues on each floor represent different levels.

This layer is Shiyang, which is the lowest level of livestock. "

"Ah, you still play like this?"

Wang Kaixuan pouted speechlessly.

"Move, move."

Suddenly Ye Yixin exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads to look.

I saw Ye Yi pointed at the stone sheep statue flusteredly, and said weakly:

"Then, that stone sheep's eyes just moved."

"Xiaoye, don't you have blind eyes?"

Sa Dipeng on the side spoke.

"Do not."

Ye Yixin shook her head violently and said:
"Mr. Zhang, Professor Chen, I really saw the eyes of the stone sheep statue move just now."

Of course Zhang Yang knew that Ye Yixin would not talk nonsense, because she had taken the elixir he gave her, so her sensitivity was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Zhang Yang slowly walked towards the stone sheep statue, and the others all took a few steps back in fright, trying to hold their breath.

Soon, Zhang Yang walked in front of the stone statue.

Slightly lowered his head to look at the stone sheep's eyes, it really was a moving stone eyeball.

It seems that there is something in this stone sheep.

Suddenly Zhang Yang's eyes turned red instantly, and the stone eyeballs suddenly turned quickly.

Those present were even more stunned.

Suddenly, with a 'click' sound, the stone sheep split open, and a blood-red black-eyed snake crawled out of it.

"It's the murderous snake."

Everyone was frightened and took several steps back.

Zhang Yang stood there without changing his face, the black-eyed snake seemed to be very afraid of Zhang Yang.

After landing, he quickly climbed to the window of the black tower on the side, and then quickly climbed down along the window.

"This strange snake seems to be very afraid of Mr. Zhang."

Chu Jian spoke in a low voice.

Shirley Yang was also taken aback, looking at Zhang Yang's side face.

Because Zhang Yang turned his back to everyone, the others didn't see Zhang Yang's eyes that suddenly turned red just now.

"Of course, these things are not worth mentioning in front of Mr. Zhang."

Wang Kaixuan said with a smile.

Regarding Zhang Yang's ability, he has seen it a long time ago, so it is not surprising.

Everyone nodded in approval.

Zhang Yang didn't pay too much attention to the black-eyed snake, but focused his attention on the stone statue pedestal.

Because inside, there is a red jade the size of a thumb.

At this time, the system voice in Zhang Yang's mind came.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a jade snake egg, which can hatch a black-eyed snake. 】

It seems that the black-eyed snake just now is here to protect the jade snake egg.

But, why is this snake egg hidden here?

This made Zhang Yang a little confused.

"Mr. Zhang, are you all right?"

Wang Kaixuan shouted to Zhang Yang in a low voice.


Zhang Yang quickly put away the jade snake eggs, turned around and walked towards the second floor.

The rest of the people didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurriedly followed up to the second floor.

As expected, the second floor is a stone statue of an ordinary person, dressed in sackcloth and dressed like a slave.

"Mr. Zhang, it's impossible that there is that strange snake inside the stone statue this time, right?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke in a low voice.

Professor Chen and others did not dare to approach the stone statue any more.

Zhang Yang walked to the front of the stone statue, stopped slightly, his eyes turned cold, and the stone statue split open again in an instant.

Then another black-eyed snake crawled out of the stone statue.

Sure enough, there were still jade snake eggs under the base, but this time there were indeed two.

Zhang Yang put it away again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained two jade snake eggs, which can hatch black-eyed snakes. 】

The system beep came again.

Zhang Yang didn't care so much for now, and collected all these snake eggs for the time being.

Afterwards, Zhang Yang took everyone up to the third floor and saw the giant pupil stone statue. This time Zhang Yang got three jade snake eggs.

On the fourth floor, there is a strangely shaped stone statue.

"Mr. Zhang, what, what is this thing? Why does it look so strange? Why are there two fangs in its mouth, and a black ball in the shape of an eye on its head."

Hu Bayi asked.

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and explained:

"This is the patron saint of the Jingjue Ancient Country. It seems that the people of the Ghost Cave Clan really believe that the eyes are the source of all power."

"Then, Mr. Zhang, is the Essence Queen still up there?"

Wang Kaixuan pointed to the top of his head.


Zhang Yang nodded.

Professor Chen on the side couldn't help but sigh with emotion:
"It seems that the status of the queen of excellence cannot be underestimated, and the status of the patron saint is still lower than the queen."

Zhang Yang obtained four jade snake eggs from the stone statue again.

When they reached the fifth floor, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Hey, why is there nothing on this floor?"

"Yeah, not even a stone statue."

"Could it be that someone stole the things first?"

Everyone started talking in low voices.

Zhang Yang looked around, and there was indeed nothing except the ghost cave writings on the surrounding walls.

Then he said:

"This is the space of imaginary numbers."

"What is the imaginary number space?"

Hu Bayi looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

The others were also puzzled.

"The so-called imaginary number space is actually an unknown world. Those who were disappeared by the eyes of the Jingjue Queen probably all went to that space."

Hearing Zhang Yang's comment, everyone instantly understood what was going on.

"Then, that is to say, the top level is the Queen of Essence?"

Hu Bayi spoke in surprise.


Zhang Yang signaled, and then led everyone up to the sixth floor.

What he saw was a black throne, on which sat a statue of a woman, wearing gorgeous costumes, her entire face was covered by a veil, so she couldn't see her real face clearly.

"This, is this the exquisite queen?"

Wang Kaixuan stepped forward curiously.

"Fatty, don't go there."

Hu Bayi grabbed Wang Kaixuan's arm.

Based on previous experience, I'm afraid that there is also that kind of strange snake hidden in the statue of the Essence Queen.

So it's safer to stay away.

"I am grass."

"Isn't this Jingjue queen known as the number one beauty in the Western Regions? Why doesn't she dare to look at people with her true colors?"

Wang Kaixuan joked again.

"This should have something to do with the eyes of the Jingjue Queen."

Shirley Yang spoke lightly.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already walked in front of the stone statue of the Essence Queen, and the stone statue stayed on the pair of blood-red eyes.

It can be seen that the eyes of this exquisite queen are different from those below.

(End of this chapter)

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