Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 46 Seven Star Pagoda!

Chapter 46 Seven Star Pagoda! (New book seeking collection and recommendation)

"I didn't expect that there were actually people who passed the seven-level test this year!"

Qin Yu was slightly surprised.

The seven-story test of the seven-star ancient pagoda was easy for him.

But for other Martial Kings, it is extremely difficult.

Otherwise, it won't be hundreds of years, no one can break through the seven-level test and come here.

"Peak of Earth Martial Realm? Kid, how did you get here?"

Among the eight people, the handsome young man who was the leader saw through Qin Yu's cultivation, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

They paid a huge price and finally came to this top floor.

But in the end, the peaches were picked by an ant in the Martial Realm, which naturally made them unacceptable.

"Of course it was all the way."

Qin Yu didn't seem to see the killing intent in the eyes of those eight people, and smiled faintly.

The cultivation bases of those eight people are all at the Martial King Realm.

The handsome young man headed by him has the strongest cultivation, reaching the fifth-rank Martial King Realm!

The other seven people also have the cultivation base of the third-rank Martial King Realm.

Being able to reach this level before the age of 20 is enough to show their outstanding talent.

"So, the treasure on the top floor has also fallen into your hands."

The handsome young man and the other eight people all had a more intense murderous intent.

"I was about to get it, and you came up."

With a movement of Qin Yu's right hand, a seven-color ancient token appeared in his hand.

"The fluctuation of that ancient order is exactly the same as that of this seven-star ancient pagoda!"

The eyes of the eight Martial King Realms were full of greed when they saw the seven-color ancient order.

Qin Yu smiled lightly, turned around and walked towards the depths of the cave, where the stone walls shone with colorful lights.

Turning a blind eye to the greedy look in the eyes of those eight youths.

"court death!"

"Kill him!"

The handsome young man's murderous intent erupted, like an eagle darting through the air, grabbing at Qin Yu with violent killing intent.

The seven Martial King Realm also followed suit, violently rioting with their true essence.

bang bang bang bang bang...

But at this moment, a golden light, like lightning, appeared in front of the eight Martial Kings.

A series of violent bombardment sounded, but it was the eight Martial Kings Tianjiao who were repelled one after another.

It was the skeleton of the Martial Saint who made the move!

"Seventh Rank Martial King Realm!?"

"True strength?!"

Looking at the golden skeletons that stopped them, the eight handsome young men all looked solemn.

Although the cultivation base of this golden skeleton is only two levels higher than theirs.

But the gap in combat power is extremely huge and difficult to bridge.

This golden skeleton is not only a puppet spirit weapon, but more important.

But the power of the puppet's true essence has been transformed into a true essence.

"Could it be that this skeleton was a Martial Emperor during his lifetime?"

These eight youths of King Wu all had this thought in their minds.

After a martial artist enters the Heavenly Martial Realm, his true energy is lost and turned into true energy.

When Jin entered the Martial King Realm, the sea of ​​true essence was condensed into Yuandan, and Gangli was born in the true essence.

Only when one reaches the Martial Emperor Realm, one's soul power is initially awakened, and the real energy is replaced by the hard energy, can one form the real strong energy.

At this time, Qin Yu took the seven-color token and easily entered the seven-color stone wall.

Among the stone walls is a quaint secret room.

The secret room is not big, about ten feet long, and there are wooden shelves inside, on which there are books of exercises, martial arts, cheat books and so on.

In addition, there are quite a few spirit weapons, most of them are mysterious weapons, and there are several earth-level spirit weapons, but there are no sky-level spirit weapons.

Qin Yu swept away.

Bringing these exercises, martial arts, and spiritual weapons to the Qin family will allow the Qin family's heritage to directly reach the level of a super family.

"Anyway, he is also a martial saint, so it's impossible to just have this wealth."

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul said.

"It's really weird."

Qin Yu nodded slightly, looked at the empty secret room, and the power of the soul swept away.

"Dark space!"

Immediately, Qin Yu found a secret compartment in the secret room.

After easily breaking through the sealing circle hidden on it, Qin Yu opened the hidden compartment.

"Ninth Heaven Rank!"

Qin Yu and Long Hun's eyes brightened up.

I saw a small seven-color ancient pagoda in the dark compartment.

The seven-color ancient pagoda is only the size of a palm, and the whole body exudes seven-color star light, which is amazing in spirit.

This is exactly a heavenly weapon, and it is also a top nine-rank heavenly weapon!

"It's actually a sealed spirit weapon!"

Qin Yu picked up the ancient seven-star pagoda, and after the real essence poured into it, the joy on his face became even stronger.

Although this seven-star ancient tower cannot increase its attack power, it can suppress an area.

In other words, anyone who enters the area covered by the seven-star ancient pagoda will be greatly suppressed.

The sealing ability of this seven-star ancient pagoda is rarer and more terrifying than attacking spirit weapons.

Qin Yu, who had gained a lot, left the secret room contentedly.

But the moment he left the secret room, the void in the cave became distorted.

The next moment, Qin Yu appeared on a huge square.

Except for Qin Yu, those warriors who entered the Seven Star Ancient Pagoda all appeared in this square.

"what happened?"

"Here... seems to be the exit of the Seven Star Ancient Pagoda?"

"No way, didn't you say that you have three days to explore?"

"That's right, it's only a day or so."

Those young Tianjiao who were sent out inexplicably were all confused and talked a lot.

Qin Yu's expression moved slightly, but he understood the reason, most likely, it was because he took away the Seven Star Ancient Pagoda.

"It's time to withdraw."

With a thought in Qin Yu's mind, a golden light flashed across the sky, and the skeleton of the Martial Saint flew towards him.

"Flew over there!"

"Get out of here!"

"Don't try to run!"

But accompanied by the bones of the Martial Saints, there were also those eight aggressive young Martial Kings.

"That's... Chi Changhong, the eldest son of Chiyun County Prince's Mansion!"

"It is rumored that the son of Chi Changhong has awakened the fourth-grade Tianmai. Even if you look at the entire Baizhan Dynasty, he is an extremely rare son of heaven!"

"It's strange, how could that boy be targeted by Prince Chi Changhong, whose cultivation base is only at the Earth Martial Realm!"

Those young geniuses around, even the Tianjiao of the Martial King Realm, looked over curiously.

"Boy, hand over the treasures of the Seven Star Pagoda yourself, otherwise, you won't be able to get out alive."

After the eight members of Chi Changhong appeared, they immediately split up and surrounded Qin Yu.

"Could it be that the treasure of the Seven Star Ancient Pagoda was taken by him?"

"No way, how could he pass the examination of the Seven Star Ancient Pagoda with a mere Earth Martial Realm?"

"Look at that golden skeleton, it's a puppet, and it has the cultivation of a seventh-rank Martial King!"

"Could it be that he broke into the seventh floor with that golden skeleton?"

Hearing Chi Changhong's words, the young Tianjiao who were watching all around became commotion.

A series of greedy and fiery eyes fell on Qin Yu.

As the geniuses of the young generation of the Baizhan Dynasty, they naturally don't pay attention to mere martial arts.

If it weren't for Chi Changhong and others from Chiyun County Wangfu, they couldn't help but take action to snatch it.

"If you want to keep me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Although surrounded by many enemies, Qin Yu's expression was indifferent, without any emotion.

 During the new book period, I urgently need recommendations and collections, please bookmark them after reading, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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