Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 255 Immortal Treasure, Ancient Immortal Token?

Chapter 255 Immortal Treasure, Ancient Immortal Token? (first update)
"Sure enough, I can control the way of heaven and earth!"

At the bottom of the deep pit, Qin Yu, who was performing a secret technique, sensed those spatial vortexes, and his heart was a little chilled.

If it is the Martial Ancestor Realm, even if it is the peak of the Martial Ancestor Realm's Ninth Turn and Nine Layers.

With this ancient killing formation, Qin Yu has nothing to fear.

However, the half-step Martial Emperor is still a half-step Martial Emperor who can control the way of heaven and earth. This situation is completely different.

Although Qin Yu had many means, he still couldn't deal with this Demon Lord.

Fortunately, Qin Yu's holy seal of the demon clan was completely banned by his elder brother with supernatural powers and secret techniques.

Otherwise, his identity might be exposed.


The barbaric god whose bones were constantly cracking roared again and again.

The silver divine light flooded like a river, trying to resist those space vortices.

But it's a pity that those astonishingly powerful silver lights are in front of the power of space.

It was torn apart in an instant, and then swallowed one after another.

Although the situation of the barbarian god has been alleviated, he has not escaped from the predicament.

"Shen Yuan Mirror!"

Taking advantage of this momentary gap, Man Shen's hands changed into seals.

Above the sky, the ancient bronze mirror that turned into a scorching sun immediately turned into a ray of light and fell down.

Immediately, the silver talismans all over the ruins of the barbarian shrank as the ancient mirror fell.

In the end, it is condensed in a large area of ​​several tens of feet.

This area happened to envelop the barbarian god and the demon king.

Following the gathering of those silver talismans, the power of Qi and blood, as vast as a sea, merged into the body of the barbarian god.

Immediately, the countless cracks that appeared on Man Shen's body quickly healed.

Those flowing silver divine lights also gradually transformed.

Countless mysterious ancient talismans can be faintly seen, ups and downs in the divine light, gradually being able to resist those space vortices.

Warriors and wild beasts gathered towards the core area of ​​the ruins.

Seeing those silver talismans that absorb energy and blood converge.

Immediately fled towards the hole in the sky.

If you don't take this opportunity to escape.

When the barbarian god and the demon king decide the winner, they are afraid that they will really die.

Even the existence of Martial Ancestor Realm fled away one after another.

Of course, not all escaped.

There are still quite a few powerful Martial Ancestors, retreating far away, hiding in the distance, observing the outcome of the battle.

A skeleton of Emperor Wu plus an artifact, this level of allure is enough to make them take risks.

"I didn't expect that the Shenyuan mirror was refined by you. However, even if the Shenyuan mirror is a divine weapon, with your current cultivation base, it can exert some power."

Looking up at the ancient bronze mirror with shining ancient patterns, Mo Zun put his fingers together and pointed towards Man Shen.

The finger force breaks through the air, the void shatters, and the divine light splashes everywhere.

A hole in the fingerprint immediately appeared on Man Shen's body.

The place that was attacked by the fingerprints was still filled with mysterious and strange spells, constantly eroding the bones of the barbarian gods.

"Ancient barbaric power!"

The barbarian shouted loudly.

An ancient breath descended from the ancient bronze mirror and gathered on the Man God.

The aura of the barbarian immediately soared dozens of times.

Immediately, the barbarian god's four to five feet tall body rushed to the Demon Lord with one step.

The silver pattern of the huge fist flickered, and it punched out with the momentum of destruction.

The void is like an ocean, setting off ten thousand zhang air waves, sweeping the world and covering the Demon Lord.


The Mozun didn't dodge at all, and waved his hand.

The magic mist rolled and moved with monstrous magic power, and then turned into a pitch-black and ferocious ancient beast with a size of one hundred feet.

The ancient beast opened its bloody mouth wide, swallowing the barbarian god's destroying fist light in one gulp.

