Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 254 The Demon Venerable Appears!

Chapter 254 The Demon Lord Appears! (third change)
Except for the power of Emperor Wudi's body.

The silver skeleton, and those silver talismans help, can absorb the blood of living beings.

Therefore, its combat power is completely stronger as it fights!
Even when being besieged, he could occasionally kill one or two Martial Ancestors.

Although the souls of those Martial Ancestors who were beheaded were able to escape by chance.

But all the qi and blood in his body were swallowed up by it and turned into a mummy.

Every time the qi and blood of the Martial Ancestor Realm were devoured, the power of that silver skeleton became stronger and stronger.

Under the ebb and flow, the silver skeleton gradually gained the upper hand.

Qin Yu retreated extremely quickly, and was not involved in that kind of battle.

That silver skeleton already has a combat power comparable to that of the ninth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Qin Yu is now difficult to deal with him even if all his cards are played.

Therefore, he needs to make some preparations.

Fortunately, the Ancient Emperor's Martial Realm and the Martial Ancestor Realm of the Savage Land are restraining the silver skeleton.

This gave Qin Yu enough time to prepare.

No matter what, he wanted to get this imperial body.

Wait until you have the body of Emperor Wu, and then subdue Jin Yan Fen Tianlong in the ancient imperial palace.

The end of the Temple of Ten Thousand Ghosts has arrived.

How could he, the majestic Dragon God Emperor, hide in the XZ like a mouse crossing the street!

Quietly, Qin Yu escaped into the huge pit tens of thousands of miles away, and began to set up a killing array.

The power of qi and blood absorbed by those silver talismans did not have much influence on Qin Yu at all.

Not to mention that he has cultivated into a dragon god hegemony now.

It is that he has not cultivated into the dragon god hegemony body, relying on the fire thunder dragon body of the perfect state.

Qin Yu's qi and blood are so strong that he is not afraid of being absorbed by these silver talismans in a short period of time.

Boom boom boom!
The battle in the ruins of the barbarian gods is still going on.

The Martial Ancestor Realm of human warriors and wild beasts has also fallen more and more.

This also made the silver skeleton stronger.

The silver talismans all over his body showed faint signs of turning into pale blood.

In the depths of this wild ruins, when a terrifying battle is going on.

The warriors and wild beasts who entered this wild ruins, and even the creatures living in the ruins.

They are all constantly gathering towards the core of the ruins.

There is no reason for it.

The farther away from this core area, the faster those silver talismans absorb the power of Qi and blood.

Along the way, countless savage warriors have already turned into mummy.

"Damn it!"

But those warriors rushing over from all directions.

Seeing the core area of ​​the great battle, all of them showed despair.

In the current situation, it is a dead end to advance or retreat.

Bang bang bang!
In that chaotic battle, three more Martial Ancestor realms were blown up, and blood mist flew in the air.

A silver light flashed, and all the blood was swallowed.

It was the silver skeleton.

In this short period of half a quarter of an hour, less than.

On the silver skeleton, the originally light red silver talisman had gradually reached a crimson color.

Nearly a quarter of the hundreds of Martial Emperor realms had already fallen.

The cooperation between the human race and the wild beasts has also obviously loosened.

The strength of the silver skeleton has directly reached the level of the ninth level and four turns from the ninth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Go at this speed.

Waiting for him to devour all the Qi and blood in the Martial Ancestor Realm, his cultivation might be able to hit the Martial Emperor Realm.

"It's done, almost, it's ready to go."

Qin Yu, who had planted tens of thousands of formation flags, looked up at the silver skeleton, with a flash of fire in his eyes.

Just when Qin Yu was pinching seals with both hands, he was about to activate the formation flag and arrange the killing formation.

There was a shocking bang, and a huge hole was blown out of the sky.

A billowing magic mist diffused from the huge hole.


Qin Yu paused, and the emerging magic mist gave him a sense of familiarity.

"God Burying Ridge!"

Dragon Soul remembered.

This wave of magic mist is exactly the same as the wave of magic energy in the ruins of Burying God Ridge.

"This breath... Demon Lord!"

The golden skeleton murmured in shock when it saw the magic mist.

As the magic fog dissipated, a figure appeared.

It was the Demon Lord with pitch-black eyes and cursed body.

"Man God, long time no see."

The Demon Lord came stepping forward, billowing demon energy, exuding vast demon power, sweeping away.

Most of the sky was shrouded in the magic mist.

At this moment, the ancient emperor's martial world and the martial ancestors in the barren land quickly avoided.

The barbarians that appeared gave them a sense of danger, even higher than the silver skeleton.

"I didn't expect that stripping your ghost and laying down the Nine Forms of Demon Refining would not annihilate you."

The silver skeleton opened its mouth.

He is not the body of Emperor Wu, the spiritual wisdom born, but the barbaric land, the former barbarian god.

In the previous battle, he suppressed the demon king, but he was also hit by the curse of the demon clan.

As a last resort, I can only use the power of the dragon veins to seal myself here.

Hundreds of years passed, his emperor soul collapsed, and only a wisp of remnant soul survived.

Fortunately, although his flesh and blood dissipated, this skeleton was still left behind.

Over the past few hundred years, relying on the spirit of the holy dragon veins, his strength has recovered a lot.

"Hand over my ghost and fairy treasure, and I can give you a chance to enter reincarnation."

With dark eyes, Mozun looked at Manshen indifferently, and his tone was extremely flat.

"Hehe, from your tone, it seems that it doesn't take much effort to destroy me?"

A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the man's skeleton.

"Back then, I was lucky enough to seal me while I was retreating and attacking. Now there is only a wisp of remnant soul. How dare you pretend to be a ghost in front of me!"

Mozun didn't talk nonsense, he stepped on the air, the void was deeply shaken, and the space was affected.

"How is it possible? Your ghost is sealed, so it's impossible for your cultivation to recover so quickly?"

On the face of the Manshen Skull, the grim smile froze in disbelief.

"Half-step Martial Emperor!"

Qin Yu, who had escaped into the ground again, had a flash in his eyes.

The strength of this demon king is more than ten times stronger than that of the silver skeleton.

Half step Wudi's words.

With the past cultivation base of this Demon Venerable, he may have been able to initially use the power of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

"It's not only the half-step Martial Emperor's cultivation, what he comprehends is the way of space."

The natal supernatural power is the dragon soul of the space-time supernatural power, so it should be perceived more clearly.

Among the thousands of avenues, the way of space is definitely one of the most powerful avenues.

Fighting at the same level, there are basically few opponents.

With a bang, it was like the sound of an ancient war drum.

All creatures who heard this voice felt their souls, as if they had been hit hard.

Many creatures, even bleeding from the seven orifices, fell directly from the void.

The barbaric god who was under the attack suffered even more severe injuries, and the blood-red runes on his body were shattered inch by inch.

The barbarian roared, blood-red talismans flickered all over his body, and silver divine light flowed from his bones.

The skeleton body, which was originally one person tall, has directly grown to four or five feet in size at this moment.

The power has also skyrocketed, and it has infinitely approached half-step Emperor Wu.


The Mozun spoke contemptuously, and shot out with both hands.

Spatial vortices appeared all over Manshen's body, capable of devouring and shredding everything.

Crack clap!

The power of space raged past, turning into a barbarian who was four or five feet tall.

This time, even the silver bones on his body were constantly cracking, with cracks all over his body.

Looking at that appearance, it seems that it will disintegrate at any time...

 PS: Thanks to [Han Jiangxue] [...mystery] [...] [You like this & I don't understand] the four book friends for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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