Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 620 Red Moon Emperor!

Chapter 620 Red Moon Emperor!

I saw a figure appearing at the entrance of the temple at some unknown time.

"It's you!?"

Seeing that person, Shi Tiangang and the others stood up abruptly.

That person was none other than Qin Yu.

"Long time no see, everyone!"

Qin Yu smiled lightly.

"Shen Feng, why are you here..."

Before Sun Yunlang finished speaking, his tone suddenly stopped, and an expression of extreme disbelief appeared in his eyes.

"Ancient Emperor... Realm!?"

"how can that be……"

Shi Tiangang and the others also noticed it instantly, and were extremely shocked.

Although they have suspected for a long time, Qin Yu may also be a reincarnation.

But he still didn't expect Qin Yu's cultivation to have such a terrifying improvement in the short time since he left the Tianhuang Palace.

You know, the Ancient Emperor Realm is the most top existence in today's Kyushu.

This is the realm that Shi Tiangang and others have always dreamed of stepping into.

"I came here this time to form an alliance with you!"

Qin Yu stepped into the temple, without any nonsense, straight to the point.

After returning from outside the territory, Qin Yu knew about the turmoil in Lingzhou.

Because of this, Qin Yu came directly to the Heavenly Emperor's Palace after inquiring about it.

Compared with other forces in Lingzhou, Qin Yu is still more familiar with the Tianhuang Palace.

This gave Qin Yu much confidence in carrying out his own plan.


Shi Tiangang came back to his senses, narrowing his eyes slightly: "Don't tell me you also want to meddle in Lingzhou's affairs?"

When Sun Jiuxiao and the other core three queens heard the words, they all looked at Qin Yu, and the atmosphere froze a bit.

"Why, do you think that with my strength, I am not qualified to intervene in Lingzhou?"

Qin Yu raised his eyelids, and the terrifying aura of the Ancient Emperor Realm swept over him.

Ding Ding Deng!
Even Shi Tiangang and the others who had stepped into the Saint-Rank Emperor Venerable were all shocked back and forth in front of that terrifying aura.

Although there is only a thin line of difference between the Saint Grade Emperor Zun and the Ancient Emperor Realm, there is almost a world of difference in strength.

"With Your Excellency's cultivation base, let alone Lingzhou, Tianyu Kyushu, any power in any state can intervene, but if Your Excellency wants to subdue us, then we will not sit still!"

The blood of the three emperors in Shi Tiangang's body was boiling, and his expression was extremely solemn.

Sun Jiuxiao and the others also reacted.

Standing in front of them now is no longer the former Shen Feng, but an ancient emperor who stands at the peak of Tianyu and has the power to crush them at any time.

"I think, I have made it very clear just now, I am here for the alliance,

Your Tianhuang Palace is now being targeted by many ancient emperor forces. If you do not have the support of the ancient emperor, then your consequences will either be to leave Lingzhou, or be wiped out.
I think, compared to other ancient emperors, the relationship between us should be relatively familiar. "

Qin Yu said lightly.

"Of course it is possible to form an alliance. However, with the current strength of my Heavenly Palace, it seems that I am not qualified to form an alliance with you. You must want our Heavenly Palace to do something?"

Shi Tiangang, Sun Jiuxiao and the others looked at each other and understood what Qin Yu said was true.

And the appearance of Qin Yu can be said to be a bright light for their Tianhuang Palace.

"It's natural. If I form an alliance with you for no reason, I'm afraid you won't feel at ease. In fact, my condition is very simple. This time, one of the ancient emperors who are trying to get involved in the Lingzhou structure is my enemy. I don't want him succeed."

The opponent Qin Yu mentioned refers to the nearest to Lingzhou, the ancient emperor of Nanzhou, Emperor Chiyue!

If it wasn't for Emperor Chiyue's intervention, Qin Yu wouldn't bother to pay attention to Lingzhou's affairs.

