Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 5 Zhenwu 5 heavy!

Chapter 5: Five Realms of True Martial Arts!

Chapter 5: Five Realms of True Martial Arts!
"Finally awake!"

The huge ancient dragon spit out human words with a crisp voice, like a young man.

"Dragon Soul, why did you fall into a deep sleep?"

Qin Yu looked at the dragon soul that was gradually returning to life, and asked.

"Of course it's thanks to your good brother. I said at the beginning, don't trust him too much."

Dragon Soul gritted his teeth, he almost died in Xing Luo's hands.

"He found you from the endless void?"

Qin Yu's eyebrows moved slightly.


Dragon Soul nodded.

"How did you get away?"

Although the strength of the Dragon Soul was not bad at its peak, it was still not comparable to the Great Emperor.

Not to mention, it is Xing Luo who has already reached the position of emperor.

"Fortunately, Fairy Xuelan rushed over in time and helped me block the Dragon Emperor."

Dragon Soul said: "Otherwise, I won't fall into a deep sleep, but my soul will be completely dispersed."


Qin Yu was stunned, and a graceful and graceful figure appeared in his mind!

Fairy Xuelan, one of the great emperors of the Tianyu, her origin is a mystery.

Because Qin Yu saved her life, she has always followed Qin Yu's side, and is Qin Yu's only confidante!
It's a pity that in his previous life, Qin Yu devoted himself to pursuing the peak of the strongest martial arts, and never responded to Fairy Xuelan's wishes.

"Fairy Xuelan asked me to bring you something, she said..."

Dragon Soul said: "Even if I travel all over the nine heavens and ten places, I will find you back!"

Qin Yu's mind was shocked, his expression moved.

It was only at this moment that Qin Yu realized that Fairy Xuelan had left an indelible mark in his heart before he knew it.

"Fairy Xuelan seems very sure that you are not dead, did you tell her about the elixir of reincarnation?"

After finishing speaking, Dragon Soul said with some doubts.

"The elixir of reincarnation, only you and I know."

Qin Yu shook his head slightly.

"That's weird, even Xing Luo thought you were dead, and made me submit to him."

Dragon Soul was even more puzzled.

"Perhaps, it has something to do with Fairy Xuelan's origin."

Qin Yu pondered slightly, even he didn't know the origin of Fairy Xuelan.

"Forget it, let's talk about these things later."

After the matter was clarified, Qin Yu didn't talk nonsense anymore, and immediately performed the Immemorial Dragon Battle Art.

High and high...

Accompanied by the sound of billions of dragons chanting, overwhelming dragon energy poured into Qin Yu's body from the ancient seal of the dragon god.

Qin Yu's virtual dragon pulse surged, and the true energy in his body surged wildly.

"Hey, why don't you condense the dragon veins?"

The dragon soul noticed that Qin Yu's body was the virtual dragon vein, and couldn't help saying in surprise.

You know, after condensing the dragon veins, branch dragon veins can be derived, up to 99 branches can be derived.

In other words, the speed of practice can be increased by 99 times!
"The martial arteries have been taken away."

Qin Yu directly threw the memory of this life to Dragon Soul.

"I didn't expect that the famous Dragon God Emperor would almost die in the hands of a woman in this life."

Dragon Soul grinned.

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly refine the dragon blood in the blood of the red thunder python, and then feel it carefully to see where there is a monster blood that contains dragon blood."

Qin Yu said.

"It turned out to be the bloodline branch of the Desolate Thunder Dragon. This is too bad. Back then, I didn't even look at the dragon bloodlines below the holy grade."

Dragon Soul looked disgusted.

"Right now, I only have the cultivation base of the True Martial Realm, and anyone who comes to the Heaven Martial Realm can destroy us."

Qin Yu said: "If you don't want to die, quickly refine your blood and restore your cultivation."

"I didn't expect that my majestic ancient god dragon soul would be reduced to this level."

Dragon Soul had the tone of a tiger falling into the sky and being bullied by a dog.

However, he did not hesitate, and immediately refined the power of the blood that had been integrated into his body.

With the operation of the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art, Qin Yu's cultivation level increased rapidly.

A quarter of an hour later, the vortex of true energy in Qin Yu's dantian doubled in size, his cultivation level broke through, and he reached the second level of true martial arts!

Half an hour later, Qin Yu's whole body burst into momentum, his cultivation level broke through again, and he reached the third level of True Martial Realm!

An hour later, the Dragon Qi loomed on Qin Yu's body, lingering around him, and his cultivation had advanced to the fourth level of the True Martial Realm!

