Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 24 Mysterious ancient map!

Chapter 24 Mysterious ancient map!

"The life of your family is life, and the life of others can be trampled on at will?"

Qin Yu didn't seem to see the killing intent of Zhou Tianlang and others, so he smiled calmly.

"An ant in the Xuanwu realm is looking for a dead end."

Zhou Tianlang's eyes were gloomy, and he glanced at a guard at the second level of the Heavenly Martial Realm beside him.

That day, the guards at the second level of the Martial Realm ordered them to rush out immediately.

A spear of real energy on his body, like a javelin, attacked Qin Yu with a sharp sound of piercing through the air.

"Dragon Soul, destroy them!"

Qin Yu folded his arms around his chest and stood motionless.

"give it to me!"

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul grinned, overflowing with murderous aura.

The next moment, a huge monster descended from the sky without any warning.

A pillar of flames as large as Zhang Zhang was sprayed on the real yuan horse, directly smashing it into pieces.

It was the Dragon Soul, controlling the appearance of the Blood Flame Lin Beast.

"A monster at the seventh level of the Heavenly Martial Realm?"

The faces of Zhou Tianlang and the others changed. They didn't expect Qin Yu to be protected by such a powerful monster.

Regardless of the faces of the Zhou family members, the Dragon Soul immediately controlled the Blood Flame Lin Beast and slapped the guard away with one claw.

Although they are both at the Tianwu Realm, there is a big gap between the second level of the Tianwu Realm and the seventh level of the Tianwu Realm.

The guard vomited blood and flew away, half of his body was burnt black, as if he was already half-crippled.


Seeing the guard's almost useless injury, the corners of Zhou Tianlang's eyes twitched wildly, his killing intent almost solidified.


The Dragon Soul stared at Zhou Tianlang, and the huge body of the Blood Flame Lin Beast leaped away.

"Master, let's go!"

Beside Zhou Tianlang, the other two Heavenly Martial Realms looked at each other after seeing this.

A fourth-level Heavenly Martial Realm rushed out and intercepted the Blood Flame Lin Beast.

There is also a Heavenly Martial Realm, who took Zhou Tianlang and left immediately.

"You all go to me and kill that kid!"

When Zhou Tianlang was taken away by the Martial Realm that day, the other Martial Realm guards who were still murderous gave the order.

Those Earth Martial Realm guards who were planning to retreat, their faces twitched for a while, and their faces turned ferocious.

They are all guards trained by the Zhou family since childhood, and they dare not disobey Zhou Tianlang's orders at all.

Otherwise, not only them, but even their family members will be punished by clan rules.

"Destroying Fist!"

Qin Yu shook his head slightly, his figure flashed, and with several afterimages, he rushed straight out.

Bang bang bang!
Amidst the sound of fierce fighting, those members of the Zhou Clan's Earth Martial Realm were killed in an instant.

The Destruction Strength Fist is an imperial martial skill, the first level of the Destruction Divine Fist, and its power is equivalent to a heavenly rank martial skill.

With Qin Yu's current cultivation base, of course he can't fully exert the power of Destruction Fist.

But coupled with the power of the Fire Dragon Thunder Body, this is enough for him to easily fight against the enemy.


The guard at the fourth level of Tianwu Realm, after vomiting blood and being seriously injured, activated his potential and ran away.

Dragon Soul didn't control the Blood Flame Lin Beast to chase after it, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

The battle just now left the Blood Flame Lin Beast with several bloody wounds.

"The beast soul of the Blood Flame Lin Beast will dissipate completely within a few times."

Sensing the state of the Blood Flame Lin Beast, Dragon Soul said to Qin Yu.

"It's enough to use it a few times."

Qin Yu smiled indifferently, a monster at the Heavenly Martial Realm was just his transitional puppet at this stage.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Putting the Blood Flame Lin Beast into the ancient seal of the Dragon God, Qin Yu jumped and rushed directly into a certain cave.