"Adversary? Ancient Emperor Realm?"

The corner of Shi Tiangang's eyes couldn't help but twitch, the opponent of the Ancient Emperor Realm, of course, only the Ancient Emperor Realm.

If it is other opponents, even the emperor of the holy rank, the ancient emperor realm can easily suppress and kill them.

"Of course it's the Ancient Emperor Realm. Don't worry, I won't let you deal with him. It's just that I need the help of your Heavenly Emperor Palace to hide my identity. After that, I will help you unify Lingzhou."

Qin Yu said slowly.

"Unify Lingzhou!"

When Shi Tiangang and the others heard this, their eyes were as bright as light, and their expressions were fiery.

To unify Lingzhou has been the ambition of the Emperor Palace for a long time.

It's a pity that in the past, it was always restricted by the blood of the Three Emperors, and now, other ancient emperors intervened, which caused the Heavenly Emperor's Palace to fail to meet the best time to rise.

Unifying Lingzhou has always been an unattainable dream. Now that Qin Yu mentions it like this, the ambition in their hearts is blazing.

"Now, to form an alliance or not to form an alliance, give me a letter of approval?"

Qin Yu didn't want to waste time.

All he needs is a force that does not reveal his identity temporarily.

Although Tianhuang Palace is the first choice, but if he is not willing, Qin Yu will go to other forces.

In today's turmoil in Lingzhou, where all forces are facing annexation or extinction, it is really not difficult for Qin Yu to find a puppet.


Without much consideration, Shi Tiangang nodded in agreement.

Their Heavenly Imperial Palace has been rooted in Lingzhou for countless years, and they are absolutely unwilling to leave Lingzhou unless it is a critical moment of life and death.

Although the alliance with Qin Yu this time is good or bad, it is a chance if the bet is right.

With the Heavenly Emperor Palace as the backing of the Ancient Emperor Realm, it is definitely possible to step into the ranks of the top forces in the Tianyu here.

"In that case, let me tell you about my plan."

Seeing this, Qin Yu revealed his plan.

Of the Twelve Ancient Emperors, two have already been removed, and Emperor Chiyue is Qin Yu's third target.

After killing the twelve ancient emperors one by one, Qin Yu can concentrate on dealing with Xingluo.

Immediately, a plan affecting the entire Lingzhou was formed in this temple.

Several hours later, the Heavenly Emperor Palace, which had been suppressed by various ancient emperors and remained silent, went against the norm and gathered a large number of masters in the palace, directly centering on the Heavenly Emperor Palace, and swept away in all directions.

The army of the Tianhuang Palace passed by, and if they refused to accept it, they would die.

In just three days, the northern region of Lingzhou, after experiencing the flames of war, completely fell into the hands of the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

The surviving forces are all subject to the Emperor's Palace.

For a while, the power of the Tianhuang Palace became a veritable giant in Lingzhou, and no power could touch the edge.

Therefore, all kinds of rumors about the Tianhuang Palace are also flying in the sky in Lingzhou.

Lingzhou, the Western Regions, and the ancient mountain world!
This is the location of Gu Yue Temple, a well-known power in the Western Regions of Lingzhou.

At present, among the major forces competing in Lingzhou, Gu Yuedian is also a force with great prestige.

Of course, it is still far from being able to compare with the rapidly expanding Emperor's Palace.

"Senior, the imperial palace has been expanding day by day today, and has already dominated the entire Northern Territory. Behind it, I am afraid that there is also the support of the Ancient Emperor Realm!"

In the center of the Ancient Moon Hall, in a splendid ancient hall, the owner of the Ancient Moon Hall, wearing a moon white robe, spoke respectfully to the person sitting cross-legged in the void.

The person sitting cross-legged in the void looks like a middle-aged man, dressed in ordinary clothes, and looks unattractive.

But this person is the well-known ancient emperor powerhouse in Nanzhou, Chiyue Emperor Zun!

(End of this chapter)

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