Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 458: God Formation Destroyed!

Chapter 458: God Formation Destroyed! (third change)
"Let me see!"

Elder Pang quickly squatted down, the power of Taoism was surging, and he felt it carefully.

But after a while, Elder Pang raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Yu in doubt, but he didn't notice anything.


Qin Yu didn't talk nonsense, and directly used the technique of escaping from the ground to sneak into the underground of the teleportation hall.

When Elder Pang saw this, his figure flickered, and he followed closely into the underground of the teleportation hall.

After a few breaths of time, they escaped into the bottom of the teleportation hall, extremely deep.

I saw that in the ground, buried an ancient mysterious, extremely profound divine power fluctuations.

This wave of divine power was far different from the ancient divine power refined and suppressed by Qin Yu.

"Has the study of the ancient divine power by the demons outside the territory been able to be used to such an extent?"

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul spoke in surprise.

To be able to integrate the ancient divine power into the array patterns is definitely not a one-day study of the functions.

The ancient divine power action triggered by the demons outside the territory may have been planned for a long time.

"Ancient divine power? How can there be it here?"

Elder Pang was extremely shocked.

The ancient divine power obtained by the Tianhuang Palace was allocated by Shi Tiangang to the emperor's realm in the palace for refining in batches.

There shouldn't be any extra divine power to arrange this formation.

Furthermore, if this divine power formation is the chief culprit of affecting the teleportation formation of the Tianhuang Palace.

That's absolutely impossible, it was arranged by the warriors of the Emperor's Palace.

Who could it be?

Could it be that in the emperor, besides the infiltration of demons from outside the territory, there are spies from other forces?
"No matter what, let's break it first and then talk!"

Qin Yu spoke.

The most important thing now is to restore the teleportation array of the Tianhuang Palace.

Otherwise, this huge Emperor's Palace will become a huge cage, and no one can escape.


Elder Pang came back to his senses and nodded.

But when he was about to do it.

A loud and earth-shattering bombing sound came from the ground of the Tianhuang Palace.

"This is……"

Qin Yu sensed it a little, and his face became serious.

"The Heavenly Emperor Palace's chaotic god array... has been broken!"

When Dragon Soul spoke, his voice was quite dignified.

"This is a big trouble!"

Elder Pang's face changed greatly, and he also sensed that the chaotic god formation was breached.

"Break through this divine power formation as quickly as possible!"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Yu had already disappeared.

"it is good!"

Elder Pang heard the words, without any hesitation, he immediately started to crack the divine power formation.

"This kid!"

But at the next moment, Elder Pang was startled, and looked up at Qin Yu, who had long since disappeared.

At that moment just now, the majesty contained in Qin Yu's voice actually made him subconsciously act according to Qin Yu's words.

This surprised Elder Pang.

The majestic demeanor that Qin Yu exuded unintentionally just now was even stronger than Shi Tiangang, like a peerless powerhouse standing at the pinnacle.

Of course, with the present emergency.

He didn't have any extra thoughts, entangled in this issue, and started to arrange the killing array again.

At this time, the Heavenly Palace was empty.

A huge hole has appeared in the chaotic god formation that originally covered the entire Tianhuang Palace.

The place where the hole stood was the mysterious emperor in black.

Seeing that scene, Sun Guxing and other warriors from the Heavenly Palace turned pale and couldn't believe it.

"How is this possible? Who the hell is he?"

Sun Guxing stared blankly at the mysterious emperor in black.

Chaotic Heaven God Formation is the ancient God Formation left by the ancient Three Emperors, with the power of the Three Emperors integrated into it.

How could it be broken open within a few breaths of time.

This kind of thing has never happened in the history of the Emperor's Palace.

Even people from their Heavenly Palace couldn't do it.

"It was really successful!"

Offering sacrifices to the Evil God Dynasty and the Five Ghost Sect, the expression was ecstatic, like a pervert seeing a stripped beauty, all of them felt their blood swell.

If the protective array was broken, the Heavenly Emperor Palace would have no protective measures and could only be slaughtered by them.

"External Demon Race?"

Qin Yu, who had just escaped from the ground, saw the mysterious emperor in black, and his eyes flickered.

Although he didn't sense the devil energy from outside the territory, there was a subtle fluctuation of divine power emanating from the other party's body.

It is almost the same as the divine power formation at the bottom of the teleportation hall.

Don't think about it, the altar of divine power must have something to do with this person.

Therefore, nine out of ten this person is the disguise of an extraterrestrial demon race.

This time, the alliance between the Evil God Dynasty and the Five Ghost Sect really has something to do with the demons outside the territory.

"If you don't do it now, when will you wait?"

The mysterious man in black slowly backed away after breaking through the chaotic god formation.

Judging by his appearance, his qi and blood are weak and his momentum is disordered, as if he has paid a huge price.


The warriors of the Evil God Dynasty and the Five Ghost Sect instantly woke up from ecstasy when they heard the words of the mysterious man in black.

The power of Taoism that destroys the world, swept away like a world-destroying wave, and swarmed towards the hole in the divine formation.

The ferocity of the momentum is like a pack of hungry wolves rushing out, enough to tear apart all enemies in front of them.

"The power of the Three Emperors, chaos the world!"

Sun Guxing came back to his senses, without even thinking about it, he used the means he had always prepared.

In the depths of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, in a certain shrine, three streams of divine power as vast as the sea instantly merged into the three groups of divine light in the Chaotic God Formation.


There was a detonation sound, and a majestic figure appeared in each of the three groups of divine light.

That was obviously the manifestation of the three emperors in ancient times.

At the moment when the Three Sovereigns manifested their spirits, the ancient divine patterns in the Chaos Heavenly God Formation split apart and turned into streaks of divine light, filling the void of the entire Heavenly Emperor Palace.


Seeing this, the Dragon Soul let out a slight gasp, the chaotic god array actually contained the way of space.

At this moment, the entire void of the emperor has become a chaotic space.

Those who worshiped the evil gods and the five ghost sects rushed in like a tide.

Even if it is the top Emperor Senior Realm, it is like being trapped in a swamp, and there is no way to get out.

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the majestic figures of the Three Emperors manifested by the three statues seemed to come from the ancient times.

With invincible divine power, he came out with a sudden suppression.

The majestic three emperors' magical powers, like the boiling sea, blasted powerfully at the enemies who invaded the formation.

In the blink of an eye, the warriors of the two sects suffered heavy losses, countless Martial Emperors were killed, their flesh and blood flew, and their souls were scattered.

"Everyone, the protective array of the Heavenly Emperor Palace has been broken, and it will be destroyed today, let's go in together!"

Since the Jixie God Dynasty and the Five Ghost Sect came together to invade, they naturally prepared many means and took action with all their strength.

All kinds of divine weapons and ancient treasures were sacrificed to resist the attacks of Chaotic God Formation and the Three Emperors.

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

At this time, Tianhuanggong and others did not wait to watch the show.

The might of Chaotic God Formation is indeed very strong.

But now that there is a gap in the formation, it must be difficult to stop the two invading enemies.

Therefore, amidst Sun Guxing's roar, all the fighters from the Heavenly Palace who gathered came rushing forward with solemn expressions.

The first ones to rush out were naturally the hundreds of divine guards.

Their eyes were cold and murderous, without any emotional fluctuations, they shot straight into the sky.

Originally, in the Sacrificial Evil God Dynasty and the Five Ghost Sect, many fighters who seemed to be able to rush out of the martial arts were immediately attacked by destruction and were blasted into the chaotic god formation.

This violent war of destruction, which is related to the life and death of the Heavenly Palace, has finally officially broken out!

(End of this chapter)

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