Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 265 Jin Yan Burns the Heavenly Dragon!

Chapter 265 Jin Yan Burns the Heavenly Dragon! (third change)

"Is illusion?"

Qin Yu flew onto a huge stone pillar.

There are huge buildings all around, and in the distance, there is a gray mist, and nothing can be seen clearly.

After Qin Yu looked at it intently, he realized that what he was in now was a huge phantom formation.

Although the huge buildings he sees now are all real.

But this piece of heaven and earth is empty, but it is undoubtedly an illusion.

"Jin Yan Fen Tianlong is not in this area, and this illusion can suppress perception."

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul said after careful perception.

"Let's go out first and then talk."

Qin Yu flew away at a high speed, relying on his attainments in the array, to find the heart of the illusion.

Three hours later, all the formation hearts were found.

There are a total of 190 lines, distributed in seven directions in a seven-star array, covering tens of thousands of miles.

If it weren't for Qin Yu's proficiency in formation, it would be impossible to get out of this illusion without ten days and half a month.

Strictly speaking, this phantom array has a tendency to turn phantasy into reality.

Breaking through the illusion, Qin Yu appeared in front of an ancient boulder road.

Ahead is a stone gate that is a thousand feet high.

An aura that seemed to be from the ancient times emanated from the stone gate.

Standing in front of this ancient door, Qin Yu felt as if he was in an ancient prehistoric world.

It seems that behind this ancient door is a whole new world.

Zhanlong Zhenyuan surged, and Qin Yu opened the door and entered.

Behind the thousand-foot stone gate is an ancient palace.

This palace is also extremely huge, stepping into the palace, people can't help but feel small.

Just as Qin Yu entered the room, a ten-foot-large ancient thunder suddenly came crashing down.

Stepping forward, Qin Yu rushed forward, avoiding the ancient thunder.

The ground of the palace is bright with ancient patterns.

When the ancient thunder touched the ancient pattern, it immediately disappeared without a trace.

Qin Yu looked back and immediately understood.

This entire palace is actually a huge formation.

Qin Yu's speed doubled, and he crossed the ancient palace in the blink of an eye.

Avoid countless attacks from sky thunder, ground fire, ghost knife, sharp sword, etc. along the way, and finally come to the end of the palace.

At the end, there is a passage.

There is no door in the passage, and you can clearly see the flowers and plants outside, and the sunlight coming in.

Qin Yu walked out of the passage and appeared on a vast and boundless land.

Around him, there are huge palaces, neatly arranged, like giants, standing on the ground.

"This is the real ancient emperor's secret realm!"

Qin Yu flew into the sky with excitement in his eyes.

Because, this time, he sensed a powerful Longwei more clearly.

Without a doubt, it was Jin Yan Fen Tianlong.

"Looking at this power, I'm afraid it has reached the peak of Tianpin!"

Dragon Soul was also unbearably excited.

The cultivation base of the Dragon Clan at the peak of Tianpin should be equivalent to the peak of Martial Ancestor Realm.

Fortunately, he did not advance to the holy rank.

Otherwise, what Qin Yu would have to face would be a Dragon Clan of the Martial Emperor Realm.

Qin Yu flew in the direction of Jin Yan Fen Tianlong at extreme speed.

Judging from the map that the ancient emperor showed him, the location of Jin Yan Fen Tianlong.

It seems that it is the ancient emperor's secret realm, the most dangerous prehistoric area.

The Ancient Emperor's Secret Realm is divided into seven regions.

Among them, the area of ​​the Three Emperors is the most important, because there is the inheritance of the Three Emperors.

The prehistoric area is the most dangerous.

In the prehistoric area, many prehistoric ancient beasts are sealed.

Although there are dangers in other areas, as long as you pass the experience, you will get opportunities.

The purpose of the ancient emperor giving the three of them a map.

I just want them to avoid the prehistoric area and several other dangerous areas, and rush to the Three Emperors area as soon as possible.


When Qin Yu flew tens of thousands of miles away and passed through many forbidden traps.

An extremely fierce and piercing sword glow suddenly slashed towards him.

"Zhou Yunlang!"

Qin Yu's figure flashed, avoiding the sword light, and turned his head to look.

A figure stepped on the lightsaber and came out of nowhere at a very high speed. It was Zhou Yunlang.

Judging from Zhou Yunlang's appearance, it seems that he didn't come from the direction of the ancient palace where he came out before.

Could it be that the places where they came in were different?

"I didn't expect you to enter the ancient emperor's secret realm so quickly?"

Zhou Yunlang stepped on the sword light, held the ancient sword in his hand, and looked at Qin Yu in amazement.

The reason why he can appear here so quickly is because his father gave him a great treasure.

When he came in, it affected the power of teleportation.

That's why I came directly to this secret realm, and didn't need to go through that illusion and the place of the mechanism.

"From the direction of the entrance, it seems that the ancient emperor gave you special treatment."

After thinking about it, Zhou Yunlang looked at Qin Yu with killing intent looming.

He has an innate sword body, originally thought that after entering the ancient emperor's palace, the ancient emperor would value him very much.

But in the end, the ancient emperor summoned Qin Yu.

What's more, he went out of the customs himself and rescued Qin Yu from the hands of the two princes.

Now that Qin Yu appeared here so quickly, he naturally had such a guess.

"I don't have time to play with you now, and I don't want to die, so it's best not to come to me."

Ahead is the wild area, Qin Yu is not interested in entanglement with Zhou Yunlang.

"If you're in such a hurry, then I can't let you leave so easily."

Sword intent rolled on Zhou Yunlang's body, and with a roar, he slashed out a sword of destruction.

The power of the sword is so strong that even the void is faintly torn apart.

Once Qin Yu died, Chen Jiuxing and others could not compete with him for the title of the son of the ancient emperor.

"Since you want to die so much, I'll give you a ride."

Qin Yu's eyes turned cold, and the dragon chant sounded, surrounded by the blue dragon aura, and the aura immediately increased rapidly.

"Wu... Zu!?"

Zhou Yunlang, who swung his sword and slashed, suddenly shrank his pupils, and a thick look of horror emerged.

A bright and dazzling fist light bombarded in the void.

Zhou Yunlang didn't even understand what happened, so he was blasted to the brim.

"hold head high!"

At this time, in the distant sky, there was a faint sound of dragon chant.

All the creatures in the Ancient Emperor's Secret Realm trembled as they felt a vast and terrifying dragon's might coming.

Vaguely, Qin Yu saw a huge dragon shadow condensing in the void in the distant sky.

Although it is faintly visible, the mighty dragon's power is constantly coming.

"Did you feel the dragon energy on me?"

Qin Yu looked at the prehistoric area in the distance, a fiery look appeared in his eyes, and he flew towards the prehistoric area at a high speed.

As for this Zhou Yunlang who jumped out halfway, an ant that was overbearing and wanted to kill him, Qin Yu didn't pay attention at all.

The prehistoric area, I don't know how big it is, there are many tall mountains and huge rivers flowing endlessly.

The ancient prehistoric aura that Qin Yu had sensed from the stone gate before rushed towards his face again.

This time, it was dozens of times stronger.

"This secret realm is not easy."

Originally, the dragon soul was quite excited when he saw Jin Yan Fen Tianlong's dragon aura.

Looking at this prehistoric area now, I couldn't help being surprised.

The feeling this prehistoric area gave him.

It was as if someone had traveled through the past and brought in a piece of wild land from the ancient prehistoric times.

"Three Sovereigns..."

Qin Yuling stood in the void, looking at the prehistoric area, and murmured.

He became more and more curious about the three ancient emperors whose name shocked the ancient times and left him a great reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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