Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 30: Ten Thousand Artifacts Pavilion!

Chapter 30: Ten Thousand Artifacts Pavilion! (seeking collection and recommendation)
"I've been beaten, if I don't leave, I'll stay and eat."

Qin Yu turned around and looked lightly at the leader, Lu Shanhe.

Ninth-rank Heaven Martial Realm, in terms of cultivation alone, is even stronger than Yunxi, who is the strongest in the Northern Academy.

"The rules of the Holy Court prohibit students from fighting privately, but you openly injured so many people. Today, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of the Criminal Court."

Seeing the fearless Qin Yu, Lu Shanhe's eyes turned cold, his strong body, with an astonishing oppressive aura, rushed towards Qin Yu like a tiger.

When Qin Yu was about to make a move, a deep and ear-shattering sound of piercing the air appeared.

I saw a half zhang long, light green iron rod with a pitch black body, crashing into Lu Shanhe in the air.


Lu Shanhe's face changed slightly, his offensive changed, and he shouted loudly.

Forming fists with both hands, the howling golden qi condensed, the fists were like two golden ancient bells, and they punched hard on the pale green iron rod.

Ding Ding Deng!
The two fists collided with one stick, and the violent energy raged.

Lu Shanhe's body shook, and he retreated dozens of steps before he managed to stabilize his body.

A figure jumped out of the sky, grabbed the light green iron rod that was flying upside down, turned over and fell to the ground.

"If you want to make a move so much, I can play with you!"

The person who came was none other than Yunxi who was wearing a green martial arts outfit, which made her figure look exquisite.

Holding a green thunder stick, she stood in front of the students of the North Academy, her aura was quite astonishing.

"Hehe, it turned out to be Sister Yunxi. I'm not your opponent. How dare I challenge you."

When Lu Shanhe saw Yunxi appearing, he chuckled and confessed directly.

In his eyes looking at Yunxi, there was a faint flash of fiery|hot color.

"Lu Shanhe, the students of the Heaven Martial Realm of the Fourth Academy have an agreement that they cannot attack the students of the Earth Martial Realm. If you want to destroy this student, don't blame me for always looking for you to 'discuss'."

Yunxi raised her face and said domineeringly.

Lu Shanhe's eyes twitched.

When he was pursuing Yunxi before, in order to get closer, he often sparred with Yunxi.

As a result, after the sparring, they just lay on the bed for half a month.

After that, he didn't dare to provoke Yunxi again.

One is because he is not as strong as Yunxi, and the other is that Yunxi has a big brother in the inner court.

That is an evildoer who dares to beat even the prince. If he provokes Yunxi, he probably won't even know how he died.

"Sister Yunxi, it's a student from your North Campus who didn't know what to do. Take a look, so many people have been injured in our East Campus..."

Lu Shanhe sneered.

"Don't think that I don't know what's going on. Your East Court now dares to occupy the cultivation formation assigned by the Holy Court. I really think that the Holy Court belongs to your East Court."

Yun Xi snorted coldly.

The reason why she was able to come here in time was that a student from the North Academy went to report, so she naturally knew what was going on.


Being trained by Yunxi like this, Lu Shanhe's expression was also a little uneasy.

But his anger did not dare to target Yun Xi, but fell on Qin Yu.

If it wasn't for Qin Yu, he wouldn't be so ashamed in front of Yun Xi.

Glancing at Qin Yu with gloomy and cold eyes, Lu Shanhe led him away.

So far, the conflict between the East Court and the North Court has ended.

"Junior Qin Yu, I didn't expect you to be so strong. It seems that even if I go to the inner courtyard in the future, you will be able to lead the northern courtyard well."

Yunxi flipped his right hand, and the green thunder stick was put into Wang Xumi's ring.

Those students from the North Academy also came here one after another.

After today's events, Qin Yu has been recognized by the entire North Academy students, and those students in the Earth Martial Realm are even more respected.

Qin Yu smiled, and after a few polite words, he took his leave and left.

