Chapter 83 A Pair of Jade Ball Eyes

Afterwards, Zhang Yang led everyone out of the six-story black tower.

At this time, the tide of the black-eyed monster snake had receded, some secretions were all over the ground, and there was still a strong stench in the air, which made people sick.

"I didn't expect so many snakes to appear at the same time. The smell is really smoky."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help pinching his nose and complaining.

I saw Zhang Yang suddenly took out a handful of white things from his arms, and after muttering a few words, he sprinkled the white powder and ink into the air.

Immediately, the powder and ink flew away with the wind, and the smell of blood in the air disappeared instantly.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, what did you sprinkle just now? It got rid of the smoky smell so quickly."

Wang Kaixuan asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just a trick for you."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

They don't need to know this.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was unwilling to say more, Wang Kaixuan was naturally embarrassed to continue asking.

"Mr. Zhang, how do we find the entrance to the underground palace of this exquisite queen?"

Shirley Yang looked anxiously at Zhang Yang.

According to Zhang Yang's familiarity with this place, I'm afraid he has already been here.

It must be easy for him to find the entrance to the underground palace.

Zhang Yang pointed to an arched sand dune not far away and said:
"Most of the black-eyed snakes crawled out of the sand dunes, which means that the underground palace is there."

Everyone looked in the direction of Zhang Yang's finger, except for a horizontal line slightly higher than other buildings, there was nothing special about it.

"Ah, is there?"

Wang Kaixuan still had some doubts.

After all, this is also the entrance of the underground palace, so shabby, is it really appropriate?

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang glanced at each other and said:

"Mr. Zhang, I'll go up and explore the way first."


Zhang Yang nodded.

"Hey, Hu, wait for me, I'll go too."

Wang Kaixuan bouncingly followed, for such a good thing as exploring the road, he was naturally indispensable.

If you find something valuable in advance, you can hide one or two secretly.

Otherwise, Professor Chen and the others will go in together later, but there will be nothing to take.

At this moment, Professor Chen walked up to Zhang Yang and said in a low voice:
"Mr. Zhang, have you ever been to this underground palace?"


Zhang Yang spoke calmly.


Professor Chen looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously and said:
"Why do I feel that Mr. Zhang seems to have been here before, as if he is familiar with his own vegetable field."

Zhang Yang was about to speak, when Wang Kaixuan suddenly heard an 'ouch', and then he disappeared.

"Fat man?"

"Fatty, are you alright?"

At this time, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang's anxious shouts came again.

"problem occurs?"

Professor Chen's complexion changed slightly.

The other students also had worried expressions on their faces.

"Let's go and have a look."

Zhang Yang motioned, and then the man walked forward.

The others hurriedly followed behind.

I originally thought that the yellow sand would be relatively deep, but I didn't expect it to be very stable on the soles of my feet.

Suddenly Chu Jian yelled out.

"Professor Chen, it looks like a stone ladder is under my feet."

The others also vigorously kicked away the sand under their feet, and sure enough, they saw a small section of clear stone steps.


"It's really a stone ladder."

Professor Chen appreciated it for a while.

"It seems that this is indeed the entrance to the underground palace."

Everyone else is full of excitement, which shows that they didn't come in vain this time.
At this time Zhang Yang had already reached the top, Hu Bayi and Xue Liyang saw Zhang Yang approaching, and hurriedly said nervously:

"Mr. Zhang, it's not good, the fat man fell down."

Zhang Yang looked at the location where Wang Kaixuan fell just now, which happened to be the entrance of the underground palace.

Although most of the entrance has been buried by yellow sand, if you look closely, you can still clearly see that it is a huge gate.

The entire entrance is made of the black stone of Zagrama, and the stone gate forms a shape with a huge mouth open like a giant beast.

This is undoubtedly the entrance and exit of the underground palace.

"Go down."

As Zhang Yang said, he jumped, and the person jumped directly.

"Oh my God,"

"Mr. Zhang is also too fast."

Hu Bayi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Let's go down too."

Shirley Yang opened her mouth to signal.


Hu Bayi jumped down first, then pulled the rope, and Shirley Yang then fixed one side of the rope to the stone pillar beside it.

Professor Chen and others also came up, and under the arrangement of Shirley Yang, everyone walked down one by one.

"Oh my God."

"From the perspective of the building, it looks like a temple here."

"Yeah, it looks quite similar, the space is big enough, and the momentum is magnificent."

"Could this be the underground palace of the Essence Queen??"

"This giant stone pillar is really too high, I'm afraid it's more than ten meters high."

At this time, Professor Chen and others began to observe and sigh in the huge temple.

But Zhang Yang went directly to one of the huge priest's altars without squinting.

Right now, in front of his eyes was an altar on which a jade eyeball was enshrined.

There are also naturally formed red blood-stained lines in the jade, with distinct roots, as if they are human nerves and blood vessels.

And the blue pupils are even more distinct and lifelike, almost as real as they are.

At this time, that eye was staring straight at the person like this, which made people feel a strong sense of oppression.

It seems that this jade eyeball seems to lead people into an endless abyss.

In an instant, this directly opened his ghostly eyes.

The jade eyeball turned into an ordinary jade in front of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang reached out and touched the jade eyeball.

Suddenly, the voice of the system rang in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you found the left eye of the jade ball eye, and gained the ability to control the mother snake. 】

[The host can use the left eye and right eye of the jade ball eye at the same time, and can manipulate and control the black-eyed snake at will. 】

Only then did Zhang Yang understand.

It turns out that the jade ball eyes are a pair, one left and one right.

Before that, he obtained the right eye from the queen of the demon country in the nine-story demon tower, and he can summon the snake mother.

And here he got the right eye, which can completely control the snake mother.

So, it's possible that the Queen of Excellence doesn't know that these jade ball eyes are actually a pair.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you looking at?"

At this moment, Wang Kaixuan came over sneakily.


"Hey, why do these eyes look weird?"

After Wang Kaixuan found the jade ball eye, he screamed in fright.

Immediately everyone's attention was focused.

There was only one blood-red eyeball, staring at everyone coldly like this, which made people feel shuddering.

"Mr. Zhang, what the hell is this?"

Hu Bayi was surprised and asked Zhang Yang who didn't change his face.

"Could it be the eyeballs of the Essence Queen?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.

Hu Bayi reached out and knocked Wang Kaixuan on the back of the head and said:

"Don't talk nonsense, no one has such big eyeballs. Besides, this queen is also a human being, and she's not a monster or something."

"Makes sense."

Only then did Wang Kaixuan feel secretly relieved.

"This is the jade ball eye."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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