Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 212 Beast Palace!

Chapter 212 Back to the Palace of Beasts!

"Martial Ancestor Realm...why did it appear here?"

The faces of Mingtongtian ten people turned pale, and there was despair in their eyes.

There is only a thin line between the peak of the Martial God Realm and the Martial Ancestor Realm, but there is a huge difference in strength.

The man in the green shirt just stood there, under the coercion he gave them, he was almost unable to move.

"It's troublesome now."

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the eyes of the Dragon Soul are quite dignified.

Last time in Luogui City, Qin Yu was able to resist Mo Lihuang, who was at the second level of Martial Ancestor Realm.

That's because Qin Yu detonated and condensed Luo Guicheng's entire top-grade ghost veins into the formation.

But now, Qin Yu can only rely on his own strength to fight against the Martial Ancestor Realm.

More importantly, even if Qin Yu can escape successfully, the means hidden in him will still be exposed.

In that case, I'm afraid there will be more troubles coming.

"First level of Martial Ancestor Realm..."

Qin Yu looked at the man in the blue shirt, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

Facing a Martial Ancestor Realm, even if Qin Yu was always ready for the teleportation array, it was impossible to escape.

In the battle of Luo Guicheng, even if Qin Yufeng trapped Mo Lihuang, the opponent still had the means to attack.

Although the man in the green shirt only had the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, he was even more troublesome than Mo Lihuang.

Because Qin Yu has no way to seal it now.

"Elder Qin, let's hold him back, you take this opportunity to escape."

At this time, Ming Tongtian looked at Qin Yu and said the secret technique of sound transmission.

The other nine top Martial God Realm also looked determined, obviously already aware of Ming Tongtian's decision.

They are the top elders of the Hundred Beasts Palace, even the Martial Ancestor Realm is terrifying. .

Even though Qin Yu is a holy formation mage, in the eyes of the Martial Ancestor Realm, he is no different from an ant.

Instead of letting everyone be buried here, it is better to protect Qin Yu from escaping.

Qin Yu was only at the Martial Saint Realm, so the man in the green shirt might not care too much about Qin Yu.

In that case, Qin Yu still had a chance of surviving.

"The Martial Ancestor Realm cannot be held back by the number of people."

Qin Yu shook his head slightly.

The laws of heaven and earth can easily crush the profound meanings of heaven and earth, and the two are not at the same level at all.

Mingtongtian ten people completely underestimate the Martial Ancestor Realm.

If it is really that simple, then hold on to the Martial Ancestor Realm.

When he was in Luogui City, Qin Yu didn't know how to deploy many backhands, and he still almost failed to escape.

In the current situation, if Ming Tongtian and others cooperate with him and fight with all their strength, there may be some hope.

But if they act separately, they may not be able to escape.

"Although the hope is very slim, we still have to fight to the death, Elder Qin, if you can successfully return to the palace, I hope that in the future, you can take care of my clansmen."

After Ming Tongtian performed the secret technique of sound transmission again, his body was full of monster energy, and he directly manifested a monster body.

A dark ghost cat about ten feet tall, surrounded by dark demon patterns, appeared in midair.

The nine top elders also manifested demon bodies, lined up in the void, and the monsters shook the sky.

"Knowing that there is no escape, so you have to fight to the death, but you have some backbone."

The man in the blue shirt looked indifferent.

One peak Martial God Realm, nine top Martial God Realm, plus one Martial Saint Realm.

With such strength, he could easily crush him to death.


The Heaven-shaking Beast roared, and Ming Tong Tianren rushed out with a terrifying demonic aura.

When Qin Yu saw this and was about to make a move, his expression suddenly changed slightly: "This is..."

"I will accept the beast soul."

The man in the green shirt connected his fingers, the void trembled, and the laws of heaven and earth swept across like a flood and tsunami.


The joint attack of Ming Tongtian's ten people was instantly shattered, and ten people suffered heavy injuries one after another.

The figure of the man in blue swayed slightly, just as he was about to arrest the beast soul.

Array flags descended from the sky.

In an instant, a chaotic array of five elements tens of feet in size blocked the man in the blue shirt.

