Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 48 Promotion, Tianwu Realm!

Chapter 48 Promotion, Tianwu Realm! (New book for collection)

Seeing the blue-robed man who appeared, Xing Yufeng, who had a face full of fear, immediately went up to him.

This person is indeed the Lord of Tianxing County, the King of Tianxing County!

He is also the only Martial Master in Tianxing County!
"How is this going?"

The king of Tianxing County, who had just left the customs, saw the dismembered corpses in that place, his face suddenly darkened, and a terrifying pressure enveloped the entire city of Tianxing County.

The warriors in the city were terrified, as if they were being targeted by peerless beasts.

Seeing this, Xing Yufeng immediately told the matter,

Before he finished listening, the King of Tianxing County had a gloomy expression, his killing intent permeated, and the majestic soul power swept away. Immediately, a gust of wind flashed, and he rushed to the outside of Tianxing County at a very high speed.

That direction was surprisingly the direction Qin Yu was fleeing from.

Xing Yufeng and other warriors from Tianxing County Prince's Mansion all rushed away through the wind.

Those warriors who were watching also followed one after another.

But when Xing Yufeng and others caught up with Tianxing County King, they saw Tianxing County King standing on a mountain peak, standing still, with a rather ugly expression on his face.

I saw that on the top of the mountain, there was a mysterious and complicated formation on a huge boulder clearing.

There are warriors who are proficient in formations, and they can tell at a glance that it is a teleportation formation.

But looking at the collapse of the teleportation pattern, it is obvious that it can no longer be used.

What a deep city!
Seeing this, the chasing warriors couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts.

This is the backhand who has been prepared to escape long ago, making it impossible for the Tianxing County Prince's Mansion to hunt down and kill him.

"Whoever issues an arrest warrant and gets his head, I will offer a reward of tens of millions of spirit stones!"

The bone-chilling words came from the mouth of King Tianxing.

Xiao Shizi was killed, the treasure of the Seven Star Pagoda was taken away, and the murderer was allowed to walk away unharmed.

It can be said that Tianxing County Prince's Mansion has lost all face this time.

In just a few hours, Qin Yu's disguised appearance and characteristics were completely spread throughout the Baizhan Dynasty.

Another half a day later, Chiyun County Prince's Mansion, whose strength was even higher than Tianxing County's Prince's Mansion, also issued a warrant for Qin Yu's arrest.

This caused Qin Yu, who was only at the peak of the Earth Martial Realm, to be widely circulated in the Baizhan Dynasty, and various rumors emerged endlessly.

Even the surrounding dynasties have heard of Qin Yu's deeds.

But unfortunately, Qin Yu himself has completely disappeared since then, and has never appeared again.


Half a month later, Zhenwu Dynasty, border.

In a hidden cave, Qin Yu, who was sitting cross-legged quietly with his hands in seals, suddenly had a saber-like energy sweeping away.


The cave shook violently, and cracks appeared on the mountain wall.

The next moment, Qin Yu's body was boiling with energy and blood, and a huge dragon of energy and blood was vaguely gathered behind him, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a silent roar, exuding the supreme dragon power!

"Heaven Martial Realm!"

Qin Yu opened his eyes, and there was a golden dragon shadow in his eyes, which disappeared in a flash.

After half a month of retreat, Qin Yu finally refined the true energy in his whole body into true energy.

Qin Yu opened his five fingers, and in his palm, Zhanlong Zhenyuan emerged.

But in Qin Yu's true essence, there was a dark force.

This is Qin Yu's dark devouring attribute.

As he entered the Heaven Martial Realm, Qin Yu's power of the Darkness Devouring attribute became stronger and stronger.

If someone at the same level of Tianwu Realm fights against him, most of his true energy will be swallowed up.

During the transformation of cultivation base, the dragon blood awakened in Qin Yu's body also undergoes considerable changes, and it is continuously integrated into the flesh and bones, making the dragon blood energy on his body stronger and stronger.

"Almost, it's time to go back to the Holy Court!"

Calculating the time, it has been more than a month since I came out to perform the task of the Holy Court.

After leaving the cave, Qin Yu left the barren mountain and walked towards Zhenwu Imperial City.

In order to prevent being traced, after Qin Yu teleported away from Tianxing County, he did not leave from the Shadow Moon Mountain Range, but bypassed the Shadow Moon Mountain Range and hid in this border barren mountain.

Two days later, Qin Yu, who was on his way, suddenly heard a shocking bombing sound from a distant land.

Qin Yu stopped slightly, took out the skeleton of the Martial Saint, flew into the air, and looked into the distance.

On the land in the distance, billows of smoke rose into the sky, and countless flames scattered like fireworks.


Qin Yu's eyes lit up.

"Good luck!"

Dragon Soul grinned.

Qin Yu's fire and thunder dragon body needs to be tempered by flames and thunder.

Encountering a volcanic eruption this time is a good opportunity to temper.

Immediately, Qin Yu leaped to the ground, put away the bones of the ancient sage, and quickly leaped into the distance.

This Martial Saint skeleton was seen by many warriors when he was in Tianxing County.

Although now, he has returned to the territory of the Zhenwu Dynasty, but Qin Yu still won't use it easily.

If Tianxing County Palace and Chiyun County Palace know his true identity, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

It's no joke that there are two county palaces with Wu Zun in charge.

Qin Yu, who cast Hundred Shadows Demon Trace at full speed, finally saw the gigantic volcano after running for more than an hour.

By this time, the volcano had subsided.

The volcano, with a radius of hundreds of miles, was erupted by lava and flint and turned into flaming ruins.

But to Qin Yu's surprise, there were many figures haunting those flame ruins areas, as if they were collecting flints.

After Qin Yu approached, he found that those haunting the flame ruins were ordinary people, only a few of them had cultivation bases, and there were even many old people and children among them.

Qin Yu glanced and recognized it.

These ragged people are all miners, and they are obviously looking for the volcanic ore that erupted with the lava.

Under the high temperature of those flaming ores, those miners were sweating profusely, and even many of them had obvious burn marks on their bodies.

But they didn't dare to stop at all, shuttled back and forth in those flame areas.

"Call me up, I will break the leg of anyone who misses a flintstone!"

"What are you doing slowly? A group of useless idiots who know how to eat every day..."

"Who dares to be lazy, see if I don't beat him to death...

A series of cursing voices appeared, and from time to time, accompanied by the whipping sound and painful wails, they continued to sound.

Qin Yu turned his head to look, and saw a few martial artists of the Xuanwu realm, holding long whips, walking back and forth among the miners, whipping those absentees severely from time to time.

Those absent from work basically have bloody whip wounds, even the elderly and children.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Qin Yu standing still, Dragon Soul asked with some doubts.


Qin Yu came back to his senses, wiped away the memories of his childhood in his previous life, looked away, and planned to climb the volcano.

But at this time, a rickety, withered old man accidentally fell to the ground while carrying a basket of flame ores on his back, and the ores in the basket were scattered all over the ground.

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(End of this chapter)

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