The strange thing is that the white light that was death upon contact before did not harm Qin Yu at all.

In a flash, Qin Yu disappeared into the cave.

In fact, the situation was just as Zhou Sirius had guessed wrong.

The power of these white lights is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, as long as you seize the opportunity, you can pass through safely.

And with Qin Yu's eyesight, he didn't need to test it, he could tell at a glance when he was strong and when he was weak.

Following the cave, after falling down, Qin Yu appeared in a dark cave.

In all directions, the cave is a series of criss-cross passages, like an underground labyrinth.

"Dragon Soul!"

Qin Yu let out a low cry in his heart.

"Third passage from the left."

The Dragon Soul understood and immediately sensed the fluctuations it had sensed before.

Along that passage, Qin Yu went deep all the way.

Along the way, he encountered many deadly traps and traps, but Qin Yu could not easily resolve them.

Not long after, Qin Yu came to a stone gate.

After looking at it, Qin Yu withdrew his hand and moved a few times on the stone gate. As the fluctuation of true energy spread, the restriction on the stone gate was immediately broken.

Qin Yu pushed the door open and entered, and a long-suffering breath came over his face.

Inside the stone gate is a small stone room, in addition to a stone table, there is a stone bed.

On the stone bed, a white skeleton sat cross-legged, with dusty clothes on his body, obviously dead for many years.

"It turned out to be a place for warriors to sit and transform."

Qin Yu walked over, glanced at the white bone, and then his eyes fell on the pale black ring on his finger.

Sumeru Ring!
Qin Yu picked up the Sumeru ring, his true energy penetrated, and a space hundreds of feet in size appeared.

In that Xumi space, there are millions of high-grade spirit stones, as well as many martial arts skills and spiritual pills.

"It's this picture, this aura, it seems... somewhat similar to the Nine Nether Hell Dragon!"

Except for the spirit stone, Qin Yu put those miscellaneous things on the stone table.

Dragon Soul stared straight at an ancient map with fiery pupils.

"Nine Serenities Hell Dragon!"

Qin Yu's eyes lit up, he didn't expect to get the real dragon clue so soon.

You know, there is such a huge gap between the monster blood containing dragon blood and the real dragon blood, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world of difference.

"A hundred countries..."

Qin Yu picked up the ancient picture, and after looking at it for a while, he realized that the ancient picture was only incomplete.

On the ancient map, only the words "Hundred Kingdoms" can be vaguely seen.

After looking at it for a while, Qin Yu put away the ancient map.

It is still impossible to figure out where this ancient map is.

But after going to the Imperial City and entering the Royal Holy Court, there should be a way to figure it out.

"Huayuan Pill, Chiyue Pill, Tiger Spirit Pill..."

Qin Yu took out those elixirs.

These are spirit pills above rank five, in other words, this sitting bone was at least a Martial King during his lifetime.

Pouring Huayuan Pill and Chiyue Pill into the palm of his hand, Qin Yu thought, and the energy of the pill was absorbed immediately, leaving only a small pile of ashes remaining.

Although these elixirs were all fifth-grade elixirs, Qin Yu was very dissatisfied with their purity.

As the saying goes, three parts of medicine are poisonous, and the same is true for elixir.

So when he was in Tianyu, Qin Yu never took any external panacea except for the panacea he refined himself.

These panacea impurities entered the body, and it was not an ordinary trouble to purify them.

Under the impact of the majestic medicinal power, Qin Yu's cultivation immediately skyrocketed.

In less than half an hour, he broke through the third level in a row, and his cultivation reached the peak of Xuanwu Realm.

"Should be able to condense branch dragon veins!"

Sensing the cultivation in his body, Qin Yu pinched his hands together and performed the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art.

High and high...

From the dragon veins that vaguely appeared the dragon pattern, there were bursts of vast dragon chants.

Not long after, a golden dragon vein quietly condensed from the place where the golden dragon vein connected to the dantian...

(End of this chapter)

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