"Huh? Holy step formation?"

Feeling the chaotic five-element artistic conception that disturbed the void, the man in the blue shirt twitched his brows slightly, and looked at Qin Yu in surprise.

At this time, under Qin Yu's feet, the teleportation array had already spread.

"Want to run? Forbidden chaos!"

The man in the green shirt looked cold, and the law of heaven and earth covered a radius of ten thousand miles in an instant.

A sound like a thunderclap suddenly vibrated in the void.

Mingtongtian ten people, their souls were severely injured, their seven orifices were bleeding, and their faces were pale.

Qin Yu was also attacked, his breath fluctuated, and he spit out blood from his mouth.

The teleportation array was also affected and turned into a beam of light, which went straight to the nine heavens and disappeared.

"Huh? This kid!"

The man in the blue shirt was even more surprised.

Even Ming Tongtian, who was at the peak of the Martial God Realm, was seriously injured by this move, and even died.

And Qin Yu was only slightly injured?

call out!
The Qinglong Zhantian in Qin Yu's body dissipated, and the true essence pierced through the air, bringing back the ten Mingtongtian people who had lost consciousness.

Among the ten people in Mingtongtian, five people have completely lost their souls, and the five people in Mingtongtian also have weak soul power.

Even if you step into the peak Martial God Realm, your soul will always be your weakness.

If the body is severely injured, it can be recovered with panacea.

But if the soul disperses, it will really be exhausted.

"Why, do you still want to save them?"

The man in the green shirt looked indifferently, looking down at Qin Yu from a height.

"Oh, I really have this plan."

Qin Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly.

"Then you have to see what you can do."

The figure of the man in the blue shirt flashed, carrying the earth-shattering laws of heaven and earth, and went towards Qin Yu to suppress it.

But at this moment, in the distant sky, encountering a huge black light, it suddenly bombarded.

"Martial Ancestor Realm? People from the Palace of Beasts?"

The man in the green shirt looked a little condensed, he squeezed his hands, and his attack changed, condensing the laws of heaven and earth, and blasted at the attacking black light forcefully.

If he continued to attack Qin Yu, he would definitely be attacked by destruction.

The laws of heaven and earth collided, and the power and influence were so strong that the earth and mountains below collapsed at this moment.

"What's going on? This void has been sealed off, so they shouldn't be able to perceive the fluctuation of the monster energy?"

Seeing the Martial Ancestor Realm of the Three Hundred Beast Palaces appearing in the distant sky, the man in blue frowned slightly.

He deliberately ambushed here, and naturally made quite a lot of preparations.

"Could it be... the teleportation array just now?"

Suddenly, the man in the blue shirt remembered Qin Yu's beam of teleportation light that soared into the sky.

When he looked back again, Qin Yu had already fled away with ten people from Mingtongtian.

"This kid, what is the background?"

The man in the blue shirt stared at Qin Yu who was going away with a cold light in his eyes.

The Little Martial Saint Realm, which he didn't care about at first, actually messed up his plan.

Could it be that the reason why the Xuehou Mansion had to kill him was not only because of personal enmity.

Taking a cold look at Qin Yu, the man in the blue shirt, with a flicker of his figure, fled away at an extremely fast speed.

Now that there are three Martial Ancestors in the Palace of Beasts, it is impossible to kill Qin Yu and others.

At this time, the three Martial Ancestor Realms of the Hundred Beasts Palace appeared in front of Qin Yu as quickly as they traveled through the void.

Of the three Martial Ancestor Realms, two are at the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and one is at the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

The Martial Ancestor Level [-] is none other than the one-horned young man from the Palace of Beasts, Hai Tianzhe.

"The soul has been severely injured, the situation is very dangerous, return to the palace immediately."

Hai Tianzhe had a slight sense of the situation of the ten people in Mingtongtian, and returned immediately without hesitation.

Under the leadership of Wu Zujing, they returned to the Palace of Beasts after half an hour.


  Thanks to [Irreplaceable] [Frost Morning Cold Maple Leaves] [Green Shirt] [Mr. Bread] for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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