Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 459: Behind the Scenes!

Chapter 459: Behind the Scenes! (first update)
"Ba Tian Huang Fist!"

"Light Dragon Seal!"

"Hunting Primordial Demon Breaker!"

"Soul Slashing Blade!"

"Fire silkworms burn the sea!"

In the void, a series of amazing supernatural powers and secret arts appeared one after another, erupting with terrifying power.

Although the number of people is at an absolute disadvantage.

But the Heavenly Emperor Palace relied on the power of the Chaotic God Formation and the phantom of the Three Sovereigns.

Instead, the two sects of warriors who joined the battlefield continuously were blocked within the range of the chaotic god formation.

So far, both sides have suffered heavy casualties, and both the Emperor Wu and the Emperor Zun have lost their lives one after another.

But the Heavenly Emperor's Palace did not allow a single enemy to rush into the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

"The situation is not good!"

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul carefully watched the battle situation.

Although the Tianhuang Palace temporarily resisted the people who worshiped the evil gods and the five ghosts.

But the difference in strength between the two sides is too great.

Especially under such a frenzied fight, both sides are extremely worn out.

Once Sun Guxing and the others were exhausted.

That is based on the combat power of other Martial Ancestors, Martial Gods, and Martial Saints in Tianhuang Palace.

It is impossible to stop the two warriors.

Qin Yu didn't participate in the battle, his eyes narrowed slightly.

His attention was not on the frantic fighting situation either.

Instead, he stared at it, and there was a strange flicker in the eyes of the broken Chaos God Formation.

"Once the Heavenly Palace is destroyed, a second plan can be prepared!"

Outside the chaotic god formation, the mysterious emperor in black whose aura had recovered a lot had a cold look in his eyes.

"It seems that the destruction of the Tianhuang Palace is only a matter of time."

In the void thousands of miles away from the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

Four figures sat cross-legged on top of the clouds, looking in the direction of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

Although they were separated by thousands of miles, the scene of frenzied fighting in the Heavenly Palace clearly appeared in their eyes.

"That guy, is the shadow demon family among the demons outside the territory?"

While watching the chaos in the Tianhuang Palace, among the four people, someone was also paying attention to the mysterious emperor in black.

"The demons outside the territory probably thought that we were unaware of their plan to infiltrate Tianyu.
I guess I'm already fantasizing about how to swallow our Tianyu Kyushu in one gulp. "

A dark-faced old man sneered sinisterly.

When the Tianhuang Palace is destroyed, the demons outside the territory will definitely be attacked by the evil gods.

The destruction of the two peaks and the turmoil in the four regions of Lingzhou will be extremely avoidable.

The demons from outside the territory will take the opportunity to disrupt the situation in other states, and then they will invade on a large scale.

At that time, even if it is impossible to swallow the entire Tianyu, most of them will definitely fall into the hands of the demons outside the territory.

It's a pity that the plan of the demons outside the territory is quite perfect.

But I don't want to, there are already hunters in the dark, staring at them!

"Hehe, if they know, the divine power restriction they left in the Heavenly Palace,
It's the banning effect that we only had after we improved it. I don't know how you would feel about it? "

A fat man with a round face also said with a smile.

If Qin Yu heard what they said, he would be extremely shocked.

Qin Yu always thought that the divine power formation was set up by demons from outside the territory.

But he didn't expect that there would be warriors from Tianyu who would act behind the scenes in this matter.

Doesn't this mean that Tianyu Jiuzhou has long been powerful and can control ancient divine power.

Even in terms of the degree of control, is it no longer under the demons outside the territory?

The muddy water in the sky and beyond seems to be getting muddier.

No one knows, is there any beast hidden under the water?
"However, with this plan to exterminate demons, I am afraid that countless people will die because of it."

A young man holding an ancient fan sighed softly.

Nowadays, the turmoil in the Tianyu Kyushu alone has caused countless warriors to die.

Once the demons from outside the territory invaded and attacked, it would be a real disaster.

"In this world, you will pay for everything, although this plan is very risky,

But if it succeeds, the threat from the demons outside the territory can be resolved once and for all.

The move of the seven ancient emperors was for the future of the entire Tianyu, and people of later generations will understand and praise it! "

A woman in blue with cold eyes spoke.

"Yes, if you want to completely injure or even destroy the demons outside the territory, such sacrifices are completely worth paying."

The black-faced old man and the round-faced fat man also nodded in agreement.

While the four were talking, the battle at the Emperor's Palace had come to an end.

Those who offered sacrifices to the Evil God Dynasty and the Five Ghost Sect had already broken through the blockade of Sun Guxing and others, and rushed into the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

situation.There was an immediate change.

"Let's go, the overall situation is settled!"

Among the four people, the black-faced old man got up and prepared to leave upon seeing this.

The fat man with the round face and the woman in the blue shirt also turned around one after another.


But suddenly, the young man with the ancient fan seemed to have discovered something, and gasped slightly.

The other three people patrolled the sound, looked back at the past, and couldn't help but concentrate their eyes.

"How could this be?"

At this time, the Emperor of the Shadow Demon Race of the Demon Race outside the Territory also showed astonishment in his cold and indifferent eyes.

Back in time a little...

The Heavenly Palace was empty, and the crazy battle became more and more fierce.

One by one, the warriors turned into corpses, and the corpses turned into blood and pieces of flesh.

There are no bones left, and the soul is scattered.

Now, the disadvantage of Tianhuang Palace has become more and more obvious, and all lines of defense have become faintly unstable.

Sun Guxing, who was in charge of the overall situation, was confronted by the three top emperors including the fierce tiger emperor.

Even though Sun Guxing has extremely mysterious divination secrets and the help of Chaos Heavenly God Formation.

In the hands of the three top emperors, they were still defeated steadily.

Not to mention going to help other places in the Tianhuang Palace, even if it is to protect oneself, it is somewhat difficult to do.

"The Heavenly Palace is finished, it's time to withdraw!"

Seeing this, Dragon Soul said to Qin Yu.

Now, either enter the ancestral realm of the Tianhuang Palace and wait for Shi Tiangang and others to come.

Either take the opportunity to leave the Emperor's Palace and avoid this disaster.

Because of the situation in front of him, Qin Yu couldn't intervene at all.

Even if you go all out and expose your cards, it is impossible to turn the situation around.

So no matter which one you choose, you have to withdraw and retreat.

"Not necessarily!"

Qin Yu, who had been sizing up the Chaotic God Formation, had a smile on his lips when he heard this.

"What do you mean?"

Dragon Soul was slightly stunned, some did not understand the meaning of Qin Yu's words.

Could it be that Qin Yu would still intervene in this situation?Out of your mind?

"The meaning is very simple, I want to help the Emperor's Palace to get through this hurdle."

Qin Yu spoke slowly.

Now not only Lingzhou, but even the entire Tianyu is in turmoil.

If this continues, there is no doubt that Tianyu will enter an era of riots next.

At this time, Qin Yu felt that instead of leaving and wandering alone, it was a clear decision to stay in the Tianhuang Palace.

If an era is rioting, no one can survive alone.

Unless he chooses to escape into those broken continents and hide himself out of the world, but that is not what Qin Yu wants.

He needs to get stronger as soon as possible and keep getting stronger.

His current strength has reached the seventh rank Emperor Zun.

The next thing to do is to find the Dragon Clan again and completely advance to the Emperor Senior Realm.

Then, naturally, revenge was completely launched.

So, he has to go up the stream.
Not only to protect yourself from the coming turmoil, but also to seize the opportunity to become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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