Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 266 Suppressing Shenlong!

Chapter 266 Suppressing Shenlong! (fourth more)
When Qin Yu stood still.

A prehistoric ferocious beast of tens of feet soared into the sky, with its bloody mouth wide open, biting towards Qin Yu.

Although the aura Qin Yu exudes now has reached the Martial Ancestor Realm.

But the dragon's blood and dragon's aura on its body have a fatal attraction to those prehistoric beasts.

Bang chi!

The cyan dragon energy surged like a dragon piercing through the sky.

Immediately, the prehistoric beast in the Martial Ancestor Realm was pierced directly.

Qin Yu waved his hand, condensing the Qi and blood of the prehistoric beast, and sealing it into the ancient seal of the Dragon God.

In the ancient seal of the dragon god, the refining and fusion of the skeleton ghost king and the barbarian emperor's body is still going on.

After merging the qi and blood of the ferocious beast, the divine light of the barbarian emperor's body became brighter and brighter.

The body of the barbarian god was burned by the barbarian god with the ancient barbarian secret technique.

As long as you continue to absorb the power of Qi and blood, you can continue to become stronger.

The body of the barbarian god and the skeleton ghost king can be said to be a perfect match.

Going deeper into the prehistoric land, Qin Yu encountered more and more prehistoric beasts.

There are even quite a few, and there are bloodlines of ancient alien beasts.

However, all of them were beheaded by Qin Yu who was in the state of Qinglong Zhantian.

The energy and blood of those strange beasts also merged into the body of the barbarian emperor.

Two hours later, Qin Yu, who had killed all the way, appeared in front of a huge lake.

The lake is tens of thousands of miles long and stretches as far as the eye can see.

The breeze blows, and the surface of the lake is slightly shimmering, which is quite beautiful.

The aura of Jin Yan Fen Tianlong emanates from this lake.

Around the lake, there are six towering giant peaks.

Every giant peak is surrounded by the aura of heaven and earth with rich rain and fog.

"Innate Liuhe Formation!"

Qin Yu flew into the air and concentrated on the terrain of the six giant peaks.

Discovering those six giant peaks formed a natural mysterious formation.

"It's no wonder that Jin Yan Fen Tianlong has not left this secret realm. It turned out to be sealed."

Dragon Soul said suddenly.

"No, although this is an innate Liuhe formation, it is not a sealing formation."

Qin Yu shook his head slightly.

This innate Liuhe formation is a huge formation of gathering spirits.

All the time, they are absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and pouring it into the lake.

If I'm not mistaken, it was deliberately set up by someone.

The purpose is to let the congenital Liuhe Formation assist that Jin Yan Fen Tianlong in his cultivation.


When Qin Yu was observing the innate Liuhe formation.

The lake burst suddenly, the lake water splashed, and a vast majesty descended.

I saw a fiery red giant shadow stepping on the void and appearing above the lake.

"Jin Yan Burns the Heavenly Dragon!"

It was a hundred-foot-large fire dragon, with crystal clear fiery red dragon scales all over its body, like a burning flame.

Two huge flaming red longan eyes, with the ups and downs of flame dragon patterns, seem to be condensed by lava.

The incomparably terrifying high temperature of the flames swept away like a volcano.

The water of the lake is continuously evaporated, forming a mist world.

"Why do you have the breath of my dragon clan on you?"

When Qin Yu looked at Jin Yan Fen Tianlong.

Jin Yan Fen Tianlong's two fiery red longan eyes also landed on Qin Yu who was surrounded by blue dragon aura.

Jin Yan burned Tianlong, his spiritual wisdom had already been opened, so he could tell that Qin Yu was a human race, not a dragon race.

However, there was such a strong dragon blood aura on Qin Yu's body.

It still made Jin Yan Fen Tianlong quite curious and surprised, a little puzzled.

"Because I have dragon blood in me!"

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, the main dragon vein in his body was activated, and the breath of dragon blood became stronger and stronger.

This Jin Yan Fen Tianlong not only has spiritual wisdom, but also doesn't seem to be very repulsive to the human race.

Not directly attacking is the best proof.

It seems that it must be the human race who arranged the innate Liuhe formation to help Jin Yan and Fen Tianlong cultivate.