The power of space emerged, and the destructive fist glow immediately shattered inch by inch, disappearing into the mouth of the ancient beast.

At the same time, a long stick of devilish energy appeared in Mozun's hand.

On the long stick, there are countless mysterious spells engraved.

The long stick was blasted out of the air, the magic spell glowed, and the barbarian was sent flying hundreds of feet away, unable to resist at all.

That stick of magic energy is also a powerful artifact.

Mozun took advantage of the victory and pursued, not giving Manshen a chance to react.

The shadows of sticks all over the sky, like hundreds of millions of meteors falling into the sky, all bombarded the Man God in an instant.

On the wild god's skeleton, the cracks that had been healed appeared all over again.

This time it was even more miserable. Many bones were smashed into pieces and turned into countless silver lights scattered in the void.

"If you kill me, you will never want to know the whereabouts of your ghost and where the fairy treasure is."

The barbarian who resisted with difficulty, sensed the increasingly serious injuries on his body, and snarled.

"Your ruins are only this small in total. If you are destroyed, I will find my own way."

The Mozun was unmoved.

On the contrary, the offensive became more and more ferocious, like a bloodthirsty monster, trying to devour the blood of the barbarian god.


Suffering continuous heavy blows, the right arm of the barbarian skeleton was broken, and the breath of the remnant soul became weaker and weaker.

The barbarian roared unwillingly, and all the silver streaks on his body glowed with silver light.

The next moment, his whole body disintegrated directly, turning into countless silver lights, and shot away in all directions.

"It's already at this time, you think you can still escape."

There was a sneer on Mozun's face, as if he was not surprised at the disintegration of the barbarian god.

There was no movement of the Demon Lord, and the billowing magic mist that covered most of the sky immediately swept away.

All the silver lights that escaped from the escape were all wrapped up in the magic fog and sealed in the void.

Back then, he was plotted against by the barbarian god, which led to the demon king being suppressed for hundreds of years.

During this period, how could the Demon Lord have not thought about how to deal with the methods of the barbarian gods.

"Hand over my ghost and fairy treasure."

Mozun's figure flickered, and he flew to a certain silver light.

After the demonic energy swept across, a ray of soul power was detained in that silver light.

The other silver lights dimmed immediately, turning into bones.

Like rain, it fell from the void with a crackling sound.

"Good opportunity!"

When Dragon Soul saw those white bones, excitement flickered in his eyes.

The Mozun seemed not interested in the skeleton of the barbarian god, so Qin Yu could naturally enjoy it.

"Not quite right."

After looking at the fallen bones, Qin Yu turned his gaze to the ancient bronze mirror in the void.

The divine light surrounding that ancient bronze mirror also dimmed significantly.

However, spirituality has not been lost much.

You must know that once the artifact is refined, if its owner dies, the spirituality of the artifact will also be greatly affected.

Stab it!

At this time, after refining the soul, the Mozun was quite excited.

But he didn't care about the abnormality of the ancient bronze mirror.

He held his hands in the air, and then pulled his hands, and the void was torn apart like a piece of cloth.

A bright fairy light appeared from that crack in space.


Sensing the fluctuation of that bright fairy light, Qin Yu's expression suddenly changed.

"This fluctuation seems to be..."

Dragon Soul also noticed it instantly, and was taken aback.

"Ancient Immortal Order!"

Countless thoughts flashed through Qin Yu's mind.

Although the fluctuations emitted by that bright fairy light are vast and majestic, unfathomable.

But Qin Yu and Long Hun noticed it instantly.

The fluctuations emitted by that bright fairy light were exactly the same as the ancient immortal order he had obtained.

The ancient immortal order is rumored to be the treasure of the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor.

But Qin Yu has never been able to figure out what secret is hidden.

At least, when he was at the peak of his previous life, there were no rumors of Gu Xianling.

In other words, the Ancient Immortal Token appeared after his fall, otherwise he had at least heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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