Chapter 82 The Perfect Treasure Cave

The inside of the eyes turned out to be blood red, and it seemed that something was still flowing inside.

"Mr. Zhang, is this necessary?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke in a low voice.

Hu Bayi's eyes told Wang Kaixuan not to speak.

The others were also staring at Zhang Yang and the stone statue.

Zhang Yang discovered a problem, that is, the eyes of Queen Jingjue could not be controlled and influenced by him.

Is it because both of them have ghost eyes?

Zhang Yang found that the pupils of the Jingjue Queen opened slowly, as if to indicate something.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Zhang Yang took out the ten jade snake eggs he had obtained earlier from his bosom.

Those snake eggs seemed to have been summoned, and began to beat slowly.

Zhang Yang had roughly understood what it meant, and stuffed five jade snake eggs into his left and right eyes respectively.

In an instant, the eyes of those exquisite queens were slowly closed.

Zhang Yang was taken aback, not understanding what this meant.

Suddenly, the exquisite queen suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes met.

Zhang Yang's mind went blank for a moment, and then an image seemed to be injected into his mind.

I saw that Queen Jingjue began to rule the entire ancient country of Jingjue with her unique ghost eyes, and she continued to attack other small countries around her.

Let them have to submit to themselves.

Once there is a disobedient person, he will use the ghost's eyes to make him disappear completely.

Gradually, the surrounding countries were constantly conquered by her, and then offered her cattle, sheep and livestock every year.

This is also the secret of Queen Jingjue ruling the country.


As soon as the screen turned, he entered an invincible cave like an abyss.

There is a huge tree growing inside, and a blood-red fruit like a drop of blood hangs on the trunk.

Fruitful, looking very dazzling.

Zhang Yang knew that this was the 'ghost cave', and the big tree inside was the immortal tree.

There should be ghost hole blood ganoderma here.

Zhang Yang was about to continue checking when he suddenly heard the voices of Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan.

"Mr. Zhang."

"Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yang paused for a moment.

"Mr. Zhang."

"Mr. Zhang."


Then there were the terrified voices of several students.

Zhang Yang suddenly came back to his senses, only then did he realize that he was actually standing on the top of the six-story black tower.

Turning his head to look, the others all looked at him worriedly.

I am grass.

She almost fell into the trap of this quintessential queen.

It seems that his concentration is not deep enough.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

When everyone heard Zhang Yang speak, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Zhang, you scared us to death just now."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but speak in fear.

Zhang Yang turned his head again to look at the stone statue of Queen Jingjue in front of him, as if her eyes had become two black holes.

Zhang Yang activated his ghost eyes, the stone statue trembled a few times, and then countless black-eyed strange snakes crawled out from the black eye sockets.

At this time, the sky outside was originally clear, but suddenly dark clouds covered the sun, and it was completely dark.


Everyone was even more frightened and exclaimed.

Zhang Yang stood in place, using his ghostly eyes to control the black-eyed monster snakes.

After they climbed out of the stone statue, they all prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to look directly into Zhang Yang's eyes.

After about 3 minutes, all those strange snakes crawled out from the eye sockets of the Essence Queen.


Zhang Yang shouted in a low voice.

Those black-eyed monster snakes quickly crawled towards the window of the black tower on the side, and then quickly crawled down along the window.

The speed is very fast, and it disappears in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Yang walked quickly to the window, looked down, and suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

Because at this time.

On the yellow sand all over the ground, there are dense black-eyed snakes crawling.

It was so dark, coupled with the dense clouds at this time, it was even more eerie and eerie.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Wang Kaixuan stepped forward curiously.

After seeing the black-eyed snake all over the ground clearly, he sat down on the ground in fright.

"Oh my God."

For a long time, Wang Kaixuan was speechless.

At this time, everyone was also frightened by Wang Kaixuan's actions.

"Fatty, what are you doing?"

"Scared like this?"

Hu Bayi also came over, and seeing the scene in front of him, his eyes and pupils dilated immediately, and he was speechless for a while.

"Old Hu?"

Shirley Yang also noticed something strange, and walked over cautiously.

After seeing everything in front of him, he directly covered his thin lips with his hand, trembling all over his body.

Fortunately, they came to the six-story black tower, otherwise they would have been wiped out by so many black-eyed snakes.

When Professor Chen and the others saw this scene, they didn't dare to move.

Because they have roughly guessed that they must have seen some terrible pictures.

Zhang Yang turned his head to look at the panic on everyone's faces, and then said:

"You all stand still and don't move."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

At this time, Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan and Shirley Yang also slowly came back to their senses, Wang Kaixuan said weakly:

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, why are there so many strange snakes here? It feels like they are coming out of the nest."

Zhang Yang looked at those black-eyed strange snakes, and said calmly:

"Leave them alone, they're just relocating now."

"No, there are so many strange snakes hidden here."

Hu Bayi also found it incredible.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already roughly understood what was going on.

These black-eyed strange snakes were originally hidden under the Jingjue ancient city. The top is the main hall, the bottom is the underground palace, and the bottom is the ancient tomb of the Jingjue Queen.

And these black-eyed snakes are the guardians who maintain everything here.

Because he also has ghost eyes, he can control and dominate those black cobras just like Queen Jingjue.

Those things sensed Zhang Yang's powerful deterrent power, so they were intimidated, and then changed places in a panic.

So, when they go down to the underground palace in a while, these things will naturally not exist.

Soon, those black-eyed snakes slowly disappeared.

At this time, the sky cleared instantly, and everything returned to the daytime scene.

"Mr. Zhang, look quickly, do those two mountains look like two snakes?"

Shirley Yang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhang Yang looked up at the Zagrama Twin Mountains not far away.

The winding black mountains look like a huge black dragon lying prone in the desert.

It's a pity that the middle of the black dragon was broken, and one dragon became like two snakes.


Zhang Yang nodded and continued to speak:

"The Zagrama Twin Mountain Range was originally a huge black dragon crawling on the ground.

It seems that this Jingjue Queen is really a woman with extraordinary intelligence, and she knows that this black dragon is not in good luck.

So he mobilized manpower to cut off and pin the black dragon, let it guard his mausoleum forever, and this city formed an excellent treasure cave.

That's why this fine queen built her ancient tomb under the ground. "

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, everyone suddenly woke up like a dream.

"Mr. Zhang, you are indeed a god-man, who has seen this matter thoroughly."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help giving Zhang Yang a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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