Most likely, it should be the ancient Three Emperors.

However, the timing doesn't seem to match. The Three Ancient Sovereigns, after all, existed in the ancient times.

No matter how slow the growth of the dragon clan is, it is impossible to be just a dragon clan of the heavenly rank from cultivation in ancient times to the present.

What's more, there is also the support of the innate Liuhe formation.

"It's very rare for a human race to have my dragon blood. You, are you here to find me?"

Burning Sky Golden Flame Dragon, with huge long eyes, said after looking at Qin Yu up and down.


Qin Yu nodded slightly.

"For what purpose?"

Jin Yan and Fen Tianlong asked.

"I can get you out of here."

Qin Yu said.

"Leave? Are you trying to subdue me?"

Jin Yan and Fen Tianlong immediately guessed Qin Yu's intentions.

Dragon flames billowed all over his body, heat waves swept across, and even the void was faintly distorted.

"Not to subdue, how about we sign a soul contract and become equal creatures?"

Qin Yu was surrounded by blue dragon aura, resisting the heat wave.

"Human, you are quite courageous, and you really want to attack me."

Jin Yan Fen Tianlong was completely enraged, and a vast and terrifying dragon power swept across.

As a dragon clan, he was born above all spirits.

Whether Qin Yu subdued it or contracted creatures.

To Jin Yan Fen Tianlong, this was a great shame.

"If you stay here and practice for hundreds of years, it will be difficult to advance to the holy rank."

"But if you follow me, I can guarantee that within a hundred years, you will be promoted to the divine rank and become a real dragon!"

Qin Yu tried his best to persuade him.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, die!"

Jin Yan Fen Tianlong was even angrier, and the flame dragon patterns all over his body glowed.

A [-]-foot-high pillar of flame, like condensed volcanic lava, sprayed towards Qin Yu with destructive force.

Swallow the Dragon Seal!

With a movement of Qin Yu's right hand, a huge ferocious dragon's head appeared, swallowing the flame beam in one gulp.

"Dragon secret technique?"

Jin Yan and Fen Tianlong were taken aback. He never expected that Qin Yu would have such an astonishing secret technique of the Dragon Clan.

But Jin Yan Fen Tianlong's attack did not stop.

In an instant, hundreds of pillars of flame and light erupted, like a meteor shower across the void, destroying heaven and earth.

Nine Nether Purgatory.

Destroy ghost pupils.

The heavens killed the formation.

Dragon God overlord body.

Tianchen Shenguang.

Qin Yu didn't evade at all, and used one after another supernatural powers and secret techniques to fight Jin Yan Fen Tianlong head-on.

As for the killing moves such as Immortal Immortal Forbidden Technique, Qin Yu did not use them.

In this life, if he wants to create the Eternal Dragon Kingdom, he cannot directly suppress the Dragon Clan with brute force like in his previous life.

Of course, if a noble creature like the Dragon Clan wanted to subdue it, Qin Yu had to beat it completely.

The strong are respected, the weak eat the strong!

This principle is the same everywhere.

Boom boom boom!
The earth-shattering battle continued to explode in the prehistoric land.

The originally peaceful Wanli Lake was destroyed into a mess.

Even the six giant peaks were trembling, the mountains were cracked, and rocks were falling in all directions.

The more the battle, the more shocked Jin Yan and Fen Tianlong became.

Qin Yu, a human race, not only mastered several mysterious dragon clan supernatural powers and secret techniques.

Its physical body is strong enough to rival a dragon body, and it is actually able to head-to-head with it.

This battle, once fought, lasted for three days and three nights, and countless people felt terrified.

Qin Yu and Jin Yan Fen Tianlong both went all out, fighting each other frantically, risking their lives.

The injuries on both of them also continued to increase.

During the three consecutive days of fighting, Qin Yu's dragon god overlord body cracked and golden blood overflowed.

Jin Yan and Fen Tianlong were not much better.

The flaming dragon scales burst, blood was scattered, and even one of the dragon horns was broken. It was extremely embarrassing...

 PS: Thank you for the reward of [a small ball that can sing]. Looking at the name, it seems to be a girl (^.^)

(End of this chapter)

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