Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 619 The battle is over!

Chapter 619 The battle is over!

"Who exactly are you?"

The Gorefiend looked at the person who was located on the tip of the ancient pagoda and who looked exactly like Qin Yu in his previous life, with extremely dignified eyes.

Just now, the Gorefiend and the Rakshasa prince used ultimate moves to confront that man in order to compete for this divine tower.

But the destructive attacks of the two of them disappeared without a trace the instant they landed on that person.

He endured the destructive attacks of the two of them head-on, and he was unscathed.

Such means made the Gorefiend extremely horrified.

The horror this time was much stronger than the last time I saw it in Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

When he was in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, the Gorefiend was just a clone, but now, he is present in person.

Even though due to the suppression of Taoism in this world, the cultivation base cannot be fully exploded, but the combat power is enough to disdain the martial arts in this world.

Is this person in front of him really an ancient immortal who survived from the ancient immortal era?
One must know that even though the realm of martial arts in the Tianyu has completely fallen, if it was in the Immortal Ancient Period, it would be enough to rank among the top existences in the Tianyu.

If he really survived from Immortal Ancient, then this person is too terrifying.

"This is no longer the true essence of heaven? Could it be that this person..."

Prince Rakshasa, whose breath was a little messy, quietly used a secret technique to sense the fluctuations in the man, and a look of unconcealable shock appeared in his eyes.

It's not the true essence of heaven, nor the true essence of martial arts, so there is only one possibility...

"Based on your cultivation, you dare to get your hands on the Eastern Emperor Divine Pagoda. Those who don't know are really fearless!"

The man's indifferent eyes withdrew from the Gorefiend and Prince Rakshasa, and with a single finger, a circle of divine light appeared, covering the ancient pagoda, and then directly received it in his palm.

The Gorefiend and Prince Rakshasa didn't dare to move when they saw that scene, and they didn't dare to fight for it at all.

After taking away the Eastern Emperor Divine Tower, the man didn't attack the blood demon and the Rakshasa prince, but turned around and disappeared into the void in one step.

Following the disappearance of that person, both the Gorefiend and the Rakshasa prince were obviously relieved.

Although the man didn't attack them just now, just standing there made them feel endless pressure, as if the whole world would fall down.

hold head high!
After that person left, a few breaths later, a loud dragon chant sounded, and Xing Luo, transformed into an ancient mad dragon, appeared in front of Prince Raksha and transformed into his own body.

"What happened?"

Seeing Prince Rakshasa and Gorefiend with a strange atmosphere, Xing Luo had a strange sound transmission.

Prince Rakshasa and Gorefiend seemed to be less murderous than before, confronting each other, and they didn't know what happened.

But after the appearance of that person just now, the Gorefiend seemed to have lost the will to fight again. He glanced at Prince Rakshasa and Xingluo, turned into a bloody light, and disappeared into the sea of ​​devilish energy.

"The enchantment at the border outside the domain has been arranged, do you want to..."

Seeing this, Xing Luo immediately looked at Prince Luo Sha.

Although I don't know where the Gorefiend went, but he will definitely return to Tianyu, this is an excellent opportunity to ambush him.

"With our current strength, it is very difficult to win him, we have to re-plan."

Prince Raksha shook his head, the strength of the Gorefiend was no longer comparable to when he was separated.

What's more, Prince Luosha is now full of that person just now, and now he has no other thoughts to deal with the blood demon.

"By the way, why didn't you return to Tianyu?"

Prince Rakshasa reacted.

According to their plan, after Xing Luo set up an enchantment on the border, he should go back to Tianyu to find the Immortal King Token that was originally on the Blood Demon, but why did it appear here again.

"Something happened, so I went back to the outside world."

Regarding Qin Yu's possible resurrection, Xing Luo did not tell Prince Luo Cha.

"Let's go."

Prince Raksha didn't ask much.

Just now he had a battle with the Gorefiend and was suppressed by that mysterious man's power. He also needs to take a good rest.


