Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 25 One Punch Blast!

Chapter 25 One Punch Explosion!
A quarter of an hour later, the first branch of the dragon vein was completely condensed.

This means that Qin Yu now has two dragon veins, and his cultivation speed will be twice as fast as before.

After successfully condensing the branches of the dragon veins, Qin Yu didn't stay here any longer, got up and left.

At this time, countless warriors have already broken into the mountain peak.

When Qin Yu entered the stone room, the beam of light from the mountain in the cave had disappeared.

When they saw Qin Yu walking out, those warriors couldn't hold back their greed and shot at Qin Yu.

The result was obvious, Qin Yu directly summoned the Bleeding Flame Lin Beast, and killed it with incomparable arrogance all the way.


When he arrived outside the cave, Qin Yu was about to put away the Blood Flame Lin Beast, and when he drove away, his ears moved slightly.

"Come out!"

Qin Yu raised his head and looked at a towering ancient tree.

He felt a cold killing intent, which locked him firmly, and a fatal attack would erupt at any time.

"My cultivation at the Xuanwu realm can actually detect my existence, isn't it not bad."

Following the sound, a figure flew down from the ancient tree.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe with a majestic face.

"Flying in the Sky... is the King of Martial Arts!?"

Those warriors who chased out from the cave all the way changed their faces and fled one after another.

"A member of the Zhou family?"

Qin Yu looked at the middle-aged man indifferently, at the fifth level of the Martial King Realm!
"Boy, you killed dozens of warriors from my Zhou family. Now, abolish your cultivation and follow me to plead guilty to the second young master. Maybe the second young master is in a good mood and won't implicate your family."

The King Wu man landed in front of Qin Yu, folded his arms around his chest, and said calmly.

"I'll give you a chance too, step back now, and I can spare your dog's life."

Qin Yu also said flatly.

"I don't know what to do!"

The two words of dog life obviously angered the man of King Wu, his face darkened, and a majestic true energy, like an evil dragon, attacked Qin Yu with its teeth and claws.

Hundred Shadows!

His figure swayed slightly, Qin Yu brought up eight afterimages, avoided the evil dragon of true energy, and went straight to the man of King Wu.

"Heaven-level martial arts? This kid, I'm afraid he has some background."

With a strange look in his eyes, the man of King Wu swooped forward and collided head-on with Qin Yu in the blink of an eye.

"Six-finger pulse sealing!"

The King Wu man moved his hands, and finger shadows flashed, ready to seal Qin Yu's actions.

"Destroying Heaven's Killing Intent, Destroying Fist Strength!"

Qin Yu directly ignored those fingerprints, and the killing intent in his body melted into the strength of the Destruction Fist, and he punched out.

A deep explosion sounded, and the body of the King Wu man trembled suddenly, his eyes bulged out in disbelief.

I saw a bloody hole the size of a fist in his chest hit by Qin Yu, which just hit his heart.

"No way?!"

Those martial artists who were far away from the battle situation were stunned and stood on the spot when they saw that scene!
A basalt realm, actually punched and killed a martial king?

This scene is really too dreamy!

Qin Yu withdrew his right fist, looked at the cracked skin of his right hand, and showed a smile on his face.

With his current physical defense, he can already withstand a killing intent without any sequelae.

Qin Yu took away the financial report from the man of King Wu, found a strong horse, and drove away.

Speaking of which, the reason why the King Wu man was killed in one move was completely careless.

If he took it seriously, Qin Yu might have to continuously draw out killing intent to kill him.


Ten days later, Qin Yu, who was riding a fierce horse, came all the way to the imperial city.

Compared with Longling City, the imperial city is hundreds of times larger, and palaces and palaces stand everywhere.

However, it's not that Qin Yu has never seen bumpkins in the market.

Compared with those holy cities and imperial cities in Tianyu, the imperial city of Zhenwu Dynasty is nothing but a big witch.

Not long after, Qin Yu came to the Royal Holy Court located in the center of the imperial city.

This time was during the freshman assessment period, and the square outside the Royal Holy Academy was very lively.

The admissions of the Royal Holy Academy are generally made by people to come to the assessment test in person.

Only under special circumstances would the elders of the Holy Presidency go out to recruit disciples.

"It's you! You're not dead?"

When Qin Yu came to the assessment square, a figure just came out from the holy courtyard.

When the man saw Qin Yu who was alive and kicking, his face was stunned, and then his eyes immediately turned dark.

"It's really a narrow road to enemies!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Qin Yu's mouth.

This person is none other than Zhou Tianlang.

Looking at the clothes on Zhou Tianlang's body, it is obvious that he is already a student of the Royal Academy.

"You escaped quite quickly, and you escaped unharmed."

Zhou Tianlang walked over, put his arms around his chest, and looked at Qin Yu proudly.

Qin Yu chuckled.

It seems that this guy doesn't know that the Martial King he sent has died under his hands.

"It seems that you are also here to participate in the assessment of the Royal Holy Academy. Hey, it can only be considered that you are unlucky to meet me."

After Zhou Tianlang smiled coldly, he walked up to a young man who seemed to be in charge of the assessment, and whispered something.

"You have been eliminated, you can get out."

Soon, the young man in charge of the assessment walked up to Qin Yu and said indifferently.

After speaking, the young man turned around and was about to leave.

The instigator, Zhou Tianlang, stared at Qin Yu with a dark smile on his face, and even more murderous intent emerged in his eyes.


Hearing this, Qin Yu chuckled, ignored the two idiots, and walked directly towards the Royal Holy Academy.

"Huh? Are you deaf? Didn't hear me? Get out of here immediately!"

Seeing this, the assessing young man's eyes suddenly sank, and he stretched out his hand to grab Qin Yu, intending to throw him out.

"court death!"

Qin Yu's eyes turned cold, and he punched out directly, and the whistling wind resounded through the air.

Ding Ding Deng!
When the fists and palms collided, the young examiner seemed to be hit by a giant beast, his face changed suddenly, and he took more than ten steps backwards.

"how come……"

The young man's eyes were straightened. With his cultivation at the seventh level of the Martial Realm, how could he be repelled by Qin Yu?
Even if he didn't make a full shot, it was far beyond his expectations.

"You actually attacked the students of the Holy Academy, how brave you are!"

Zhou Tianlang, who had seen Qin Yu's fighting strength long ago, smiled sinisterly, and then immediately shouted loudly.

As long as Qin Yu is charged with this crime, then Qin Yu will die.

Making trouble in the Royal Holy Academy is equivalent to provoking the Zhenwu royal family, and you will definitely die.

"what happened?"

"Isn't that Chen Feng? Could it be that there are freshmen making trouble?"

"Haha, Chen Feng was beaten back by that kid, right?"

"That's too bad."

The students of the Holy Academy who had attracted a lot of attention because of the movement here gathered here one after another.

"I killed you!"

Hearing the teasing discussions all around, the young man in the assessment rioted with murderous intent, and as soon as his figure moved, he was ready to kill Qin Yu directly.

A killing intent flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

This time, he planned to kill Chen Feng completely, and then go to kill Zhou Tianlang.

"Stop me all."

At this time, a majestic shout appeared.

I saw a mighty middle-aged man in a blue robe striding forward with his head held high.

"How is this going?"

That mighty middle-aged man with tiger eyes looked at Qin Yu and Chen Feng.

Under those gazes that seemed to contain substantive majesty, Chen Feng's body trembled, but Qin Yu's expression remained normal.

(End of this chapter)

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