"Junior Qin Yu, you just provoked people from the East Court, and now you dare to leave the Holy Court, you are not afraid of being retaliated by them."

Seeing that Qin Yu was about to leave the holy courtyard, Yun Xi walked up curiously.

"Heh, you can't just stay in the north courtyard and not go out just because you got into trouble."

Of course Qin Yu didn't care about the people in the East Court.

With his current strength, even if he doesn't use his hole cards, he is not afraid of the Heaven Martial Realm.

"Where are you going?"

Yunxi smiled.

She admired Qin Yu's indifferent and confident strong demeanor very much, which was very similar to her elder brother's temperament.

"Go to the imperial city and buy some elixir by the way."

Qin Yu said.

"It's just right, I'm going to the Wanqi Pavilion as well."

As Yunxi said, the two walked on the same path.

"Wan Qi Pavilion? Going to buy spiritual weapons?"

"Well, last month, I customized a top-level spiritual weapon of the ninth rank of Huang rank with the meteorite from the sky, and it should have been refined by now."

A smile appeared on Yunxi's face.

The iron rod on her body now is only a sixth-rank spiritual weapon of the Huang rank.

If she has a new spirit weapon, her strength will be enhanced again.

"Sky meteorites are very rare, you are very lucky."

The sky meteorite is a strange stone that falls with the meteorite. It contains the power of the stars. It is so hard that even the Martial King Realm cannot be broken.

Spiritual weapons made of meteorites are deeply loved by many warriors, and the supply is in short supply.

"Wanqi Pavilion is the strongest spiritual tool business in the Eastern Great Territory. It is rumored that behind Wanqi Pavilion is the Array Alliance. Therefore, Wanqi Pavilion can produce equipment that is rare to the outside world."

Yun Xi said: "Last time I was in the Wanqi Pavilion, and even saw a large piece of chaotic superfine iron. It's a pity that Master Tianqiong is out for something, otherwise it will be integrated into my new spiritual weapon..."

"Chaos is too refined?"

Hearing Yunxi's words, Qin Yu paused.

"Are you sure it's Chaos too fine iron?"

Qin Yu's eyes flickered with joy, he interrupted Yun Xi's words and asked.

"Of course, the master of Wanqi Pavilion has shown me personally."

After Yunxi nodded, she looked at the agitated Qin Yu and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, let's go to Wanqi Pavilion first."

Qin Yu said.

"In this small place, it shouldn't be possible to have chaos too fine iron?"

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul said with some surprise.

"Not necessarily, even the Royal Holy Academy has Martial Ancestor Realm. The martial arts level in this continent may not be as low as we imagined."

Qin Yu thought to himself.

"If there is really Chaos Taijing Iron, then you can refine the spirit formation plate, and then you can move the Tianzhu Formation to the spirit formation plate in the future."

Normal formation masters basically rely on formation flags and formation diagrams to arrange formations.

But Qin Yu, on the formation flag and formation map, studied the spirit formation plate.

There is only one purpose of the spirit array plate, that is, it can store the array, but it can be released instantly when needed.

In Qin Yu's previous life, the spirit formation disk was his great strength, and the endless killing formations erupted in an instant, causing many emperors headaches.

The imperial city is huge, Qin Yu and Yunxi walked for more than an hour before arriving at Wanqi Pavilion.

"Miss Yunxi!"

Seeing Yunxi coming, the deacon of Wanqi Pavilion hurried forward respectfully.

"Deacon Duan, have you finished refining my spirit weapon?"

Yunxi asked directly.

"You came at the right time, please come with me."

Deacon Duan took Yun Xi and Qin Yu to the VIP room on the second floor.

"Miss Yunxi, please take a look."

The deacon took out Yunxi's newly refined spirit weapon from a sealed jade box.

What Yunxi refined this time was a spear.

The long | spear is only eight feet long, but weighs [-] catties.

There are stars shining on the tip and body of the gun. In addition to the star power of the meteorite, there are also three formations engraved on it.

(End of this chapter)

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