Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 23 Ancient Ruins!

Chapter 23 Ancient Ruins!

"and many more."

Seeing that Qin Yu was about to leave, Qin Tianhu hurriedly called out.

After saying that, he opened the secret room of the study, and took out a jade box that had been dusty for an unknown period of time.

"This is something your father gave me when he left the family."

Qin Tianhu handed the jade box to Qin Yu and said solemnly.

"Father left it? What is it?"

Qin Yu took the jade box and asked curiously.

"When your father left, he only said that I would hand over the jade box to you when you were strong enough."

Qin Tianhu shook his head slightly: "As for what it is, I don't know."


Qin Yu directly opened the jade box, and inside the jade box was a light green jade pendant.

The jade pendant looks quite old, with lifelike daffodils carved on it.

"There are fluctuations of the soul power seal!"

The moment Qin Yu touched it, the brows moved slightly, and he felt a wave of soul power from the jade pendant.

"No, it's not just the soul power seal, this restriction also requires enough cultivation to be unsealed!"

Qin Yu was slightly surprised.

Being able to use double seals, it seemed that his father, who had never masked his face, was not an ordinary person.

"Second Uncle, then I'll leave. I'll be fine in the future. Try not to leave Longling City."

Qin Yu put the jade pendant into his pouch, gave Qin Tianhu a warning, and left the study.

"Take care!"

Qin Tianhu watched Qin Yu leave the family all the way, and then looked away worriedly.

Although Qin Yu helped the Qin family get rid of the crisis this time, he also offended the Xue family.

Therefore, Qin Yu is afraid that he will encounter a lot of danger this time in the imperial city.

Fortunately, behind Qin Yu, there was still that mysterious strong man protecting him.

Otherwise, Qin Tianhu was really worried and asked Qin Yu to go to the imperial city just like that.


Da da da!
On the wide official road, Qin Yu rode on a fine horse and rushed towards the imperial city located in the center of the Zhenwu Dynasty.

Five days passed in a flash.

Within these five days, Qin Yu completely left the territory of King Baiwu and came to a wilderness plain.

This wilderness plain is called the Ancient Desolation Plain, named after the ancient desolation mountain range above the plain.

The ancient barren plain is huge, spanning the boundaries of the three major county kings.

After crossing this plain, there is only one Zhenlong River away from the imperial city.

call out!
While Qin Yu was riding his horse galloping, a column of lavender light suddenly shot up from the distant ancient barren mountain range.

That beam of light was as high as ten thousand feet, straight into the sky, sweeping the wind and clouds, and its power was astonishing.

"Looking at the movement, it seems that a treasure has been born!"

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul said with great interest: "Why don't you go and have a look."

Qin Yu's eyes flickered slightly, he changed direction, and ran towards the Ancient Desolate Mountains.

At this time, all the martial artists who came and went on the entire ancient barren plain were startled and gathered together.

Even outside the ancient barren plain, warriors saw that beam of light and moved out one after another.

About half an hour later, Qin Yu arrived outside the Ancient Desolate Mountain Range.

After harnessing the fierce horse to the ancient tree, Qin Yu was as light as a swallow, and quickly rushed towards the place of the beam of light.

Along the way, Qin Yu encountered many dangerous monsters, but he easily killed them all.

Soon, Qin Yu came to the depths of the mountains, in front of a giant peak with countless caves.

In the cave on that mountain peak, rays of light soared into the sky and gathered together to form that beam of light.

"There are quite a few people."

In addition to Qin Yu, there were dozens of warriors who came to this cave mountain peak.

The cultivation bases of those warriors are basically at the True Martial Realm and Xuan Martial Realm, with only a few at the Earth Martial Realm.

"What kind of treasure is hidden in this Fengyao Mountain?"

"Looking at such power, it is definitely an extraordinary treasure!"

"Would you like to go in and have a look?"

"Let's take a look first. With the coercion of this beam of light, if one is not good, maybe my life will be lost."

There are more and more martial artists gathered in the caves and peaks, but no one dares to go in and have a look.

"There is a wave of prohibition. It seems that this place should be an ancient ruin."

After perceiving the beam of light at close range, Qin Yu could perceive it more clearly.

"Strange, it seems to be the fluctuation of dragon blood, but it doesn't seem to be..."

After the Dragon Soul sensed it carefully, he began to mutter to himself in some doubts.

"If you can't prepare to judge, it should be something related to the Dragon Clan."

Hearing this, Qin Yu's eyes brightened.

"should be."

Dragon Soul tapped the tap.

He will only respond to things related to the Dragon Clan.

"Come here, catch two people for me, and try the power of those beams of light."

But at this moment, a cold and arrogant voice appeared.

I saw a young man in gorgeous clothes with an indifferent face coming with a group of guards.

That indifferent young man looked sixteen or seventeen years old, his cultivation had advanced to the Earth Martial Realm, and his aptitude was obviously good.

And the guards around him are all at the Earth Martial Realm, and the three leaders are at the Heaven Martial Realm.

Obviously, this indifferent young man has a lot of background.

But the young man's words made all the warriors change their expressions, and they all stayed away from them.

Judging by the power of those beams of light, if they were caught and tempted, they would probably die in all likelihood.

The guards around the cold and proud boy ignored the faces of those martial artists.

Immediately after hearing the order, three Earth Martial Realms came out.

Like eagles catching chickens, they each grabbed a fleeing Xuanwu Realm and threw them towards the cave mountain.

Puff puff!
But the three basalt realms, just touched the white light of those caves, and immediately turned into a rain of blood.

Seeing that scene, the martial artist who was just far away had already fled quickly and disappeared into the mountains.

Even those at the Earth Martial Realm immediately retreated tens of feet away, and didn't stop until it was safe enough.

"The power of these beams of light seems to be strong and weak at times. As long as you grasp the rules, you should be able to enter."

The cold and proud young man stared at those beams of light, with a smile on his face.

But after he swept his eyes away, he realized that all the eyes around him had almost disappeared.

Except for Qin Yu, who still stood there calmly.

"Goodbye, he will catch it and try it, and he will throw it out according to my order."

That cold and proud young man gave orders indifferently.

Immediately, a third-level Earth Martial Realm guard rushed out across the sky and grabbed Qin Yu.

"court death!"

Qin Yu's eyes turned cold, his right hand completed, and a hundred thousand gigantic forces in his body condensed in a roar.

"Destroying Fist!"

When that Martial Realm rushed in front of him, Qin Yu punched out.

The violent fist wind is like a fierce beast coming out of the mountain, sweeping up the sky-shattering power, and it seems to be able to shatter the sky.

"not good!"

That Earth Martial Realm's face changed suddenly, and when he went all out head-on, it was too late.

There was a bang.

Qin Yu slammed his fist at the Martial Realm's body, a force of destruction pierced through the shield of true energy and armor, blasted into his body forcefully, and then exploded.

Earth Martial Realm, die!
This scene made the cold and proud young man's eyes freeze, and the rest of the guards were also shocked.

"Boy, you dare to kill members of my Zhou family, you are quite courageous."

Soon, Zhou Tianlang came back to his senses, a strong murderous intent appeared on his cold and proud face, his eyes were gloomy, like a poisonous snake, making people shudder.

The warriors of the Zhou family stared at Qin Yu with a murderous look.

Violent zhenqi surged through his body, as long as Zhou Tianlang gave an order, he would immediately smash Qin Yu's body into thousands of pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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