Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 45 Refining the Holy Soul!

Chapter 45 Refining the Holy Soul! (New book for collection)
Qin Yu ignored it, and the eight Heavenly Martial Realms with different expressions were all attracted by Gan Peng when they saw those puppets.

His figure flickered again and again, and he passed through the puppet area in an instant, and Shi Shiran entered the second floor.

"Damn it, I must kill that bastard and destroy his nine clans..."

"Why are you still standing there stupidly? Why don't you save me? I'm the eldest son of Qianyuan County Prince's Mansion. If you don't help me, you know what will happen?!"

Gan Peng, who kept screaming, saw Qin Yu leave, and immediately yelled at the eight Heavenly Martial Realms.

Although his martial veins were abolished, and his dantian's true essence was wiped out, but the defensive spiritual armor on his body derived a true essence shield to resist the attacks of those puppets.

Hearing the words, the eight Heavenly Martial Realms looked at each other and planned to make a move.

The puppets on the first floor will not hurt people's lives.

If you don't take action now, Gan Peng will pursue it in the future, and I'm afraid there will be big trouble.

But they were just about to leave when a violent explosion suddenly appeared in Qian Peng's body.

A wave of violent and destructive true energy raged, so powerful that even those puppets at the Heavenly Martial Realm were blown to pieces.


Those eight Heavenly Martial Realm all took a sharp breath, froze in place, staring blankly at Gan Peng who exploded into a blood mist...

This is Qin Yu's backhand. Since Qian Peng's martial art has been abolished, Qin Yu will naturally not spare Qian Peng's life.

On the second floor, Qin Yu came to a fantasy space.

These lifelike illusions did not affect Qin Yu in the slightest, passing through them easily.

Passing through the illusion, Qin Yu came to an ancient palace.

At this time, there are already many Martial Kings and Tianwu Realm exploring in the palace.

After reaching the second floor, the one hundred warriors who had been separated before began to meet gradually.

Qin Yu was not interested in exploring those palaces and went directly to the third floor.

Next, on the fourth floor, the fifth floor, and the sixth floor, Qin Yu didn't stop for a moment.

There may be many treasures in the seven-star pagoda, but what Qin Yu cares about is only the holy soul.

The battle with the Martial Emperor a few days ago exhausted Qin Yu's soul a lot, and now he has not recovered much. He urgently needs to get that holy soul.

The violent killing intent exploded, and a light-mirror figure at the Martial King Realm was directly shattered by Qin Yu's palm.

So far, Qin Yu successfully passed the seventh level.

After climbing to the top of the ancient seven-star pagoda, the surrounding scene changed, and Qin Yu came to an ancient cave.

In that cave, there is a golden light and shadow, sitting cross-legged, seven mysterious golden ancient talismans, around the golden light and shadow, ups and downs.

"That is……"

Seeing the seven golden ancient talismans, Qin Yu and Long Hun's eyes flickered slightly.

"After waiting for hundreds of years, someone finally came here."

At this time, an old voice came from the golden light and shadow.

Qin Yu felt that in the golden light and shadow, a consciousness came to life, and his eyes fell on him.

"For those who are destined, whether you can get the inheritance of the old man depends on your good fortune. Come here!"

Said the old voice with a seductive tone.

But Qin Yu didn't move, instead he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

In the golden light and shadow, that old voice seemed to be a little puzzled.

"It's nothing, I just think your luck is too bad."

Qin Yu looked at the golden light and shadow, and there was a sparkle in his eyes.

"Too bad luck?"

The old voice was obviously taken aback.

"Of course, you've been waiting for hundreds of years, but it's me who waited."

Qin Yu smiled lightly.

"What do you mean? Don't you want to get the old man's inheritance?"

The old voice was even more surprising.

"I am indeed not interested in your inheritance, but your holy soul cannot be let go."

While speaking, Qin Yu quietly pinched his hands together, and between his eyebrows, a mysterious soul seal condensed.

"Soul Eater? Who are you? How can you do such a taboo sorcery?"

That old voice suddenly became frightened, and even the golden light and shadow became violently turbulent, as if it would collapse at any time.

"Although I don't know why you gave birth to a new consciousness after you sat down, but your plan to take the body and rebirth can only be done here."

As soon as the words fell, the mysterious soul mark on Qin Yu's eyebrows shot into the golden light and shadow like lightning.

In a burst of fearful sound, the golden light and shadow suddenly exploded, revealing a skeleton inside.

The seven golden ancient talismans flashed and merged into the skeleton, making the skeleton gradually turn into a glittering golden light, as if it was made of gold.


Following the change of Qin Yu's fingerprint, the mysterious soul seal returned to the sea of ​​souls with a golden holy soul.

This golden skeleton was indeed a martial saint during his lifetime, and this seven-star ancient pagoda was also left behind by him.

But somehow, after the Martial Saint sat down, another consciousness was born.

Therefore, this ancient seven-star pagoda, which was originally used to leave inheritance, became his plan to seize it.

But unfortunately, his luck was too bad, and it was Qin Yu who came.

In the end, he failed to seize the house, but was instead robbed of his holy soul, and his soul was completely scattered.

Qin Yu immediately sat cross-legged, his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​soul.


With a thought, Qin Yu's soul power immediately turned into billions of evil dragons, rushing towards the holy soul crazily.

Immediately, that strong holy soul was disintegrated and refined.

Qin Yu had consumed a huge amount of soul power before, but he quickly recovered, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

Time passed little by little.

After three hours, Qin Yu's body, a soul power that seemed to be substantial, vibrated and exploded.

If you can see through, you can see that there is an extra gray soul seed in Qin Yu's soul sea.

"Soul-seed was actually condensed, could it be that the soul power has awakened?"

In the ancient seal of the dragon god, the dragon soul sensed the fluctuation of soul power emanating from Qin Yu, and opened his mouth in surprise.

"It's just a round of soul power awakening."

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Yu's mouth.

With the cultivation base of the emperor of his previous generation, after awakening a round of soul power, it is naturally conceivable how the soul power will be improved.

After all, the Martial Emperor had only initially awakened his soul power, which could only be used for perception.

Only when you reach above Wu Zun can you fully use the power of your soul.

Now that Qin Yu attacks with soul power, he doesn't need to use the secret method of the soul way, and there will be no sequelae.

"Hey, this skeleton?"

Qin Yu, who had just got up, suddenly looked at the skeleton that had become gleaming golden.

"This is a puppet spirit weapon refined from the bones of that martial saint!"

Dragon Soul said: "But the combat power is very scumbag, only comparable to a seventh-rank Martial King."

The bones of a martial saint, if refined properly, can even reach the peak combat power during his lifetime.

Now this Martial Saint skeleton has only the fighting power of a seventh-rank Martial King, which shows the difference in refining ability.

"This should be the awakened consciousness, refined by myself."

Qin Yu carefully looked at the golden skeleton.

A new consciousness is born in the bones. If the bones are pulverized before the body is seized, that consciousness will also die.

Therefore, in order to keep his consciousness alive, he refined his bones into a puppet spiritual weapon to last forever.

"There is still a lot of room for improvement, which is pretty good."

After reading it, Qin Yu used his soul power to condense a soul power imprint in the bones, and controlled it.

Da da da!
At this moment, there was a sound of breaking wind, and then eight figures quickly entered the cave.

"It was actually taken first by someone!"

"The treasure of the Seven Star Ancient Pagoda must have fallen on him."

When the eight people who came in saw Qin Yu who had come first, their eyes were all gloomy, with murderous intent pervading.

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(End of this chapter)

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