"Break it for me!"

Two hours later, Qin Yu let out a low shout, and the vortex of true energy expanded again, reaching the fifth level of True Martial Realm!

After the dragon energy was exhausted, Qin Yu's cultivation stopped at the fifth level of the True Martial Realm!

"Dragon blood is boiling!"

"Eight Desolation Thunder Seal!"

In Qin Yu's mind, there were two more secret methods, which were the innate secret methods of the Scarlet Blood Thunder Python.

The dragon's blood is boiling to burn the dragon's blood to enhance the combat effectiveness.

The Eight Desolation Thunder Seal uses the power of thunder to condense the Dragon Seal to suppress the Eight Desolation.

According to preliminary estimates, these two innate secret arts should be equivalent to martial arts of the eighth rank of Xuan rank.

Martial arts skills, from weak to strong, are divided into yellow rank, mysterious rank, earth rank, heaven rank and so on.

Each level is divided into nine grades, which is similar to the division of martial arts realm.

"Only equivalent to a martial skill of the Xuan rank, the dragon's blood power contained in the Scarlet Blood Thunder Python is indeed very weak!"

For these two supernatural powers, Qin Yu didn't take a fancy to them.

There are countless supernatural powers and secret methods he cultivated in his previous life, and any one of them is far superior to these two.

Of course, he can't display those powerful and powerful martial arts now.

These two secret methods are just in handy at the moment.

"I sense it."

At this moment, the voice of Dragon Soul's surprise came from the ancient seal of Dragon God.

"So fast? What kind of dragon blood?"

Qin Yu's eyes lit up. As expected, Dragon Soul is good at sensing dragon blood.

"It's not dragon blood, but dragon veins!"

Dragon Soul said: "It's in this city."

"Dragon veins? Dragon Spirit City, do you have dragon veins?"

After Qin Yu felt it carefully, he asked strangely, "Isn't that right, why can't I perceive the dragon's veins?"

"That's because someone has detained the dragon vein."

The dragon soul grinned, the original dragon energy bred in the dragon veins is a great tonic.


Qin Yu was quite surprised that the most powerful person in Longling City was Shang Lingfeng.

But Shang Lingfeng's cultivation is only at the Tianwu realm.

As for the black-clothed old man in the Baiwu County Prince's Mansion, even though his cultivation had surpassed the Heavenly Martial Realm, his cultivation was still a little bit short if he wanted to detain the dragon's veins.

Who will it be?
"Go and see if you don't know."

Dragon Soul couldn't wait.

"That's right, but just in case, let's unseal Jade Immortals first."

Qin Yu thought for a while, his consciousness entered the ancient seal of the dragon god, and appeared in front of an altar.

On the altar, there is an ancient picture sealed.

On the ancient map, it can be seen that there are three extremely mysterious magic circles.

The Primordial Dragon Battle, the Ancient Seal of the Dragon God, and the Picture of Jade Immortals are the three most important treasures of Qin Yu.

The Primordial Dragon Fighting Art uses the devouring dragon's blood to evolve and practice.

The ancient seal of the dragon god is to suppress the dragon blood and disintegrate the supernatural power of the dragon blood.

The picture of Jade Immortals is a pure killing weapon. There are even rumors that the picture of Jade Immortals once killed real immortals!
In the picture of Zhuxian, there are three killing formations, namely Zhutian formation, Zhushen formation, and Zhuxian formation!

"Eight Seals of the Universe, Unseal!"

The mysterious imprint transformed by the eight dragon qi entered the ancient painting of Zhuxian, and released the seal of Zhutian Formation.

Chi Chi!

In the next moment, a killing intent soared to the sky, like an ancient beast coming out of its cage, raging in this vast void.

"With your current cultivation base, you can't bear the killing intent of Zhu Xiantu, and you will be set on fire by playing with fire."

Even the mighty Dragon Soul, before that killing intent, chose to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

"It shouldn't be a problem just to absorb a killing intent into the body."

Qin Yu's face was serious.

In the Tianzhu Formation, there are a total of 99 original killing intents, once released completely, it is enough to destroy the world.

Qin Yu also knew that unsealing the killing intent of Zhuxian Gutu was an extremely risky act.

But if he can absorb an original killing intent, then he will have the power to protect himself in this Baiwu County boundary.

No matter who the person who imprisoned the dragon veins is, they will definitely not be able to stop a killing intent attack from the Tianzhu Formation.

(End of this chapter)

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