Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 211 Meet Martial Ancestor Again!

Chapter 211 Meet Martial Ancestor Again!

"That was teleportation just now? No, this space is still disturbed, and the teleportation array cannot be used at all!"

The burly man in armor looked at the Earth Sha Demon Slaying Formation filled with evil mist, with an uncertain expression.

In this Earth Sha Demon Slaying Formation, apart from a phantom formation, there are other formations hidden!

Triple formation?

Such a level of formation, even an ordinary saint rank formation master, can't do it.

"It's weird, let's get out of the formation first."

The man in the purple shirt also reacted, without hesitation, he immediately gave the order to retreat.

Now that the moat formation has been broken, they have plenty of ways to deal with the Palace of Beasts and others.

But if they continue to be trapped in this formation, they will be the ones who will suffer the catastrophe.

"Since you're here, stay here."

Sensing that Tianhe Valley and Xuehou Mansion and others wanted to escape, Qin Yu had a sneer on his face.

As soon as the handprints of both hands changed, ripples appeared in the void, and those ripples were imperceptible, but penetrated deep into the void.

"what happened?"

The man in purple shirt and others who flew away suddenly felt empty and became extremely thick.

It felt like the void had turned into an endless swamp, trapping them in it.

"What power is this?"

The faces of the purple-shirted man, the armored man and the others changed wildly, and an ominous feeling emerged in their hearts.

Sure enough, the Palace of Beasts and others abandoned the city guard formation and lured them into the city, which is a trap!

At this moment, the power of the Earth Shade in the entire Earth Shade Demon Slaying Formation rushed towards them madly, like a meteor shower piercing the sky.

Bang bang bang!
Although the movement was restricted, the reaction of the 16 people including the man in purple shirt was not slow at all.

The power of the sacred weapon erupted, and the powerful and terrifying profound meaning of heaven and earth was suppressed, shattering all the power of earth evil that came.

But suddenly, a gigantic earth demon dragon with a size of one thousand feet condensed and soared into the sky.

Like a tornado hurricane, it slammed into the purple shirt man and others.

Immediately, the 16 men in purple shirts were blown away and scattered in all directions.

Puff puff!
A black light, followed by the Earth Sha dragon, flashed in the void as fast as lightning.

It was Mingtongtian who appeared after performing the shadow travel technique.

Every time Ming Tongtian dodges, one of the 16 people who were dispersed will be attacked and killed.

Under the dual influence of the power of time and space and the chaotic artistic conception.

The purple-shirted man and the others, with their cultivation at the peak of the Martial God Realm, couldn't even perform at half their level.

But Ming Tongtian was not only unaffected, his combat power was even stronger in the shadow state than at its peak.

One of the two is extremely weakened, and the other is constantly increasing. It is conceivable how big the gap is.

In the blink of an eye, nine of the 16 men in purple shirts were beheaded by Ming Tongtian.

"Damn, what kind of power is this?"

The man in the purple shirt and the armored man were furious, and they used all their means to move violently.

But it's a pity that they still can't break through, the power of time and space and the chaotic artistic conception.

puff puff!

When the seven purple-shirted men resisted, Ming Tongtian had already attacked and killed two peak Martial God realms again.

At this time, Qin Yu flew into the air without making a sound.

The Earth Fiend Demon Slaying Formation then condensed, and the power of the formation doubled at this moment.

"Soul Eater Curse!"

Qin Yu thought about it.

A strange soul imprint erupted from the evil mist without any warning, and crashed into the purple-shirted man's body.

While the soul was shaking, the man in purple shirt looked confused for a moment.

Naturally, Ming Tongtian would not let this opportunity go, he shot through the sky like lightning, and killed the man in purple shirt, one of the strongest.

This scene made the faces of the five armored men change greatly in horror, and they felt the catastrophe of extinction.

"not good!"

At this moment, the armored man's body turned cold, and a feeling of extreme speed and danger emerged in his heart.

Almost at the same time, a soul seal appeared from behind him.

call out!
Ming Tongtian's body turned into black light, and he flashed through the mist with incredible speed.

The target was the armored man.


At this moment of life and death, the man in armor had red eyes and shouted loudly.

An ear-shattering bombing sound appeared, and the energy of destruction swept over, and the entire Guiyuan City was violently shaken.

The other four peak Martial God realms suffered setbacks, and they were all seriously injured. Qin Yu and Ming Tongtian seized the opportunity to suppress and kill them in one fell swoop.

"Escaped by him?"

Ming Tongtian rushed out of the Disha Demon Slaying Formation and looked at a certain high-ranking Martial God Realm on the wall of Guiyuan City who was blocking the warriors in the city.

Ming Tongtian was about to chase after him, when the high-ranking Martial God Realm exploded with energy and blood all over his body.

He didn't know what kind of secret technique he used, and with a flicker, he flew hundreds of feet away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the high-level Martial God Realm who seized his body and disappeared, Qin Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

Unexpectedly, the strong man in armor could actually let his soul out of his body when he blew himself up.

Fortunately, in this battle, he only used Chaos Artistic Conception, Soul Devouring Curse, and Dragon Soul's supernatural powers.

Even if these methods are leaked out, there will be no problem.

After all, Dragon Soul only affected the space this time, and did not use real magical powers such as reversing time and space.


With the Sky Crane Valley and Xuehou Mansion, all the peak Martial God realms were killed.

Ming Tongtian and the nine top Martial God Realm elders immediately rushed towards the Martial God Realm of Tianhe Valley and Xuehou Mansion.

Even all the peak martial gods were dead, those martial gods naturally did not dare to stay longer, and fled away one after another.

Not long after, the ten Mingtongtian people who were chasing after him returned to Guiyuan City.

Now that the crisis has been resolved, the most important thing now is to teleport away immediately.

"Huh? The teleportation array is still unusable? No wonder there are still people lurking?"

Ming Tongtian and others came to the rear of the teleportation hall in the city, frowning.

"It should be around Guiyuan City, where there are treasures that interfere with spatial fluctuations."

Just now Qin Yu went to look for it, but found nothing.

"It seems that we can only fly back."

Ming Tongtian didn't hesitate, and after sending out a sound transmission talisman, he immediately took Qin Yu and flew away from Guiyuan City.

Seeing this, the warriors in Guiyuan City naturally didn't dare to stay for a moment, and the building was empty in the blink of an eye.

Not long after Qin Yu and the others left, a large group of murderous Martial God Realm came to Guiyuan City.

It was the pursuers of Sky Crane Valley and Xuehou Mansion.


After using the secret perception technique, the group of Martial God Realm accurately chased in the direction where Qin Yu and the others flew away.

Three days later, Qin Yu and his party, who had fled all the way at a high speed, did not encounter any more troubles, and returned to the home field of the Hundred Beasts Palace, Tianyuan Domain smoothly.

But when they entered the border of Tianyuan Domain and were relaxing, a vast coercion of heaven and earth descended from the sky.

"This is……"

Feeling the seemingly substantial destructive pressure, the faces of the ten members of Mingtongtian changed wildly.

There is no doubt that there is only one possibility for them who are at the peak of the Martial God Realm to feel such terrifying pressure.

"Martial Ancestor Realm!"

Qin Yu's expression also gradually became serious.

In this coercion, there is no monster aura of the monster clan, and it is obviously not the Martial Ancestor Realm of the Palace of Beasts.

"Oh, you killed so many people in Tianhe Valley, do you think you can return to the Palace of Beasts alive?"

A calm voice appeared, and a cloud of mist drifted over, followed by a figure.

It was a tall, imposing man in a blue shirt.

(End of this chapter)

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