Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 49 Fire Cloud City, Lei Family!

Chapter 49 Fire Cloud City, Lei Family!

"Damn old thing, it's your fault again, today I must beat you to death."

Seeing this, a supervisor at the Xuanwu Realm immediately walked over viciously, whipped out a long whip, and beat him directly to death.

The old man howled in pain and rolled back and forth on the ground.


"Don't hit my grandpa!"

At this time, two anxious voices appeared.

I saw two thin figures, quickly dropped the ore in their hands, and ran over quickly with crying sounds.

Those two figures were a seven or eight-year-old boy and a little girl.

"What are you doing? You two little bastards want to rebel, don't you?"

The supervisor of the Xuanwu Realm saw the little boy and the little girl still running towards him, with murderous intent on his face:
"Since I'm getting impatient with life, then I will fulfill you!"

As soon as the words fell, the whip in his hand surged with true energy, like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole, it cunningly rushed towards the two children.

Judging by the power of the long whip, if he was hit, he would definitely die.

"do not come!"

The old man covered in scars wanted to stop him, but he couldn't even stand up.

He could only look at the true energy whip, getting closer and closer to the two children.

Seeing this, the other basalt realms clasped their arms around their chests, looking like they were watching a good show.

call out!
Seeing that the long whip of true energy was about to hit the two children.

A sharp piercing sound sounded, and a small stone hit the long whip directly, deflecting the long whip's attack.

"who is it?"

The Xuanwu Realm was startled, and then became furious. After sweeping the surrounding warriors with murderous intent, he finally landed on Qin Yu.

"Little bastard, you made the sneak attack just now?"

That Xuanwu Realm's face was extremely gloomy, and he stared at Qin Yu with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing this, the other supervisors of the Xuanwu Realm gathered together with unkind expressions.

Qin Yu's eyes turned cold, and killing intent surged in his heart.

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul was a little surprised that Qin Yu actually wanted to kill, was it because of those two children?
"You don't know how to live or die, dare to sneak up on me, see if I don't beat you to death!"

The Xuanwu Realm who had been hit by the stone before had an extremely gloomy expression and a cold killing intent.

"Wait, Lei Ma, many of my miners have been beaten to death recently, I will ask him where he came from later, and arrest his whole family as miners!"

At this time, a strong Xuanwu Realm seemed to think of something, and said quickly.

"You don't take it easy. It's only been less than a month, and you have killed dozens of people. Be careful that you can't complete the task on time!"

A basalt martial artist laughed.

"Hey, they're just some untouchables. You can catch as many as you want. It doesn't matter if dozens of them are beaten to death. Our Lei family is now a relative of the emperor."

The burly basalt realm laughed, not taking the miner's life seriously at all.

"Don't worry, if you dare to sneak attack me and execute him Ling Chi, it's hard to understand that I only hate him, how could I let him die so easily."

That basalt realm had an even more ferocious look on his face.

call out!
Before the words fell, the whip in the palm of the Xuanwu Realm was covered with true energy, like a sharp arrow piercing the air, with a sharp and ear-piercing sound, it slammed towards Qin Yu's head.

When those miners saw this, they turned their heads away with unbearable faces.

They have seen many times, the scene where the head was blown off by the whip of the Xuanwu Realm, that young man, I am afraid that he will die.

There was a crackling sound, but the scene where Qin Yu's head was blown out did not appear as everyone expected.

I saw that the whip of true essence exploded suddenly when it was about to hit Qin Yu.

"what happened?"

The Xuanwu Realm with the whip in his hand stared blankly at Qin Yu.

The other supervisors of the Xuanwu Realm also failed to react.

At this time, Qin Yu made a move, and simply stretched out his hand towards the supervisor at the Xuanwu Realm, a streak of pale black true essence flashed across the void, and penetrated into the body of the Xuanwu Realm.

"What is this? Ah!! It me..."

The basalt realm body trembled, and then suddenly let out a miserable howl, and at this moment, the whole person became extremely red.

Under his skin, there seemed to be countless insects crawling, and his face became hideous and distorted.

His hands continued to scratch hard at his face, as if trying to grab the contents of his body, but only a bloody bloodstain remained.

"You...what did you do to him?"

The complexions of those in the Xuanwu realm suddenly changed, and they looked at Qin Yu in horror.

Originally thought that Qin Yu was just an ordinary boy and could only be dealt with by them.

But looking at it now, this handsome young man with sharp eyes may not be as simple as he seems.

"He wanted to put me to death, so I made his life worse than death, that's all."

Qin Yu's voice was indifferent.

"Do you know who we are? We are members of the Lei family in Huoyun City. My eldest lady is the concubine who married the second prince. If you dare to kill members of our Lei family, you will be punished by the nine clans. "

That burly basalt realm, with chills in his back, could tell how much pain Li Ma was enduring just by hearing Li Ma's shrill sound.

"The Lei Family of Fire Cloud City? The Second Prince? I haven't heard of it, but what you said made me very uncomfortable."

With a flick of Qin Yu's finger, a streak of pale black true essence also penetrated into the body of the burly Xuanwu Realm,

Immediately, that burly Xuanwu-level figure crawled like a worm, and howled pitifully and resounded through the sky.

"No, let's go!"

Seeing this, the other Xuanwu Realm's expressions changed again and they ran away immediately.

No matter how blind they were, they knew that Qin Yu's strength far surpassed them.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to flick your fingers, and two Xuanwu realms would be abolished.

The supervisors at the Xuanwu realm had just set off, and the power of true essence pierced through the void, ending their lives on the spot.

"What a powerful strength!"

Those miners who originally thought that Qin Yu would surely die were all stunned.

To move his fingers, to kill those fierce and brutal supervisors in the Xuanwu realm?

"Big brother, thank you!"

The little boy and the little girl helped the old man up, and there was longing in their clear eyes.

"There is some money here, you take it, and leave this place as soon as possible."

Qin Yu moved his finger, and a small money appeared.

Once these supervisors die, the Lei family behind them will definitely not let it go.

The other miners might be able to avoid a catastrophe, but the three old men may not escape a catastrophe.

"And you, if anyone is looking into this matter, tell them that the murderer was Qin Yu from the Qin family in Longling City!"

Qin Yu spoke to those miners who were still in a daze, and then walked towards the volcano that emitted astonishing fire patterns.

Although the Lei family in Huoyun City seems to have some relationship with the royal family, but in Longling City, Master Gu Yuan is in charge, and Qin Yu is not worried about the safety of the Qin family at all.

"Are you a little weird?"

Dragon Soul asked Qin Yu in great surprise.

In his impression, Qin Yu never meddles in other people's business.

But today, because of these miners, he has the intention to kill, which is simply too abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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