Heavenly Demon Clan, Forbidden Land.

"This is……"

After the Eastern Emperor Divine Pagoda was taken away, the expressions of the demon kings who gathered were all lifted.

"The destructive wave that devoured the original magic vein disappeared?"

The former Heavenly Demon Emperor looked at the vortex that was bubbling with demonic energy, his eyes couldn't hide his excitement, and even his whole body was trembling.

The crisis of the demon race outside the territory is the depletion of the demon energy in the original demon vein.

But now, in the vortex of devilish energy, the original magic veins are rapidly condensing, and the destructive wave that swallowed the original magic veins before has also disappeared.

In this way, the crisis of their extraterritorial demons is tantamount to disappearing.

Therefore, the former Heavenly Demon Emperor had no interest in dealing with the Gorefiend and Rakshasa Prince who had escaped from the vortex of demonic energy one after another.

Immediately, the former Heavenly Demon Emperor and other emperors stood by the edge of the vortex of demon energy, waiting for the formation of the original demon vein.

This time, being plotted against by Tianyu Kyushu, the tribes outside the territory suffered heavy casualties.

As long as the original magic vein is formed, there is no need for them to invade the Kyushu of the Tianyu.


Seven days later, the invasion battle that swept across the Kyushu of the Tianyu and the demons outside the territory ended with the withdrawal of the demons from outside the territory.

The emperors of the Tianyu Kyushu did not order to hunt down and kill the demons outside the territory. This time, the combat power to massacre the demons outside the territory is enough to keep the demons outside the territory safe for a hundred years.

However, after the invasion battle ended, a piece of news spread at the speed of light in the Emperor Senior Realm of Kyushu in the Heavenly Domain.

Spirit King, die!
This news did not respond to ordinary warriors in Tianyu, but it was extremely shocking to those emperors, especially the ancient emperors of Zhongzhou.

Although they haven't found out yet, who are the brothers and sisters of the Jiang family who showed up behind the back of King Ling.

But confirming the news of King Ling's death means that the oath made with King Ling no longer has to be kept.

All of a sudden, the big forces in the eight states of Tianyu set their sights on Lingzhou.

For a long time, because of the Spirit King's oath, the forces in the eight states of Tianyu have been restrained by the ancient emperors of each state, and have not interfered with Lingzhou.

But now, with a state's resources in front of them, they naturally did not miss the opportunity.


Lingzhou, the Emperor's Palace.

"Unexpectedly, the Spirit King fell outside the territory!"

A look of sadness appeared on Shi Tiangang's face.

Originally, they thought that the power of blood in their bodies would be awakened, and the three empresses would all be promoted to the rank of Emperor Venerable, able to unify all the forces in Lingzhou, but they did not expect such a sudden change.

The news of King Ling's death had just spread, and the ancient emperor forces in the other eight states of Tianyu couldn't sit still one after another, and sent many strong men to station in Lingzhou.

Although there is no turmoil yet, the intention is already very obvious.

"Palace Master, we have to make plans early!"

In the temple, Sun Jiuxiao spoke to Shi Tiangang.

"Indeed, in this war, we showed our strength and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to establish our prestige and pave the way for the unification of Lingzhou in the future, but now, it has become the target of public criticism."

Sun Yunlang also spoke.

In this invasion battle, the strength displayed by the Tianhuang Palace shocked all the forces in Lingzhou. Naturally, the Tianhuang Palace also entered the eight states of the Tianyu, and those ancient and powerful forces were in sight.

Now, the situation facing the Tianhuang Palace is either to take refuge in other ancient emperor forces, or to fall into a situation of being besieged on all sides.

"It seems that the situation of the Emperor's Palace is not easy!"

At this moment, a flat voice suddenly appeared in the temple.

"This is……"

Hearing that voice, Shi Tiangang, Sun Jiuxiao and others changed their expressions and looked over.

(End of this chapter)

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