Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 6 Provocative branch!

Chapter 6 Provocative branch!

After successfully absorbing a killing intent into his body, Qin Yu's consciousness returned to his body, with a smile on his face.

The direction sensed by the dragon veins is to the north of Longling City.

Qin Yu remembered that the north of the city was a free trade market.

Although the three major families have industries there, they are also a place where no one cares.

Therefore, there are many ghosts, monsters and snakes in the north of the city. Although there are guards from the city lord's mansion, riots often occur.

This is also the reason why Qin Yu decided to unseal the seal of Zhu Xian Tu and absorb the killing intent of Zhu Tian Formation into his body.

"Let's go, it's late, maybe the dragon veins will be discovered..."

"I don't know if this dragon vein is big or not. If it reaches the sky level, no, it is impossible to have a sky-level spirit vein in this remote place. It is estimated that the most spirit level..."

"The spirit level is not bad, if it is completely devoured, then I should be able to show it..."

Amid Dragon Soul's excited chatter, Qin Yu got up helplessly and left the house.

But just as he walked out of the attic where he lived, a group of people came towards him.

"Qin Yu!"

The leader was a young man around sixteen with gloomy eyes.

When he saw Qin Yu, he was slightly taken aback, then a sneer appeared on his face.

"Qin Yue!"

After Qin Yu glanced at the young man, he remembered.

His name is Qin Yue, and he is the grandson of the elder of the branch of the Qin family.

Qin Yue is sixteen years old this year, and his cultivation is at the eighth level of the True Martial Realm. Among the younger generation, he is considered to have outstanding aptitude.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to really wake up. Just in time, we should settle our account."

Qin Yue walked over, folded his arms around his chest, with a sneer on his face, and squinted at Qin Yu with malicious intent.

If it was two years ago, he would never have dared to put on such a gesture in front of Qin Yu.

But now, Qin Yu's martial veins have been taken away, and his cultivation has been completely lost, so he naturally doesn't have to be afraid anymore.

He must give back to Qin Yu ten times the hatred that Qin Yu beat up at the beginning.

"Looking for me to settle accounts? You are quite courageous!"

Qin Yu chuckled lightly.

"A group of ants in the real martial arts realm dare to be arrogant in front of us and destroy them!"

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the dragon soul, who was concerned about the dragon's veins, opened his mouth fiercely, overflowing with murderous aura.

"Qin Yue, people from your branch came to our direct descendant's territory, do you want to find trouble?"

At this time, young figures appeared in the surrounding attics.

The one who spoke was a young man about the same age as Qin Yu, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a strong body.

The burly young man is called Qin Shan, the son of Qin Tianhu, who is just fifteen this year.

He and Qin Yu grew up together and were like brothers. Now that Qin Yu was in trouble, he naturally stood up.

As for the other teenagers, it was because of their identities as members of the direct lineage.

In the Qin family, there are direct line members and branch line members.

Qin Yu and Qin Yu are the clansmen of the direct line.

The Qin family has a history of hundreds of years, and the position of the head of the family is always held by a member of the direct lineage.

The branch people have always played the role of assistants.

But in recent years, many outstanding clansmen in the direct line have encountered accidents one after another.

Among them, the disappearance of Qin Yu's father and the seizure of Qin Yu's martial arteries dealt the greatest blow to the direct line.

On the other hand, in the branch line, outstanding seedlings are constantly emerging.

Under the ebb and flow, the power of the branch is now able to compete with the direct line.

"Qin Shan, this is a personal grievance between me and Qin Yu, you shouldn't get involved."

Qin Yue clenched his fists and sneered.

Qin Shan only had the sixth level of True Martial Realm, and there was a difference of two levels, so Qin Yu naturally didn't take it seriously.

"With us here, you don't want to touch Brother Qin Yu today."

Qin Shan stood in front of Qin Yu.

"Why, it's only been a few days, and you have forgotten the lesson from last time?"

Qin Yue laughed wildly, his face full of sarcasm and contempt, and all the followers also laughed out loud.

Qin Shan and other youngsters from the direct line had an uneasy expression on their faces.

The disputes between the direct line and the branch line have become more and more obvious, and the younger generations of the family naturally have conflicts.

It's a pity that among the current juniors of the direct line, they are completely suppressed by the branch line.

Some time ago, they had a conflict with Qin Shan and others, and they were severely beaten.

"Brother Qin Yu is the Young Patriarch, do you know what punishment will be given to the Young Patriarch?"

A direct descendant boy shouted sharply.

"Young Patriarch? Hahaha, a waste who doesn't even have martial arteries and can no longer cultivate, what qualifications does he have to be the Young Patriarch?"

Qin Yue and the others laughed wildly.

"Whether you are qualified or not is not up to you to decide."

The boy said angrily.

"I can't decide, but don't forget, the elders can decide."

Qin Yue's eyes fell on Qin Yu, and he smiled strangely: "Unfortunately, some time ago, the elders' council had decided that five days later, at Qin Yu's coming-of-age ceremony, he would abolish his position as the Young Patriarch."

Qin Yu was abolished, so among the genius disciples of the younger generation of the Qin family, those who are qualified to be the young Patriarch are naturally their branch.

In fact, as early as two years ago, when Qin Yu's martial arts disappeared, Zhimai and others had already prepared this plan.

Now that Qin Yu was awake, they took advantage of Qin Yu's coming-of-age ceremony to finalize the matter.

"Impossible! My father won't agree!"

Qin Shan's expression changed.

"Hey, the family is not run by the head of the family alone."

Qin Yue smiled coldly and took a step forward, exuding the domineering aura of the eighth level of the true martial arts realm.

"I'll say it one last time, get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

As soon as Qin Yue's words fell, those branch clansmen behind him also geared up.

"Qin Yue, with your strength, who can you be rude to?"

With a chuckle, Qin Yu pulled Qin Shan away who was about to strike, and looked at Qin Yue with cold eyes.

The dragon soul is easy to kill, and Qin Yu, as the master, has a bad temper, so naturally he will not tolerate Qin Yu and others pushing their noses in the face like this.

"Things who don't know how to live or die, do you still think that you are a former genius?"

Qin Yue let out a smirk, and punched Qin Yu with a punch. The strength of the fist swept across, and the power of the punch was strong.

But just as Qin Yue rushed out, he felt a dark shadow in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a crisp slap sound appeared, and Qin Yue was sent flying tens of meters, his left cheek was bruised and swollen.

"No way……"

At this scene, whether it was Qin Shan and other direct descendant youths, or those branch clan youths, they were dumbfounded.

Isn't it rumored that Qin Yu was abolished because of his martial arteries, and his cultivation was exhausted?
How come, now, he can shoot Qin Yue, who is at the eighth level of True Martial Realm, with one move?

"what happened?"

Even Qin Yue's eyes were blurred. Qin Yu's moves were so fast that he couldn't see them clearly.

But soon, the sharp pain from the left cheek brought Qin Yue back to his senses.

"Damn little bastard!"

Qin Yue's eyes were red with hatred, and regardless of his injuries, he turned over and stood up.

With a leap of his body, he soared into the air, spanning more than ten meters, with his hands forming claws, like an eagle preying on prey, he ruthlessly grabbed at Qin Yu.

With one attack, there was even a faint sound of air tearing.

Huang-rank eighth-rank martial art, Iron Eagle Broken Empty Claw!

(End of this chapter)

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