Chapter 29
"It's so lively, don't mind, I'll come and have fun too."

At this moment, a light laugh appeared.

"It's you!"

Zhou Tianlang stared.

That white-clothed boy who walked over was none other than Qin Yu!

Zhou Tianlang's face darkened, and a hint of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Because of Qin Yu's matter, he was severely punished by Elder Lu of the Penalty Court, and the whip marks on his back are still hurting.

"Qin Yu, I heard that you joined the most useless North Academy, you are quite self-aware!"

Zhou Tianlang stared at Qin Yu with a ferocious face and a sneer.

"I don't know if the North Campus will be abolished or not, but I know, you must be more abolished than me!"

Qin Yu looked at Zhou Tianlang with a slight smile on his face.

"Is that so, how about we compete?"

After Zhou Tianlang twitched his face, his eyes became more gloomy.

Although he had seen Qin Yu's fighting power, Zhou Tianlang didn't think that he would be weaker than Qin Yu.

When he was in the ancient barren mountain range, if Qin Yu didn't have a Blood Flame Lin Beast of the seventh rank Heaven Martial Realm on him, he would have slaughtered Qin Yu long ago.

Now at the Royal Holy Academy, it is impossible for Qin Yu to take out that Blood Flame Lin Beast, so he naturally has no fear.


A cold light flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

When Zhou Tianlang was looking for trouble in the ancient barren mountains, Qin Yu let him go temporarily because he was protected by the Heaven Martial Realm.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the Royal Holy Academy, Zhou Tianlang made trouble again.

These successive provocations have already made Qin Yu murderous.

Seeing this, the surrounding students spread out one after another, and a large open space appeared.

Zhou Tianlang moved his right hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand. It was a spiritual weapon, which had reached the seventh rank of Huang rank.

This is probably one of the few students in the Earth Martial Realm.

Qin Yu stood indifferently, without taking out the prison-suppressing gun.

This made the students of the North Academy quite surprised. With a difference of five levels in cultivation, could it be that Qin Yu wanted to fight empty-handed?
The spirit sword appeared, Zhou Tianlang sneered ferociously, and immediately made a move.

He stomped on footsteps, displayed body martial arts, and rushed towards Qin Yu at a very high speed. The sharp sword in his hand was covered by a burst of fiery true energy, like a long sword of flame.

"Fire wave sword!"

When he entered the attack range, Zhou Tianlang gave a loud shout.

The long sword danced again and again in the void, and the flames and true energy intertwined vertically and horizontally, turning into waves of flames, following the space of the sharp sword, they attacked Qin Yu.

This move is an earth-level ninth-grade martial skill, and it is more than ten times stronger than the previous Fire Wolf Fist.


Qin Yu didn't dodge or dodge, and punched out, the battle dragon's true energy in his body roared, and a deafening sound resounded through the air.

Immediately, the waves of flames that came one after another were directly shattered.

An extremely tyrannical vacuum punch even hit Zhou Tianlang forcefully.

At this moment, a wave of spirit weapon waves emanated from Zhou Tianlang's body, offsetting nearly half of the strength.

"Do you have spiritual weapon armor?"

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, the original plan to kill him by mistake could only come to an end here.


But even so, Zhou Tianlang still vomited blood and flew backwards, and fell hard to the ground.


Zhou Tianlang's face was pale, his breathing was short, and he looked at Qin Yu in horror.

If Qin Yu's punch just now hadn't been protected by nearly half of his strength by the spiritual weapon, then he would have died under Qin Yu's punch now, in all likelihood.

Qin Yu, this is trying to kill him!

"Fifth-rank Martial Realm, with a spirit weapon in hand, it can't handle a punch from me, a first-rank Martial Realm, tsk tsk, the genius academy in the East Campus, are you like this?"

Qin Yu looked at Zhou Tianlang with a smile.


Zhou Tianlang, who was already badly injured, spit out another mouthful of blood in shock and anger, and then passed out immediately.

This scene made the surrounding students look at Qin Yu strangely.

Previously, Zhou Tianlang's victory over the North Academy students by surpassing two levels was enough to surprise them.

Unexpectedly, now, there is an even more violent attack.

Surpassing the fifth level, they actually won easily with one move, which was far beyond their expectations.

"The play is over, let's go."

Qin Yu waved his hand towards the students of the East Academy.

"Hmph, just leave as soon as you want, who do you think?"

A student from the Eastern Academy of the eighth-rank Earth Martial Realm stood up with a very unsightly expression.

"Then what else do you want?"

Qin Yu asked lightly.

In his eyes, there is no difference between the fifth level of the Earth Martial Realm and the eighth level of the Earth Martial Realm.

"It's very simple. If you want us to go, you have to defeat me first."

That eighth-rank earth martial arts student moved his neck, and there was a bone cracking sound.


Qin Yu glanced at him and shook his head slightly.

"Why, don't you dare?"

The eighth-rank Earth Martial Realm student's expression darkened. Qin Yu didn't take him seriously at all.

"Come on together."

Qin Yu beckoned to all the students in the East School.


"If you beat a freshman, you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"Lei Meng, teach him a hard lesson and let him know what he is."

Qin Yu's words angered all the students in the East School, and they roared again and again.

"Overestimate your own strength, take my knife!"

That eighth-rank Earth Martial Realm student was holding a fourth-rank yellow-rank sword spirit weapon, and slashed at Qin Yu aggressively.

Before everyone could see what was going on, they saw that the eighth-rank earth martial arts student who attacked flew back at a faster speed and knocked over a group of students from the east courtyard.

"Eighth-rank Martial Realm, it's actually a punch..."

The students of the North School were once again shocked by Qin Yu.

"Looking for something dead!"

"Destroy him!"

Those affected students from the Eastern Academy became furious and rushed towards Qin Yu one after another.

"Hundred Shadows Demon Trace!"

Qin Yu smiled, his figure flashed, and afterimages appeared one after another.

The next moment, a series of deep and violent punches appeared accompanied by painful wailing.

The students from the North Campus who were about to rush forward to help all froze in place, stunned.

In the blink of an eye, one person swept away all the Earth Martial Realm students in the East Campus. Isn't Qin Yu too vigorous?

If it was a peak Earth Martial Realm, they wouldn't be so shocked, but Qin Yu is only a first-rank Earth Martial Realm!
Now that he can sweep across a piece of Earth Martial Realm, wouldn't he be invincible in the Earth Martial Realm if he breaks through a few more levels?
Sure enough, he deserves to be the person who can pick up the sharp gun of the prison, and he is so strong!

The disciples watching the theater in the South and West courtyards also looked at Qin Yu like monsters.

It's unbelievable that such a powerful figure should appear in the North Academy, which has always been the weakest.

Looking at the students from the Eastern Academy who were wailing all over the floor, Qin Yu restrained his violent energy and prepared to leave.

"After hitting someone, are you going to leave?"

But at this moment, a slightly cold voice sounded.

Qin Yu looked back.

I saw a tall young man with rough facial features leading a group of students from the Eastern Academy.

It's just that the cultivation bases of those students are all at the Heaven Martial Realm, and none of them are at the Earth Martial Realm. They are obviously the elite students of the Eastern Academy.

"No, it's Lu Shanhe from the East Hospital!"

"Junior Qin Yu, he is the fifth-ranked master among the Tianwu Realm students of the East School, be careful!"

The excited students from the North Academy changed their expressions when they saw the rough young man and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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